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Posts posted by lilg740

  1. Oh Ok. I just noticed the other two CWE sites are DASs.....

    I guess it would help if they would do those so the people in those two buidlings wouldnt be pulling the outside LTE.

    And Id consider Forest Park Hospital and Union and Forest Park to be Forest Park as well instead of the CWE. It will be nice when the Zoo and Science Center have LTE.

    ^What he said. Those 2 will at least help with congestion in that area.

    • Like 1
  2. I spent an hour or more driving around the 44/55 interchange, on the highway and city streets in a circle around the area, and never got any b41.


    I also drove loughborough from broadway to gravois and didn't get any b41.


    I did not try lte only mode, since that seems to cause instability I did not want to deal with.


    I have been all over st louis in the last month and not got one hit of b41 on my n5, even though there seemed to be a couple reports of it live.

    I don't think anyone on the N5 has been able to get it. I have consistent reports coming in of B41 on the G2 though.

  3. There are only 2 sites with LTE on it in that area. I have not gotten any on either.  I right on the Washingtion DC/Richmond market line and might check out the 2 Richmond towers in Spotsylvania county that should have LTE on it.

    I mean if you got outside of that area but inside the Washington DC Market, do you have any problems? We are still experiencing some problems in Incumbent markets like DC and here in MO where some sites(not very many) won't accept connections from non-SVLTE devices and as such kill the connection from surrounding sites as well. A lot of the sites were fixed a couple weeks ago but we still know of at least 2 problem sites here in MO Market.

  4. At my previous job we used to take the keyboards on the warehouse computers out to the wash rack. Hang them up by the cord and blast them with the pressure washer on low power. Cleaned them right up. They were your standard run of the mill keyboards. Just shake the water out and let them dry for a day or two. I only remember once or twice that it killed the keyboard out of the hundreds of times I did it.

    I doubt that would work on a laptop keyboard.

  5. Too bad you don't have a USB one to plug in to hold you over. Or maybe you got a stuck key, that wouldn't help then.

    I do have one. But its very akward. Had soda cup on the my coffee table and my wife threw something to me and it landed inside the cup knocking it over onto my keyboard. Pulled out the keyboard and sat it out overnight to dry but it was too sticky and the matrix is screwed. $12 for new keyboard.

  6. So what's the deal with all the 3G? I thought Sprint was leaving this antiquated technology behind.

    At the end of NV, every site(In MO Market at least) will have a 3G acceptance, a 4G Acceptance, 1x800 Acceptance, and 800LTE Acceptance. At the very least its good to know that these newly accepted sites are all installed and waiting on backhaul.

    • Like 2
  7. Does anyone happen to know what time Sprint stores open tomorrow? Particularly the location in the Chesterfield valley.


    I'm ready to get a good deal on either an S4 or G2 but need to find out what repercussions that will have since I'm 13 months into my 2-yr contract...



    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    You have three options at the store.


    Buy using upgrade now and "buying into" your upgrade. At 13 months in I think it would be $200 Plus the price of the phone at upgrade pricing. With this option you must trade in your old phone for credit.


    Switch to the One Up plan.You have to switch to My Way plans. You must give them your current phone for no compensation.


    Buy outright.




    Bonus 4th option:


    Buy Nexus 5 from Google Play store. This is what I did.


    Bonus 5th option.


    Buy outright on eBay.

    • Like 1
  8. yes I have, just thought the dc area wasn't affected by it

    The spreadsheet was based on data we received from Sprint that said areas that had the same vendor for legacy and NV Equipment would not have a problem. This has not entirely been the case. But we are hoping, and some have seen this, that those markets just need software updates. Have you tried other sites? 

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