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Everything posted by Epic4G25

  1. Well we won't get into the lengthy description of why I won't buy Apple products, we'll just leave it at I won't support a company that makes products that are extremely hard for the user to repair/upgrade. As for Sprint, I've been here since the beginning of WiMax, through the network degradation, through the removal of Sprint Primer, and through the $10 data charge for now all smart phones. I stick with companies that not only provide me with the best value, but also companies that have some history of innovation. The second Sprint gets to a point where they are pushing people off unlimited data plans, and are going to pricing similar to AT&T and VZW I will have no problem leaving, especially if at that time their network coverage is not up to par with AT&T and VZW. If however they can continue on a path that provides me more value than the other 3 national wireless carriers I will stick with them, even if it means a reasonable price increase. I go with companies that will provide me with what I need at a price I deem reasonable, not out of a sense of loyalty towards that company. If that was the case I would still be with T-Mobile and we wouldn't be having this discussion. When I said I would like to continue to support them, I said it because I like what they are currently doing in the way of NV, and I'd like to see what the company that rolled out the first fiber optic network has in store for the future. I believe they can do great things and offer even better competition to AT&T and VZW than they are now. However like I said above the second they join the ranks of networks like AT&T and VZW will be the second I leave.
  2. Well that was a fucked up dream...

  3. "@ComedyTruth: *eats alphabet soup* *chokes on the D*" @Scissor_lizz

  4. "@Derpey: Mi papá tiene 47 años = my dad is 47 years old Mi papa tiene 47 anos = my potato has 47 assholes i love spanish" @ericacollins18

  5. "You were too fly then, so fly away now. Cause now I'm that bitch and you're just a clown." #GayBoyProblems

  6. "My #1 rule is, if I can reach the base get dat dick outta my face!" #GayBoyProblems

  7. Why aren't there more logical, thoughtful, and non-biased tech reviewers like @noahkravitz out there?

  8. "Today, while doing a fun genetics game in Biology, I found out that I was adopted. Turns out the game wasn't so fun. FML" @Scissor_lizz

  9. " You do this every time! Do you have radar?!? Carrie might be happy, its time to sweep in and shit all over it!?" #GayBoyProblems

  10. His name is John... This is getting wayyyyy too much like #SATC, and Carrie Bradshaw I am not.

  11. "Her yellow SUV is now the enemy" #1985

  12. "@ericacollins18: I hate when bad memories ruin great songs." #MyLifeStory

  13. "Why do I keep doing this to myself? I must be a masochist or something." #GayBoyProblems #SATC

  14. Aaannnndddd yet again I'm not worthy of an answer. #GayBoyProblems

  15. Why do I care and worry so much about people that don't give a shit about me? #GayBoyProblems

  16. "Nowhere, its like 90210 on acid."

  17. Its disturbing how cheaply made new #HP machines are, I'll be all #Lenovo from now on.

  18. "@noahkravitz: VTel Brings Gigabit Fiber Internet to Rural Vermont for $35/month http://t.co/eUFfu88ntS" Moving to VT.

  19. Dis bitch... Really... Really? No, nope, not at all. Just no.

  20. "No one can ever make you feel inferior without your consent."

  21. That may have been a complete mistake on my part, but I can't be bothered to care.

  22. "@CNET: Samsung Galaxy S4 can't handle fast thumb typists http://t.co/G54nGMWuuo" @mollywood but the Q10 can!

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