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Everything posted by MacinJosh

  1. Maybe that was the reason they moved the release of the 4S to October to make it more popular for Christmas time! I prefer a summer release, but I can't be picky, lol.
  2. That's for sure. 14 more days until we know for absolute certainty what the specs will be.
  3. MacinJosh

    WiMax & rain

    Hopefully it won't be enough to drop the LTE signal to nothing like what happens to me here on 2600.
  4. MacinJosh

    WiMax & rain

    That sucks. Glad to know that rain won't affect LTE on 1900. Thanks!
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  6. How accurate is the GPS after it is moved away from the window?
  7. MacinJosh

    WiMax & rain

    Come to the Lower Central Valley of California and you will see what rain is. All afternoon yesterday and all night last night.
  8. WalMart is always bad for everyone due to the large amounts of metal used in the buildings. Where I live, I get 4-max bars in town and anywhere from 0-4 at my house, in house it's 0-2.
  9. Ouch. That's bad for your area. I need one, but I don't have any broadband services where I live. A truly mobile life, lol.
  10. And I just found out the reason it won't work with satellite broadband is too much jitter and some service providers can't support IPsec. So much for my idea since I don't have DSL or cable in my neighborhood.
  11. I just read on Sprint's Airave support page that it is actually 5,000 ft. Of course, that's give or take due to interference.
  12. Is that all they can reach? That isn't worth much to me, especially when I count interference with metal wall framing and window tint blocking signals already.
  13. No national carrier has truly ever completed replacing AMPS in all areas of their network like they should have. AT&T Wireless had AMPS & TDMA coverage on CA127 on the road from Baker, CA to Shoshone, CA. After AMPS was shuttered, they never lit up GSM to fully replace that coverage area. They only covered what they thought would be the areas that would bring them profit. Sad too how they pulled that one off. If Sprint ever decided to go the GSM route, at least there is already nationwide GSM deployment, but even then, LTE will fully cover this country before that would ever feasibly happen.
  14. MacinJosh

    WiMax & rain

    Has anyone ever noticed that rain seems to degrade WiMax signals to almost worthless usability? Could this also potentially affect LTE as well?
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