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Status Updates posted by Epic4G25

  1. "Sometimes they even pick up sexy blind guys..." #CovertAffairs

  2. RT @TheVainGay: It's not gay if it's for a Klondike bar.

  3. Next person to go under 35 in a 45 in Hinckley is going to get shot in the face.

  4. Can't sleep, watching a @BayAreaBuggs video. Such a soothing voice. :D

  5. RT @rj4gui4r: Let's get down to business...to defeat...the puns.

  6. RT @TProphet: "The world needs fewer people going through the motions ... and more people doing things they care deeply about." Amen.

  7. RT @GooglePics: 9/11 memorial lights representing the Twin Towers, New York http://t.co/uPiI2w8sNg

  8. RT @huffpostgay: LOOK: Mom writes BEAUTIFUL letter to son after he comes out on Facebook http://t.co/FCOYBg0MGd

  9. RT @JoshKanan: I'm already salivating over Grand Theft Auto 5 and I can't even get it yet! Time to put my tongue back in my mouth til the 1…

  10. RT @sharonvak: Gimme a break: Next Android called 'Kit Kat' http://t.co/og1SqVuYxj

  11. RT @UberFacts: "No Place Like Home" shoes have a built-in GPS which help guide you home by clicking your heels together three times.

  12. RT @UberFacts: A zoo in Germany attempted to have a group of gay penguins behave heterosexually - They wouldn't do so and simply waited for…

  13. "@UberFacts: “Grammar Pedantry Syndrome” is a form of OCD in which sufferers need to correct every grammatical error." @ericacollins18

  14. RT @Jenna_Marbles: Highlight of my afternoon: someone wrote: I

  15. Thank god for @XAV400 making me realize that I wasn't following anyone from Top Gear UK... :o

  16. RT @Shane2206: Nothing more disappointing than when you think someone is actually a nice guy and then you see their true colours... #GayB

  17. RT @AboutAquarius: Behind #Aquarius smile, is a story you would never understand

  18. Conversations with @ericacollins18 because we're totally sane... http://t.co/qKw3E7sIV6

  19. RT @TheTweetOfGod: The circumstances under which you should send a photo of your penis to other people are as follows: never.

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