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Posts posted by smalltimehack

  1. Yea Virgin sucks up north I have a place north of the dells and have zero to very little reception. Also they said that 4g is supposedly turned on on the north side of Racine. I'll have to find out for sure.

    Downtown by 6th and main. Not quite the north side but it's in Racine. That's the only accepted tower I've seen the city.
  2. Best Buy burned me once a while back but I decided to give them a try again a year later. The Mobile guys burned me again so I do not do business with them anymore.

    I have customers come in all the time with weird stories about phones needing to be active on an account for 72 hours before you can switch em to another line. Or the customer's insurance or some feature they wanted wasn't transferred over. Guess where the majority come from... Best Buy.

    I haven't ever used em personally but after seeing what shoddy work they do, in my city at least, I wouldn't use em.

  3. Although the one dot on 27th is off on it's own next to where the cell site I mentioned would be I'm leaning more towards that being a little fleeting signal from the other sites due to Rawson being all lit up until it hits 27th. It could possibly be it but who knows.

    The other two very well could be going live and be near completion.

    I might be able to go check all three sites out tomorrow or possibly Monday and give some more feedback.

  4. I'm fairly sure that the water tower on 27th and sycamore has some nv antennas on it. The western most antennas are all that I could catch a glimpse of while driving and there appeared to be RRU on the center antenna just like the other cell sites I've checked out. I won't be able to go investigate until Sunday to confirm though.

  5. Got some 4G around Brady St. / Farwell Ave. this evening. I ran a speed test and I got 3G-like speeds of around 20 KB/s downloads. It didn't even get to upload because I'd get a network communication issue error, which made it feel like I was at work. Seems like work on towers in this area must have started recently and they're testing them out. I went ahead and busted out Sensorly for some mapping and picked up some 12-ish 4G points.


    I was stopping by the Sprint store off Brady to get their opinion on whether a different phone would help me hold signal better at work since newer phones may supposedly have better antennas/radios (I haven't gotten a concrete answer on this, and chances are there's too many factors to consider to get one), but they said my woes are more likely due to the work being done on the towers. I asked them when stuff should be done and they said that "we're in a 45-day window," whatever that actually means. That said, looks like I have no choice but to hold out. Can't wait for that time when my phone won't be consistently dying by lunchtime because its signal is constantly fluctuating.

    Brady street is good people. They wouldn't steer you wrong. The manager used to work at my store.
  6. At least as far as my training went stuff like this is not covered. The majority is common sense and taking what you've learned from working on previous phones and applying it to the situation. Sum swapping is a no brainer since the iPhone needs one to work and they've needed to be swapped for awhile.

    But the statement does hold true that most don't know what to do. Another tech in our district called to ask how we open the One so we can replace a mic. -_- 'nuff said.

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