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Posts posted by JohnHovah

  1. I've only noticed minimal changes. It seems slightly faster (subjective until I have time to use it at length in multiple situations) I do like the addition of Google Now but have found limited time to play around with it so I don't have any "cards"yet.


    Project Butter seems to have all but removed the various ANR problems I've seen which is a big plus. Although I can't help but feel more RAM in the transformer line-up might help make the experience even more seamless.


    Battery life is marginally improved, but my experience with that may differ from your own as I have the dock (rarely do i undock it) as well and cannot ascertain if the battery optimization affected the device itself, the dock or a combination of two.


    WiFi and BT signal strength seem stronger and do not drop out as quickly at fringe coverage (but this may be due to network reconfiguration at the various locations I use it so I can't make a call on it)


    I would say overall I am content at the moment, but really JB is a minor upgrade from ICS(as expected), and considering the TF300T has gone through several minor software updates and patches since its initial release, the JB upgrade at first glance doesn't seem too astonishingly different other than the items mentioned above.


    I am sure that you may find a lot of google services/apps updates nice. For myself, I've updated apks for JB enhanced Google apps as soon as they were available so again I didn't notice as many changes as other may have.

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  2. Have you received the update to JB yet? I've read that its started to roll out to the TF300s...hopefully the Prime is next in line~


    I received the JB update within 2 hours of announcement. On my TF300T it was already in my notification bar. When I saw my mother later in the day, I manually searched for the firmware update in settings and that worked as well

  3. The S3 also has its NFC chip in the battery so even if you found one that would "fit" I don't believe it would be worth the hassle unless its OEM. Batteries these days are "smart" as well.

  4. We can't all have BRK.A stock holdings. There has been some good investment advice here. I need to get back into the game myself. I forgot to jump on the Sprint bandwagon as I thought I had automatic investments setup (apparently sprint wasn't part of my auto investing portfolio). Oh well, there is plenty money to be had in the stock market if you aren't overly emotional

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