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Posts posted by Danielj1981

  1. Like AJ said, I don't mind posts where people discuss how to utilize their roaming, as long as they are not advocating ways to bypass the 300MB monthly limit.


    If there is a way to allow a Sprint iPhone on the VZW LTE network and be used as roaming, that information would be allowed at S4GRU. If it was discovered that the method hacked the VZW network and the usage wasn't showing on your Sprint account as roaming, then we would disallow the thread and probably remove it.


    S4GRU considers all roaming that counts against your monthly allotment as fair game under the current T&C's. In our mind, data is data, whether it is 1x, EVDO or LTE.


    Robert via Nexus 7 with Tapatalk HD


    Gotcha! Thanks for the clarification! I'm new here as you know so I didn't wanna be stepping on anyone's toes especially Sprint's. thanks for the clarification! :-)



    Sent from my iPhone 5 using Tapatalk

  2. Forcing roaming, in and of itself, does not violate Sprint's Ts and Cs. I have numerous Sprint handsets that contain a "Roaming only" menu option. But forcing roaming as a means to exceed the monthly roaming allotment is unethical.




    I see. That's only fair. Just didn't wanna be gettin myself in trouble.


    And thank you Fray! :-)



    Sent from my iPhone 5 using Tapatalk

  3. This thread is walking on a fine line. I wouldn't advise anyone on any course of action that would terminate people's accounts with Sprint.


    Fray if you could would u take it down? I don't know how. I didn't realize this was gonna go to a violation of rules place. Curiosity kills the cat.



    Sent from my iPhone 5 using Tapatalk


    I should correct myself, you wouldn't necessarily be violating your T&C, but many people look for ways to force roaming so that they can break their contract without paying the early termination fee. It's relatively easy to force the iPhone to roam on VZW and there's actually a thread in the sponsors forum that walks through the details. But in short you'll need iFile and Tetherme, then using iFile you can upload the VZW PRL forcing the phone to roam. You should be able to find the detailed tutorials relatively easily online, just google load Verizon PRL on Sprint iPhone.


    I will research it...for just the information, as my brain is a sponge. But the last thing I wanna do is terminate my contract lol. Big Red took too much of my money for too long lol and AT&T is the devil haha. But it would be interesting to learn the art of how all this works. Thanks for the tips! :-)



    Sent from my iPhone 5 using Tapatalk


    Yes, it's possible but your phone would need to be jail broken (which is currently only available for iOS 6.1.2 or less). If you've got 6.1.3 or 6.1.4 it's not possible. That said, that's not a topic that would fit the rules and guidelines of this site because it would involve indirectly circumventing the terms and conditions of your Sprint contract.


    I am currently running the 6.1.2 evasion jail break. I will NOT UPDATE my iOS any further until iOS 7 comes out. That being said, I wish NOT to break the rules here, nor violate my T's and C's with Sprint. My curiosity was more along the lines of what is "legal" in sprints eyes that I could do. I only wanted a way to improve my 3G experience the best I could only indoors. And at work. Because traveling, data is irrelevant to me while driving and I have time Warner wide band 50 Mbps at home so I'm good there. Lol



    Sent from my iPhone 5 using Tapatalk

  6. As I sit by the pool, kicked back in my lounge chair.....watching the waves on the surface of the water in the deep end flicker from the dim glow of the pool lights under the water. I look up above the tree tops to the Sprint tower that reflects on the surface of the water, and say to myself...man, this would be a perfect setting if..if my 3G wasn't so slow that my Pandora won't even stream out here!! Shaking my head....useless iPhone..... Frustrated tonight! Hope Charleston gets some LTE love soon!!



    Sent from my iPhone 5 using Tapatalk

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  7. Nope. Not possible.


    Didn't think so but figured I would ask. With the way People come up with things these days figured it was possible. Heck I would be willing to pay the roaming charges so long as my pandora and FB messenger would work inside :-(



    Sent from my iPhone 5 using Tapatalk

  8. Hey guys,


    Is it possible to get my iPhone 5 to roam onto Verizon's 3G data? If so how?


    Sorry if this is a stupid or repeat question. Didn't see any threads about it on here.


    Was wondering if I could force my i5 to roam and use Verizon 3G while inside and the Sprint tower does not pick up.



    Sent from my iPhone 5 using Tapatalk

  9. i have an iphone5 but have not had the joyous experience of LTE, so when the I5 gets LTE does it show two sets of signal bars or the bars just now represent LTE not 1x, thanks


    No man, I had lte on my i5 in Charlotte and it just changes the 3G symbol to LTE in box type writing. But the phone becomes laser fast!!! It is sooooo awesome!



    Sent from my iPhone 5 using Tapatalk


    800 CDMA (better coverage) is part of NV 1.0 and is going on right now.


    Durr...I'm sorry. Y'all told me that the other day.


    So does that mean when NV 1.0 gets over this way, I should see improvements indoors on my dropped calls because of the 800? Because I have great coverage outside. Just the walls and roof of my plant kill calls from time to time.



    Sent from my iPhone 5 using Tapatalk

  11. I have gs2 now the 3g after network vision is proving to be extremely worthy. Instant youtube. Its nice. Legacy sites cant compare I get 2-3 down in my town. Which is good for the awful radio this device has. Can't wait for s4 next week!


    Sent from my SPH-D710 using Tapatalk 2


    My cousin has a Gs2 on boost. Does it have an LTE radio in it or just WiMAX? She was showing 4G active in Charlotte, but was it WiMAX?



    Sent from my iPhone 5 using Tapatalk


    Because CDMA will have either great voice quality or you just don't have service :P is that right?


    That's the way it seems! I prefer it that way! The whole choppy move your head this way, hold your phone that way, does not work for me! Hopefully the NV 1.0 will bring me pretty stable LTE and NV 2.0 will give me my in building voice! Fingers crossed!


    Patience in Charleston.



    Sent from my iPhone 5 using Tapatalk


    Essentially, everywhere you get 3G you will have LTE when the upgrade is finished. NV 1.0 uses LTE in the 1900 band, which means that all things being equal the LTE coverage will be slightly less than that of 3G. But only just slightly.


    NV 2.0 will add LTE on 800 and 2500, which means greater coverage and more capacity in very dense areas.


    Well that's reassuring coming from you guys. I just didn't want my expectations to exceed sprints plans.



    Sent from my iPhone 5 using Tapatalk


    Mid 2014. 1.0 and 2.0 overlap.


    Robert via Samsung Note II via Tapatalk


    I also saw online "our entire 3G footprint will be upgraded to Network vision" or some thing in that direct vein of thought. So sitting in my car in my work parking lot I have 3 bars of 3G service, does that statement above mean I will have 3 bars of LTE in the same spot I sit in now? Or does it mean by the end of NV 1.0, I will have at least increased 3G speeds if its not LTE. Just trying to cater my expectations to what there plans are, so I don't assume and get my hopes up.



    Sent from my iPhone 5 using Tapatalk

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