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Posts posted by vtimmy13

  1. at the bottom of someone's post there are two buttons, multiquote and quote. I've just been using quote because I can't seem to get multi to work. Anyways I just push quote and then it pops into the reply menu on the bottom. Have you tried doing that? I don't know how much more I could help though  :wacko: If that doesn't work maybe Robert or another administrator can chime in  :)

    it seems i have to start typing first

  2. Hi guys, you might not know alot about me but im 19 years old and can not afford the expensive rates of contract plans but am in love with new technology... I currently use a Virgin Mobile 35$ beyond talk plan with a Htc evo 3d (htc evo v 4g). Anyways really looking forward to buying a samsung galaxy S3 but i was wondering what is anybodys expierence with the other mvnos and can i get cheaper.. LIke i know republic wireless is dirt cheap... but its only phone is a old ass motorola 2.3 gingerbread



    So the point of this topic, is to discuss sprint prepaid carriers, or rumors of new devices, carriers, or plans! 

  3. Just a thought but will Network Vision and 4g come to grace sprint areas with just 2g or whatever Like Dunkirk and fredonia, ny .. No good 3g was one of the reasons i wouldn't go to Suny Fredonia area code 14063 

    if you look at the sprint map it says they have 3g and more which really just is meaning it has sprint data coverage if you go to the virgin mobile page it gives you the truth of just data coverage (not 3g) Plus i can confirm that from being there!

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