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Asus Nexus 7 2013 Kit Kat- No Google Launcher? I Don't Think So.


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So when my Nexus 7 2013 notified me that it was ready to update to 4.4 Kit Kat, I was ecstatic. My parents were actually a little worried because I was talking to my tablet like it could hear me. Anyways, I got the update and I was watching the red, yellow, blue, and green dots combine to make a white circle (I love that) and slowly getting ready to jump for joy when I noticed that the Kit Kat on my N7 looked a lot like 4.3-actually in every way. Furious, I Googled my problem and found that the Google Experience Launcher (what makes the Nexus 5 look so perfect) is a Nexus 5 exclusive-or so people thought. As some of you may remember, a couple weeks ago I posted the APK file for the launcher, and I tried downloading this for my tablet. As you can see in the attached photo of my tablet, it worked. It looks just like the Nexus 5's Google launcher, and runs flawlessly. For those of you who are about to or already have received the 4.4 update on your non-Nexus 5 device, this is a great way to get the N5's beautiful interface-complete with the transparent status bar and navkey background. Hope I helped!  :lock:



Here is the link to my post with the APK files:







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The link to the other post if anyone wants the apk lol.  Thanks for the heads up!



Thanks! Just realized I didn't include it. Totally spaced my mind! I edited it before I saw your post

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