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Everything posted by mikejeep

  1. That is great news.. but do those of us with a Sprint SIM but on the T-Mobile network (TNA) not already benefit from it? That page doesn't mention anything specific about Sprint customers on the network.
  2. The accuracy is in meters (m) because that's what Google refers to in all of its location setting descriptions. Miles would not be terribly useful, but I do plan to add feet as an option.
  3. Awww man I planned on reaching out to you to see if this update resolved your issues. I am still stumped -- feel free to send me another diagnostic report on the new version if you still have it. If you're moving on, PM me your Google Play order number and I'll refund your purchase.
  4. Do you have the timestamp display on? Try enabling that.. it should end up on the same line as the IP, and that puts the location info on the line below it. I will try to come up with a better alternative. Screen space is getting tight.
  5. An update to SignalCheck Pro is ready for all users and is rolling out on Google Play now! It should be available shortly. You may be prompted to update when you open the app; if not, you can check Google Play. There are a LOT of bugfixes in this release, and a lot of groundwork for future improvements. As always, I love to hear feedback -- especially in the form of a Google Play review. SignalCheck Lite will be updated to this version soon. Those of you asking about the references that have popped up regarding "web data uploads".. stay tuned. Something really cool is in the works! Below is the full changelog of this version (4.66) with some details as needed.. Added toggling of Location Service, Site Logger, and Trail Logger features by clicking on the icons on the main screen. (Pro) Changed site note lock option to also lock Location/Site/Trail buttons. (Pro) The icons along the top row of the main screen are now clickable to enable/disable each feature. If you want to prevent accidental toggling of these options, you can enable the lock option under Preferences > Display Settings. Added option to display location accuracy on the main screen. (Pro) Changed location coordinates to update on main screen in real-time, independent of mobile signal updates. (Pro) The display coordinates can now show the accuracy (in meters) of your calculated location, either all the time or only when the Trail Logger is enabled. The coordinates will also now update as they are refreshed, regardless of how often your mobile signal information updates. Changed pending diagnostic reports to use app cache; eliminates need for Storage permission to send reports. Users who choose not to grant Storage permissions to the app can now send diagnostic reports. Other storage-related features still require the permission to be granted. Bugfixes/self-explanatory changes: Changed LTE band 13 to display as LTE 750. Code optimizations and enhancements. Resolved force closes on some Android 10 devices. Resolved force closes on some devices when attempting to update site notes. (Pro) Resolved force closes on some devices when connected to a WCDMA network. Resolved force closes when root modem functions were enabled. (Pro) Resolved issue with CDMA 1X BSL remaining on screen after 1X connection is lost. (Pro) Resolved issue with cell ID format on alert notifications not matching user preferences. (Pro) Resolved issue with invalid signal strengths displayed on some devices when connected to a WCDMA network. Resolved issue with older log database imports failing. (Pro) Resolved logcat warnings when inserting geocoded addresses. (Pro) Resolved SSL errors when sending diagnostic reports on older devices. Resolved Wi-Fi errors on some Android 11 devices. Thanks for all of your support!
  6. Most have already noticed a new beta rolled out several hours ago.. only a couple of minor changes compared to the last beta. The big change was a public version was released, catching up with all of the betas over the last several weeks. Web data uploads are still limited to beta versions for now. Thanks for all the help, I appreciate it! More improvements coming soon..
  7. Ugh. Did you recently get any device software updates? Please try sending a diagnostic right after it crashes just in case.. unfortunately that hasn't included anything useful so far but who knows. There are a lot of bugfixes coming in the next update, possibly rolling out as soon as tomorrow. Maybe/hopefully it will resolve these issues I'm not getting any crash reports on. I'm lost without any error messages or specific behavior patterns.
  8. Another SCP beta is rolling out now and should be available shortly. Lots of bugfixes, but also includes 2 notable changes. The existing site note lock option has been adjusted, and now locks the Location/Site/Trail icons so they can't be clicked accidentally. (Sorry @Trip, it's all one option.. for now!) A new option has also been added that allows you to change the "chunk" size of web data uploads. Hopefully this will be stable enough for public release.. let me know!
  9. It's new in this beta round.. just realized this isn't the beta thread.. oops. Coming soon for everyone else! 😁
  10. Sure! Sorry that feature made it worse for you.. didn't think of potential issues with curved screens. I'd like feedback from anyone interested: Would be appropriate to integrate it with the existing option that locks site notes (so accidental touches don't open the note prompt)? Or would it be better if locking out the buttons was separate? I try to keep it simple, but perhaps there's a case to be made for keeping the options separated. EDIT: In the meantime, you can add edge padding to (temporarily) resolve it now if you want.. see Preferences > Colors and Styles > Main Screen Layout Padding.
  11. Short answer: I'm not smart enough to answer this with certainty. Long answer: Sent you a PM. 😁
  12. Another SCP beta is rolling out now, should be available shortly! It took longer than I planned, but the bugs involving NR web data and importing log files have been squashed, and there are more improvements to the web data uploader. Keep the feedback coming.. thanks for all the support (and patience)!
  13. E-mail me the file (support [at] signalcheck.app), happy to take a look and get it fixed!
  14. Hmmm.. it's not throwing any errors in logcat at all. Can you send me that file so I can try it myself and see what's going on?
  15. Hmm, I did implement a fix for the NR table error in the overnight update, but maybe there's something else too. Is it the same exact error on your screen? Your diagnostic report didn't have anything logged, can you try the import again and then send a diagnostic shortly after?
  16. New beta rolling out now, should become available shortly.. fixes some bugs reported this week, as well as improvements to the data uploader status display. Full changelog in the app or on the website as always. Thanks for the feedback!
  17. I found the issue -- the nr_sites table is missing (because it didn't exist back then, of course) so the import fails -- so it is another bug! I'll work on fixing that, but if you have the ability to add that table (it might need the same column structure, I haven't run into this so not positive), that might fix your issue. Or you can send it to me and I can.
  18. "IWLAN" displays on some devices when Wi-Fi Calling is active; you can also see that it is active by the Wi-Fi Calling icon lit up in SCP (the handset with the radio beams). The -24 signal is an Android bug that appears on some devices when you're on a non-LTE, non-CDMA connection (HSPA/HSDPA/HSUPA/UMTS/etc) -- I'm trying to implement a workaround for it, but the other cell info displaying should be valid.
  19. Even if the structure changed, it should still import -- can you try again and then send me a diagnostic report? That should capture the error details. I can take a look at the file as well if you e-mail it to me, but the diagnostic will be most helpful.
  20. A new beta release of SignalCheck Pro is rolling out to the Beta Crew now! It should become available within the next few hours. Opening/closing the app or checking Google Play should prompt you to update. Lots of bugfixes and some new features. Check the changelog for full details.. looking forward to your feedback!
  21. Interesting. Certainly could be an Android 11 hiccup.. please keep me updated if it keeps happening. Rebooting is always the quickest and most likely resolution when things are stuck on stupid!
  22. Thinking a little more about this -- the geocoding feature that translates coordinates to a street address is separate from the actual location service that gets the coordinates. There are limits on geocoding requests (the specifics are not published), but I had never run into them and I expect if that was the issue, it would display an error instead of an address. Having one address constantly returned makes me think your coordinates are not changing, so the geocoder is working but not getting any new information. If it happens to pop up again, and you have the coordinates displayed on the main screen, try driving around to see if they change or if they are frozen. There are some minor improvements coming to the location service in the next update; not sure if it would be something that corrected an issue like this though.
  23. Interesting.. the location is provided by an API that shares device location information between all apps that request it. What are your location settings in SignalCheck? Did you happen to try opening another app that uses location features (Google Maps, Waze, etc) when you were having that issue?
  24. Others are having issues with recent S20 updates and SCP as well. Unfortunately I'm not getting any crash reports at all about it. If you disable battery optimization for SCP, others have said that resolves it. Have you tried that? What error does it show when you try sending a report?
  25. Hmm that looks like NSA 5G with LTE information missing, since there is no 5G cell identity info.. but who knows. Send a diagnostic and I'll see if it's hiding anything good behind the scenes!
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