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Posts posted by blakebaa

  1. We had wimax and now they're reusing the towers for B41. I haven't seen any towers in my area that had B41 added that weren't clearwire before.


    Sent from my LG-LS980 using Tapatalk

    That's because that is an NV2.0 thing. However, I read a thread where people are now reporting sprint sites with TDD-LTE being added on to them. :)
    • Like 1
  2. Haven't received the update yet. Has anyone noticed any improvement to the GPS performance?

    I will be honest, I haven't been able to connect to GPS since I got the update. My service keeps dropping every 10 minutes and my battery life is awful... Not sure what to do that this point.

  3. No, why did you think we'd have that... We/everyone has had the hot word detection in Google Now but Kk did not bring the universal hotwork detection to any device.  It's build into the Google Experience launcher on Nexus and you get a "variation" of the hot word on the Moto X device.


    Mmk, I just didn't know if we would get it too.
  4. Just a reminder, be sure if you did stuff such as get the hotspot, or changed other files, to put them back to the stock files. Don't want people going into a boot loop after they get the update! ;)

  5. Holy cow, just realized this is 215 pages long. While I try to read all the threads in. he forum and this is one I've kept up with since the beginning, I didn't own the phone until recently. (The phone is actually for the spouse) still I feel the phone isn't getting as good signal as my Mega. Therefore I started to read the thread again and I passed out after page 22.


    Therefore, can someone kindly repost the order of the LTE bands. I read different set of orders such as B41, B26 , B25 and then B25, B26, B41 so i am not to sure what the order is supposed to be.


    I did ##DATA# , LTE, Edit  and have my MSL and it shows..

    LTE Enabled/Disabled is enabled

    Band26 Enabled/Disabled is Enabled

    Band41Enabled/Disabled is Enabled

    Band 25, 26, 41 Proirity is 1

    BSRTimer is 3


    Is this correct, or does one have to have a higher priority than another?




    That is correct if you want B25 to be your first to be scanned for.
  6. So I'm moving stuff on my desk and when I went to move my G2 box I decided to read the back of it and guess what? It says it only works on Sprint 1900mhz lte Lol crazy. Sent from my LG G2 on the Now Network

    I suppose if you got the phone before the spark update, that was all you could connect to straight out of the box. I would assume that the boxes now say all 3 bands.

  7. https://www.dropbox.com/s/ajjzi00mfll7yve/Screenshot_2014-03-14-17-52-05.png?m=




    For the bajillionth time, the PRL has NOTHING to do with LTE.  PRL is only used for CDMA.  There are still very little amount of sites that have B26 LTE.  It could be that Sprint is not allowing access to B26 until they feel is ready.  B26 LTE will come when its ready.


    You would think that they would be adding wifi calling considering im sure the phone can support it.


    Has anyone had any b26 connections on their lg g2? Does the prl have anything to do with not being able to pick up a perticular band as say b25 b26 b41? I just wonder why there has been nobody getting to use b26 so far and why they have had so many problems with the deployment of the 800mhz on lte and cdma?


    I know that it wont be theoreticaly the speed of 41 but its extra capacity and is needed. Even where i live just the one 5mhz lte carrier of 1900 is overburdened. Its does good if theres not alot of people on it but just the one band is not sufficient enough.


    They need atleast a minium of atleast a 10×10 or 2 5×5 carriers of lte to keep speeds decent seems like to me and is just my opinion. I know its been said that they will have so many pops covered by b26 this year but i would think we would see people getting to
    use it by now.


    Does the triband spark phones have anything to do with this
    cause seems as if they have had problems with are phones either software or hardware trying update/changing stuff on it.


    I guess maybe they are just trying to make sure things work correctly but seems as if theyve not had the same problems with samsung phones. Idk thay much about it but seems as though my phone had a little better rf capabilities before spark update.


    Nonetheless i havent used hd voice or 800 cdma either and its probably because they have it off im guessing cause ive been around three sites that are accepted but must be off at the moment.


    Another question is that in the hidden menu under evdo you can set voice codecs but ive tried changing but didnt do any good for me. If anyone has any info on this stuff please feel free to comment. But i will be waiting for b26 hopefully will come sometime this year. I know it would be a big help.

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  8. ok i need help. I know how to do the prl update but i dont know how to check what prl im on? Im having the same issues most of you are having too except my bluetooth is just fine. Im going to disable band 26 and 41 and see what happens. Im in Denver and you can only get band 41 on hotspot or if you force it, i use to get it before spark update cause i enabled band 41. Anyways i will let you know how it goes after i disable those bands

    Type in your dialer ##33284# (##DEBUG#) and click configuration, the PRL will be in there.

  9. I saw it when you posted the first time. But we had no clue it was going to change twice without us knowing.


    Sent from my LG-LS980 using Tapatalk

    Exactly what I was thinking when I posted earlier. Nothing noticeably different, but perhaps I may see some changes later on...? 

  10. I too was on 18 (now on 51100), I think this is a new one and if not, no idea why I'm on a different new one of the PRL's pushed out a week or so ago. :blink:


    Sent from my LG-LS980 using Tapatalk

    Maybe everyone got switched to 51100? Maybe?

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