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Everything posted by digink

  1. I swear I was at that same location on Sunday and didn't get diddly-squat... Either they had the towers off then or my phone isn't picking up LTE. I have to check again this weekend, hopefully they have it up. I'd love at the very least to catch a glimpse of LTE.
  2. When looking at the Sprint site it shows a lot of the towers in the area with "Data Speed Upgrades" Isn't that the backhaul? So you'd think a lot of the towers already have this completed. That said, I could be grossly incorrect in my thinking.
  3. At work i would usually get extremely slow response from 3G but the last month the speed has been dramatically better. It is strange, it isn't even the actual speed per-say but apps load data so much faster on my device.. Hopeful LTE is on the horizon... but even the better 3g helps!
  4. I live pretty close to the area in Avalon that has LTE on the Sensorly maps and I drove all through the outside of Avalon and up Curry Ford where they "claim" there is LTE and got absolutely nothing at all. I don't know if the HTC EVO 4G LTE has issues w/ LTE (I've heard this in the past, but never had LTE to know for sure), but I didn't get so much as a blip. I was also in Waterford Lakes for hours yesterday and didn't so much a see a blip. That said, I work on the west side of town and have definitely seen 3G speed improvements in areas where I used to have barely any data-speed at all. Has anyone gotten LTE in Orlando w/ the HTC EVO 4G LTE? I'm beginning to think this phone is a dud!
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