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Everything posted by drewminerforgold

  1. 3G speeds in Redlands. Pretty impressive. Not sure if I was connected to a vision tower or not. Usually my speed tests in this area are around .4 MPs down and .6 up.
  2. The next week or so you're expecting some LTE sites to go active in Riverside/San Bernardino area? Thats awesome!
  3. Because Redlands isn't one of the major cities does that mean it will get lte later than when the bigger cites in Riverside/ San Bernardino get lte?
  4. I have been connected to the evdo a network since I got my phone. Then a few days ago my phone switched to eHRPD for a few hours and it switched back to evdo a and has been ever since. What does this mean?
  5. Does anyone know if there are any towers in Redlands that are LTE equipped that just haven't launched yet?
  6. Thank you for your quick replies and yes, my Nexus is witching from EVDO A to eHRPD quite often. So the eHRPD means the tower is upgraded?
  7. What I meant to say was that I just started picking up this eHRPD signal. Is this a good sign for LTE in my area?
  8. The tower I am connected to in Netowrk Signal Info app says eHRPD. Does this mean that the tower i am connected to is going to be upgraded to LTE?
  9. Any news of LTE in Red lands CA? Also I ran a speed test with my Galaxy Nexus and my dads iPhone right next to each other and the iPhone got around .7 MPs and my galaxy nexus would get .09 mps. Wierd. But I'm more concerned about the LTE in Redlands
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