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Everything posted by Johnner1999

  1. Curious if they have the plus on lease too....
  2. But I assume that's why it is a lease. Sprint or whomever is funding this actually is the owner, no?
  3. Only cautionary tale is "we" could enter magenta territory on the P&L scale. Which honestly is needed to boost subs short term.
  4. Yeah just noticed that. Damn Marcelo did a bang up job. I can't see Johnny beating this deal, heck even just matching it. Unless apple gave them the same deal.
  5. So is the new lease option shown for the 5c I assume? Also can a customer add or open another "line" for this? I have a 2 line 20gb plan now. I'd eventually pay off my galaxy s5 easy pay and close that line but not right away. Hmmm this is an amazing offer.
  6. I don't blame Dan though, I think his "problem" was he focused on the big picture. Whereas Marcelo is more concerned with the here and now, cause otherwise the big picture won't matter. I'm impressed with both ceos.
  7. It will be interesting to see what is announced tomorrow, and if Sprint can match or trump it.
  8. Except it's not a few months - over 15 months And I bet not just the webs engine is outdated - but so is the CRM.
  9. Of course, I bet John would be buying one asap... Check out @JohnLegere's Tweet: https://twitter.com/JohnLegere/status/502885638853885952
  10. it seems that Sprint Stores may/will get Pepper to sell next year. http://webcast.softbankmobile.co.jp/en/conference/20140605/index.html#_ga=1.104502855.679524500.1409658837 http://seekingalpha.com/news/1961395-softbank-to-sell-robot-at-sprint-stores-by-next-summer I think this is cool... ... but assume magenta folks and John will have too much fun with this.
  11. Don't hate me. I have two primary observations: - all carriers have DB fans (not to be confused with evangelists) - TMO DBs appear worse I think because they TMO, was first to give the illusion that they were on the customers side. Thats all :-)
  12. I think if you polled 10 tmo fan boys, 11 would say tmo is doing amazing and shouldn't sell.
  13. Maybe DT, is worried about AT&T rumors again about Vodafone? And DT would like the extra money on hand if needed? Pure BS speculation on my part.
  14. okay let me revise my earlier statement... yes maybe he is... seems that maybe the end of the line is near? <not saying the sky is falling but hey> http://www.phonedog.com/2014/08/28/t-mobile-parent-deutsche-telekom-reportedly-would-talk-t-mo-sale-at-35-per-share-bid/
  15. Yeah but Nextel has this cool feature set that includes: an amazing beep, and allows spectators to participate in both sides of a conversation ;-)
  16. I know it would be coping. But with the shared plans I'd like to see music apps exempt from the cap. Maybe the hit could be YouTube.
  17. I'm not sure he is at that stage yet. If Sprint can get more of NV working, and if Sprint buys freedomPop (and adds more exposure to it) yeah then he'll be Yellow ;-) It will be interesting to see him at the next uncarrier event.
  18. Might be the most observant tweet this week? Check out @MatthewDenney's Tweet: https://twitter.com/MatthewDenney/status/504764071170686978
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