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Everything posted by joshuam

  1. I agree and I hope Sprint gets it. I love WiFi calling on my Galaxy S5. But Apple has done this before... AT&T only for a couple years... Lol Sent from my Galaxy S5 on the Sprint Network
  2. Legere said it... They partnered with Apple and are only US carrier to offer it. That will be a big deal for Sprint if it's true :-/ Sent from my Galaxy S5 on the Sprint Network
  3. Is it true the IPhone won't get WiFi calling on Sprint? :-( Sent from my Galaxy S5 on the Sprint Network
  4. Legend just said the port ratio with Sprint is 4-1...ugh. Other carriers it's 2-1. August was TMobiles biggest month. Sent from my Galaxy S5 on the Sprint Network
  5. I was upgrading on the "S" cycle iPhones until I got the Galaxy S5...I'll probably switch back to the 6S+ next year when it comes out.
  6. Legere is going to go ape shit on Twitter this evening I'm sure, since they are doing their "Uncarrier #7" thing today at 4PM EST. I'm gearing up to troll him all evening
  7. Does the price cut on the 5c and 5s mean their prices non-subsidized will be $449 and $549 now?
  8. I don't think it's out yet. Maybe they are waiting for T-Mobile's move (which is at 4pm EST today)? I'm really digging the lease options (only for Apple devices, don't think it'd work as well for Android devices).
  9. Then WOW . This deal is awesome. Sprint is changing the game! I wonder if anyone can add this without the new plans? Sent from my Galaxy S5 on the Sprint Network
  10. The more I think about this lease deal... I bet it only includes the free iPhone (the 5c this year). Still a great deal for anyone not on the cutting edge. Sent from my Galaxy S5 on the Sprint Network
  11. This iPhone lease deal is very interesting! Sent from my Galaxy S5 on the Sprint Network
  12. The thing I'm always most excited about in the iPhone is the camera. Really excited to see sample pics (real ones, not the ones apple takes under 100% perfect conditions). I love the Galaxy S5 camera (it's why I chose it over the LG G3)...but it is reeeaaaallllyyy slow.
  13. Does the Apple Watch have wifi calling and carrier aggregation on Sprint?? </end trolling> In all honesty though...I just got a Galaxy S5 15 days ago...kind of wishing I had waited...haha
  14. Why is Tmobile getting all the CA/wifi calling love?
  15. Yeah...I think the iPhone has something to do with the T-Mobile move...day after the iPhone announcement. Sprint is doing a great job of reacting VERY quickly. Marcelo is one to make quick decisions and get stuff done.
  16. New Sprint press release this AM... Are any of these new markets? http://newsroom.sprint.com/news-releases/4glte-launchedmarkets.htm
  17. I was at the mall today and Sprint was packed. ATT, Verizon, and T-Mobile were dead. But T-Mobile sucks in my area, so not surprising.
  18. I can't wait for these LTE roaming deals to get finished and active! Lol Sent from my Galaxy S5 on the Sprint Network
  19. Yeah...based on FAQ on Sprint.com, I'm certain it IS available, just a matter of getting the right folks to help. My local corp store adds TEP insurance every single time I walk in the store, without my permission. One time I was just buying a Bluetooth speaker, and my line for insurance added...lol. I guess they get sales credit for it. I just chat online and have it removed... Every single time. Sent from my Galaxy S5 on the Sprint Network
  20. Seriously wouldn't surprise me. Allbthe Sprint stores around here are awful, like slimy used car dealers...my friends ATT phone died and he was looking to switch anyways. Sprint lost because of their crappy corp store...sucks. Too bad you can't do it online, he likely would have gone that route... Sent from my Galaxy S5 on the Sprint Network
  21. $25 plus $10 add on is cheaper... Doesn't need unlimited Sent from my Galaxy S5 on the Sprint Network
  22. A friend of mine was trying o join my framily and was told by a corp store that it's no longer offered. He joined T-Mobile instead :-/ Sent from my Galaxy S5 on the Sprint Network
  23. Verizon's coverage map shows extended 1x roaming for all of western Maryland, which I guess is only slightly better than Sprint's coverage map that shows no coverage.
  24. Hello- I will be traveling to western MD soon (beyond native Sprint coverage). According to Sprint.com/coverage, there is roaming voice service, but no data? Does anyone know what network Sprint roams on in western MD (Garrett County)? Will I at least have 1x data available?
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