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Everything posted by lvanders

  1. Next up, there's a new "Share Sheet" that makes it easier to share stuff on Twitter or email — plus AirDrop lets you share directly to people nearby over "P2P Wi-Fi."
  2. Boom we're already into the camera's features, with built-in filters and easier modes. The gallery automatically groups photos into "moments" and "related collections."
  3. There are new sound effects for incoming calls, which is hyped by saying "you may miss a call because you're dancing,"
  4. New, more textured ringtones. System alert sounds have also been improved. The sample alert? "Pick up shampoo and conditioner."
  5. Showing off how Siri can search Tweets — Lady Gaga again. Siri also has Wikipedia, inline web search, and photo search.
  6. Now multitasking view, which looks like cards. Quickly into Safari. If you thought Apple was going to spend a ton of time talking about iOS 7 today, sounds like you're wrong.
  7. He's pointing out that you can pull down to access search from anywhere on the home screen. Chuckles for the texts complimenting his hair. It's really good hair!
  8. "iOS 7 is so alive with depth." He's really burning through the feature set here. Talking about Control Center, Notification Center.
  9. We're going over some of the features of iOS 7. The lock screen, the "harmonious layout" of the home screen.
  10. Now Cook's hyping a new store as an "architectural marvel," which is 8 times bigger than the previous store. It's at Stanford.
  11. If anyone is interested I can try and keep this forum posted as apple talks about new features. Though there are tons of blogs out there covering the event so that seems like it might be redundant. Maybe I will to a recap of the main features for people that live on this site...I don't know.
  12. well this is disappointing it looks like apple won't be doing a live feed of their event today. Talk about lame!!! I'm a little upset about that..is that the straw on the camels back that makes me switch to a phone with a bigger screen size? (wow I can't believe i'm talking like this.) BTW for anyone interested i found a site that will steam the event. http://www.ustream.tv/ltktv
  13. Hopefully this will answer your question...So t-mobile started putting in fiber backhaul a few years ago and getting their network ready for this kind of thing (amazing job done by the CEO and other head honchos) Then when it came time to update their towers the backhaul was installed and all they had to do was put up equipment. As you've seen in our market once stuff started happening equipment went up very quickly on many sites within the matter of 1 month we have seen a lot of equipment go up on many sites. Yes they had permitting to do but they didn't have extra permitting and problems with backhaul to deal with. Sprint is struggling because they figured they didn't need backhaul when everyone else was putting it in because of WiMAX and WiMAX used microwave instead of fiber backhaul so they are playing catch-up. Also another thing to take into consideration is some of the other carriers don't update every single tower like sprint is doing. They do a "blanket" effect and they don't update every tower. So updating every tower and getting permits for it and running backhaul to every single tower takes time. hope that helps.
  14. I sent out a petition to make it so sprint doesn't have to deal with permits anymore for NV and also to send every single worker in the U.S to Utah to finish installing the equipment and do the backhaul and it was approved!!.....Then....I woke up....
  15. In theory yes where you had 3g on the highway should get filled in with LTE eventually because every single site in the U.S (except for like 100 because of various reasons) are getting upgraded to LTE. Now with that, I said in theory because the LTE signal is more fragile than a 3g signal and so real world who knows what will happen but in essence yes. As far as the speeds being better on the 3g site there are multiple reasons. If you were in a spot with new equipment installed and running, and if there isn't much voice or data traffic happening on the tower you were connected too you should see higher speeds even without the backhaul in place. As far as the LTE hitting .75....well....thats just sad. Obviously there are factors into that and LTE is more fragile so maybe a weak crappy signal or something else i'm not sure. That is truly sad even for a weak LTE signal though...
  16. Wow lots of apple haters..so to answer some of your questions. 1. iCloud for me is mainly great for keeping little things like documents stored so I can access them at anytime but you can get that with any service like dropbox or something. I think the greatest thing about iCloud/Apple is how seamlessly it works with your computer and phone. For example, I download a song on my phone or my computer and its automatically on the other device. I take a picture with my phone and its automatically stored on my mac. I schedule an appointment or reminder on one it is automatically on the other device. I love how easy and seamless it just works and does everything for you without having to plug your phone in and transfer stuff all the time. NOTE: you do have to have a mac for your phone to work like this. I am a fan of macs OS and how amazing the photo library is on a mac though. So if you want that kind of experience you would have to switch over to mac completely and get like a mac air or something. Next I would never go lower than 32 GB but thats just my opinion. I have a 32 GB phone and I will definitely get a 64 GB next time. I do like to put a few movies on my phone for flights though and I do have lots of music and apps. You might like to switch it up a bit since you've only had android and you might like to have ios for a while to just have a change of pace. Now for compatibility...iphone will obviously work amazing with a mac and it does alright when syncing with a pc. If you ever buy a mac and want to sync your android device with your mac computer forget about it. I will only own a mac now and I had an android a while ago and I hated it just for the sole purpose of how difficult it is to put songs and various items from your mac onto the android device. I know this info is a little over the top but this is just incase you decide to go all out and buy an iphone and a mac computer then want to switch back to android later. Now the whole tri-band issue...I personally feel if apple puts out even a dual band that picks up the 1900 and 800 LTE then I would go for it. If they just leave it to the single 1900 LTE band then no I would not get an iphone. Now you need to look at screen size. If you are ok with a smaller screen then iphone is a great option. How the iphone 5 looks and feels is exactly how the new one will look and feel (except for the "cheaper" iphone thats rumored to be released, but the screen won't be any bigger) I personally wish the screen size was bigger. If it wasn't for how easily my phone works with my mac I would go to an android phone for the sole purpose of screen size. Now final thoughts...both android and ios are amazing platforms and have advantages that the other does not. As far as phone quality apple does an amazing job but also samsung and HTC are great too. (I'm not a fan of LG phones and even though we know they are coming out with a tri-band phone I would never get it) Honestly if you want to switch it up as long as apple puts out at least a dual band LTE then you will not be disappointed. I know you most likely wont buy a mac computer so all of those other features I described wont matter but its still an amazing product by itself and I think you will love it!
  17. The Advanced Wireless Services (AWS) is in the 1710 – 1755 and 2110 – 2155 MHz spectrum range. The most common use of AWS spectrum is fixed and mobile voice and data services, including cell phone, text messaging, and Internet. Similar services include the 700 MHz Service, 800mhz cellular, PCS, and SMR service.AWS-1: The Advanced Wireless Services (AWS) dates back to 2002 when the FCC released a second report and order that allocated 90 MHz of spectrum for AWS in the 1710 – 1755 and 2110 – 2155 MHz spectrum range. These spectrum bands are known as AWS-1. In 2002, the FCC also released a notice of proposed rulemaking seeking comment on service rules for AWS. In 2003, the FCC released an Order that established rules to license AWS in the 1710 – 1755 and 2110 – 2155 MHz spectrum range. In 2005, the FCC released an Order on Reconsideration that modified some of the AWS-1 rules. AWS-2: In 2004, the FCC released a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking seeking comment on service rules for additional AWS spectrum in the 1915 – 1920, 1995 – 2000, 2020 – 2025, and 2175 – 2180 MHz spectrum range. These spectrum bands are known as AWS-2. AWS-3: In 2007, the FCC released a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking seeking comment on service rules for additional AWS spectrum in the 2155 – 2175 MHz spectrum range. This spectrum band is known as AWS-3). In 2008, the Commission released a Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking seeking comment on proposed rules for AWS-3 and some of AWS-2. AWS-4: In 2012, the FCC released a Notice of proposed Rulemaking seeking comment on service rules for additional AWS spectrum in the 2000 - 2020 and 2180 - 2200 MHz spectrum range. These spectrum bands are known as AWS-4. The proposals to license spectrum for AWS-2 and AWS-3 are currently pending. This is probably more than you'll ever want to know about it but there ya go! haha
  18. Well its now official for those of you who haven't heard...apple is hosting an event on Sept. 10th for the new iphone release. :wiggle:
  19. Since the topic came up of accepting 3g sites and not 4g because of backhaul, why would a site be 4G accepted only and not 3G/4G accepted? For example on the map of the accepted sites there are different pins for 4g vs 3g/4g sites.
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