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Posts posted by IsaiahL

  1. Concerning the camera shift, I think it's kind of a blessing in disguise. In a couple months I'll take my phone in while still under warranty and get it replaced. Hello fresh battery!

    If you want a fresh battery then go in and have them do a diagnostic check. If your battery is bad they'll replace it. I believe it's covered. I've had mine replaced before for free.



    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  2. What would do it for me, even though I am not going to get the 6s, most likely, is: at least an extra 2 hours of battery life added to the phone ( on top of the extra 3 power saving), improved display even though it's pretty perfect already, CA, 12 mp camera with the same focus pixel tech, better FaceTime camera, quick charging, and any way possible to make the phone less slippery.



    Sent from my iPhone 6 using Crapatalk

    And don't forget that extra amount of ram. That would just be the cherry on top.



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  3. Updated my phone to beta 2. We'll see how this goes. I like the keyboard and the app switcher better than iOS 8 versions for sure. Seems a little sluggish but the more I use it the better it's getting.

    It'll be more refined by the time the next iPhone is coming out. I really can't wait to see what they do with the 6s and 6s Plus. These rumors of an upgraded 4 inch phone seems interesting too.



    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  4. Beta 2 Update

    Battery usage is much improved.

    They took away the option to switch the side switch from rotation to silence. Now my side switch is stuck on rotation and I can't silence my phone lol.

    Overall the UI is a little bit more stable but still buggy. I'm definitely looking forward to beta 3 though.



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  5. Something higher than 20.1? If so, it's new; if not, it's been out for about a week, and you're just now being prompted to update.



    Sent from my iPhone 6

    Well actually now that you point it out. I'm on 20.5.8 with iOS 9 Beta 1. I haven't noticed anything except it takes a little bit more time to switch bands. I have to force it in places where it'd be natural for the switch to occur.



    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  6. That's pretty dope. I also wish Google did that same. The last time I used apple maps was when it first came out. I wanted to give it another try but didn't when reports was coming back that people were getting into accidents because of it giving wrong directions.



    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    iOS 9 Fixes most of those issues. I used to use Google Maps for everything but I switched back once I upgraded to iOS 9.



    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  7. Where exactly did you get that wallpaper?



    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    I usually get my wallpapers from these two Bible Lock Screen apps that have pictures like that with quotes from the Bible or related too but I think I got that one from Tumblr.




    Here it is if you wanted it.


    Edit: wrong picture sorry



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  8. Attention attention attention! If your UDID is registered to my Apple Developer account and your on a beta through me get off that beta! My Developer account expires next Week June 18th, I currently don't have the funds to pay for it yet and idk what happens if your on a beta with an expired Developer account so yeah. I'll pay for it when I get my first pay check from Chipotle and you guys can go back on the beta if you want. Just a fare warning [emoji5]️



    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  9. Just downloaded the final public beta of 8.4. Seems stable. I'll probably wait on the public beta of iOS 9... Even though I kinda want it just for the extra hour and the 3 hour power saving mode. Are there specifics to that? Like you need to have at least 20% to get an extra 3 hours or something. What's the cut off if anyone knows.



    Sent from my iPhone 6 using Crapatalk

    Yeah the power save mode is supposed to give 3 extra hours. It does work. When I first updated to Beta 1 I had like 30% it dropped to 20% and I enabled it. Gave me a good amount of extra time before my phone died.



    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  10. I don't blame you. There's a few annoying little bugs that I'm noticing that might make daily use hard, and battery life isn't where it should be. You're smart to wait.



    Yeah battery sucks. Where it's supposed to give an hour I'm losing an hour. But I know it's because it's in early stages of beta so can't really expect much as far as battery life goes.



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  11. We'll see about that, I'm on 9.0b1 now.

    For anyone wondering... if you need a stable and speedy phone, don't update.



    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    Agreed lol, but all first betas are like that. This isn't as bad as iOS 8 or even 7 though. Apple has created some cool new features. I just discovered low power mode. Finally we iOS users get a low power mode to save battery during dire times.

    And I just add, the new maps is awesome, basically on level with Google Maps transit. I must say as well that the new App Switcher looks amazing. 142078e8aee038ca709b387ad3189ff8.jpg



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  12. I've seen a lot of people on Instagram complaining about how after they've gotten it a couple of times their iMessage breaks. There's apparently a fix for it but that in itself should let people know not to be sending it. It really is annoying.



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