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Everything posted by thoughthalo

  1. The German government adopts the BlackBerry Z10 for its security features http://t.co/4jKNRJrmWZ via @zite #blackberry #z10

  2. Apple Macs dig in as standard business PCs http://t.co/VE9omBMEef via @zite #finally #apple #mac

  3. Developers complain that IE10 for Windows 7 was long overdue http://t.co/UdBTLJCBfG via @zite #microsoft #internetexplorer10 #ie10

  4. RT @ForbesTech: Steve Jobs and Tim Cook: Does Apple still have the leadership it needs? http://t.co/bdUfbfz1 #apple

  5. I'm emotionally unavailable but I make up for it by being completely unattractive. http://t.co/isOAmM5Q

  6. I got a healthy LTE signal in this location on East Brandon Blvd Sorry couldn't run Sensorly as I have an IPhone 5 ???? Sent from my iPhone 5 64 GB on Sprint using Tapatalk

    http://t.co/nmg1elmd "Ramen". - Scooby Doo, finishing a prayer

  8. Foursquare makes Privacy tweaks, wary of Instagram-style backlash http://t.co/6iEDseY0 via @zite #foursquare #privacy


    http://t.co/lLWWu8ZH Stupid baby keeps knocking my bong over.

  10. Editorial: Does Windows Phone even have a chance without Google? http://t.co/E0yrccNg via @zite

  11. Watch The Vergecast - Live from The Verge's holiday party! on @livestream: http://t.co/LFV8vDGM

  12. Just bought the #larklife wristband from my neighborhood #applestore. With 24 hr tracking, it’s much better than the competition @ourlark

  13. Larklife Smart Wristband System Now Available in Apple Retail Stores http://t.co/bMlg1eoa via @zite

  14. just saved a bookbinder by buying a DODOcase (@DODOsays) AND they gave me this sweet deal to share with my friends! http://t.co/f49BJgbs

  15. Will the ASUS Qube be the Nexus Q’s replacement? http://t.co/2n6q63ej via @zite #nexus #asusqube #googletv

  16. I unlocked the Lincoln Box Office sticker on #GetGlue! http://t.co/CbXm1Uqx

  17. Awesome!! Screenshots please, possible. Sent from my iPhone 5 64 GB on Sprint using Tapatalk
  18. Apologies I quoted the wrong comment Sent from my iPhone 5 64 GB on Sprint using Tapatalk
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