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Posts posted by vtimmy13

  1. yupp! ^_^ I actually was out in Buffalo today at a friend's house and did a little bit of mapping. I tried to do some speed tests but I feel as though it's still "beta" for a lack of a better term. The best signal I could find was -110dbm, thus, it was a very fragile signal and I kept falling back to 3G. I did get the strangest speed test to date out there; I got 0.91mb/s down and 9.8mb/s up. Strange but some progress is better than none at all :) Can't wait to see what the coming months bring us.

    Yeah me either... better hurry up though.... aug 26 I'm off to the central ny market. .. and not syracuse but Oswego.... l
  2. This is kind of my thought process.  I don't necessarily find a justifiable reason to buy an Android Tablet when my phone can pretty much do everything the tablet can.  


    I also use my Windows Laptop quite often so maybe that's the reason I don't really use a tablet or feel the need for one.

    Same here.. i love my laptop (win 8) its like almost as mobile as i need it to be and when i can't bring it somewhere normally my smartphone will be good enough!

  3. It's worse than you think.


    I had a few of the following conversations recently:


    "So, now that Softbank bought us-"

    "Who? Oh, right, that Chinese company that was talking about that."

    "Japanese, and the buyout is complete..."


    "So, now that we own Clearwire-"

    "WHAT!? Wait, who's Clearwire again?"


    "A profile update cannot fix coverage issues, and really can't do anything about dropped calls. A PRL is not a list of towers, and it will not 'connect you to the closest tower', your phone does that on its own."

    "Yeah, well, that's not what I was told!"


    "So T-Mobile-"

    "Yeah, who cares? They don't even have 4G, it's just fake souped-up 3G"

    "Actually, they have 4G LTE now, and their rollout is going rather quickly, and their '3G' was faster than WiMAX in most areas."

    "No, that's wrong"



    "Sprint can't put 4G LTE on the Nextel band. If they could, why didn't Nextel? Low frequency signals are always slower, and Nextel didn't care about data speed."


    "Network Vision isn't going to start until 4G LTE is complete, then we're getting a whole new network!"


    "Root my phone so I can get free hotspot and do away with Comcast."


    Mind you, I'm not calling my coworkers, bosses, and customers incompetent. They're simply products of a system that provides severely inadequate information. 

    i love the part about network vision after 4g lte lol!!

  4. You think Sprint reps are shit... they saved me.. I ordered a samsung galaxy si3went back and forth with virgin mobile reps for exactly a week till i got fed up called sprint and they sorted everything.. they had to cancel the virgin order said it never would of went through... they re ordered it and gave me expedited shipping should be here tomorrow!

  5. I'm still on the fence about changing to Verizon or Staying.


    But can someone explain to me what 800mhz lte is compared to other types of lte and its benefits?    So if sprint doesn't use 800mhz lte, does that mean Verizon or someone else's lte is better/faster?   What does IBEZ mean?

    Hi Welcome to S4gru... I'm going to try to help you but im no expert...

    Ibez is this treaty we have with the canadians about cell interferance...  So 800mhz was the spectrum used by Nextel. The lower the number is for the spectrum the better it is at penetrating things! The higher i believe can transmit data faster... Sprint always up to this point and you have been using 1900 if you have good signal now you shouldn't be all that concerned with 800! Sprint also got 2600 from clearwire that will be deployed to make their network SUPER FAST should be fastest.. thats just starting to roll out...

    now on to device compatability 800 is currently in many new cell phones and able to use for voice and text but not data (pretty much anything including and after the htc evo 3d) Sprint is activating 800 for voice and text on many different towers!! 


    800 lte will do the same thing as 800 voice did in penetrating although no current sprint phone can use this... yet....

    btw i tried to stay away from some of the very confusing terms... Some members on this site are nazi's about there terminology like mhz mps panels... im scared to use them thats why i might of been so vague


    In the end we may or may not get 800 anything and if not its canadas fault and or ibez treaty so BLAME CANADA! INVADE!! 

  6. We manage a decent sized account in Buffalo, NY that has been having voice/data issues since before the upgrades began. 


    Recently one of the engineers stated that a "back haul circuit" was needed to resolve the issue. 


    I do product knowledge (play with phone features) and have zero knowledge of advanced network stuffs. Anyone know what he is talking about? Is this an actual device/system?

    just curious where in buffalo!!?

  7. Full explanation of all Sprint PRLs can be found in this thread: http://s4gru.com/index.php?/topic/4085-current-sprint-prls/

    I don't believe Sprint currently allows Boost or Virgin to utilize the 800 SMR signal, so I'd doubt if nTelos customers would be allowed; however Shentel has a similar agreement with Sprint and have been actively deploying 800 SMR through out their region (along with LTE). I'm not sure what or when nTelos plans to do in regards to its relationship with Sprint.

    oh dear god, is this your thoughts (praying to god its that  :( ) or did you have a reason to say that like some document or something because i need 800 smr bad!

  8. lol i would think google would bake google wallet into android as standerd bloatware that comes with every android! That way the carrier has to let google wallet be on it!  


    U.S. carriers really have to lay of cell phones and how we use them!

  9. Hi guys i just bought a Samsung Galaxy SIII my first 4g lte phone (i had/ still have till they deliver it htc evo 3d) and one of the features im most looking forward to is Google Wallet and NFC. I was wondering why sprint is the only one of the big 4 carriers to support Google Wallet... Plus is there a big difference between this and Isis.... Plus anyone use google wallet? Any comments on if it is useful, or just a gimmick?

    Btw i was just thinking if google is really getting competition from isis i would just instaull Google wallet as required bloatware for android.. that way the carriers have to either let google wallet go on or go androidless i think we all know the carriers would keep android and give up on isis

  10. Hey there


    There's quite a few of updates in the Buffalo area but none yet LTE. It's only a matter of time before they can be flipped on. Hang in there - it's coming!


    If you become a sponsor, you can view the map of sites that are in progress in your area.

    Yeah but all of them are not in the immediate buffalo area... just saying buffalo market is quite big... and there hasn't been an update since june! Hurry up Sprint.. But stay around it should come soon!

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