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Everything posted by JustinRP37

  1. You would think that being part of a university we would at least have a decent internet connection. #gradstudentproblems

  2. Come on #NHL you are not more dysfunctional than the US Government are you? Get a deal done! #NHLLOCKOUT

  3. Besides network upgrades will never fully stop. There will always be technology upgrades to make. Even after NV is complete, I am sure Sprint will be busy planning the next upgrades.
  4. I think we should have a quote of the week from the Sprint Community Forums as comic relief from this crazy year. Some of the topics on those forums are absolutely hilarious. Hope they don't bring this site down too much otherwise a larger army will be needed!
  5. Sprint is sending users from the community forum to here! I was reading the forum, as I do from time to time for laughs, and saw a few of the mods directing users here from information on 4G rollouts. Here is one I saw: 1. Dec 4, 2012 10:42 AM (in response to crazyhector5)Re: NJ LTE plans Hello crazyhector5, Thank you for your post. We are working very hard on rolling out our LTE network in the same footprint as 3G. New Jersey is on the list of upcoming cites and should be launched soon. Although we don't have an exact date you can stay updated at http://Sprint.com/LTE. You may also check out: http://s4gru.com/ - However please note this site is not officially endorsed by Sprint but does give some further information. Thank you, Chris
  6. Ram van driver using Apple maps. #fail #wrongturn

  7. The reason it is suspended until further notice I believe is because of the Galaxy S3 buy one get one sale. Many people have been running to the store to buy out their contracts to upgrade to a new Galaxy S3. We were in a Manhattan store to get my wife's phone fixed and there were a whole bunch of people trying to do this. They said that if you buy out your contract, you are not eligible for the promotion, but this did not stop some people. I think you will see the program reinstated after the holiday sales. Guess it pays to have your contract end around the holidays .
  8. Question we should all ask: What can we do better? #think

  9. I feel like I am running in circles today! What am I missing?! #WTF #oneofthosedays

  10. Qui Transtulit Sustinet #CT

  11. My home state #CT is all I can think about. This is absolutely horrible news. This is a national tragedy.

  12. Today is a dark dark day in my home state #Connecticut. My thoughts are with those affected #Newtown

  13. Just got an email from TurboTax telling me it is almost that time... Let the fiscal year end before we discuss #taxes!

  14. The more I do fieldwork, the more I realize I hate fieldwork! Can't wait to stay in the lab! #indoor #norocks

  15. Funny how I typed in NHLPA and spell checked changed it to ASSHOLES! #THEPLAYERS #CBA #NHLLOCKOUT

  16. So does anyone still think Crosby is still the best guy in the league? He should be booed everywhere #NHL #FAIL


    #NHL #NHLPA Both the owners and players need to realize they need each other. How much money do they want to lose?

  18. Only the #NHL can make a boring #CBA debate seem like a triple OT Game 7! Let's get it done! Right @suite_n_saldi

  19. So far today has been much better than yesterday. And the #nhllockout is making progress!

  20. Don't you just love when you cannot pay bills because #Chase website is ALWAYS DOWN!

  21. What is sad is that the @NHL is dying a slow painful death! Just put her to sleep peacefully! #byebyenhl

  22. Yes my advisors and I just discussed my wing addiction! #lunch

  23. Guess I should cancel the private jet to Hawaii. #powerballfail

  24. I-80 PA has got to be the most boring highway in the USA. #tdaytravel

  25. I swear my dissertation is fu**ing cursed. Deer management shut down in NYS. #hatepoliticians

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