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Amazon coming out with 10" Kindle Fire


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Never played with a Kindle Fire yet but those who have one seem pretty happy with it. Do you think this new form factor will be successful? Or will it need more capabilities since its a full sized tablet?




Amazon taps Foxconn for 10-inch Kindle Fire, says report


Foxconn will make a 10-inch Kindle Fire for Amazon, according to a report. If true, this indicates Amazon is targeting the sweet spot of the




Amazon will consign production of a 10-inch Kindle Fire tablet to Foxconn, according to an Asia-based report. If true, this would mean that Amazon has its sights on a slightly bigger tablet than previous reports have claimed.

Shipments of the 10-inch class Fire would begin in the second quarter, according to a report in DigiTimes.

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I haven't played with one either. I've messed around with a friends Nook Tablet, hes rooted it and thrown the market on there so its not so bad.


I would think they would have to at least put some more RAM, along with more storage on the thing, maybe even a little better display. All depends on the price point really I guess overall though.

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Thing is amazon can take a loss on each unit knowing they will make up for it in selling thier content. Just depends on how much the can undercut and still be viable.


Personally I love my acer tablet and having all options open to me. Its so worth the little extra money over the life of the product.

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