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Posts posted by ddimit

  1. You can throw the fastest and best router at anything but if you have ISP issues its all for moot.


    Reduce things down to the simplest form  and work up from there.


    In all the years all my issues have been ISP related.


    i run mid grade older routers Dlink DIR-825  for the dual band and gigabit switch ports.


    I have 3, yes 3 of these linked together to provide decent coverage over my 2 story Brick house. if you can run aftermarket software such as DD-WRT I would recommend that as well.  


    Unless your running internal  gigabit file servers you don't need the most expensive router out there. Your ISP will always be your bottleneck

  2. Eager beaver blamed for New Mexico Internet outage

    Published: June 28, 2013 1:47 PM

    By The Associated Press  


    (AP) -- Officials have finally identified the culprit behind a 20-hour Internet and cellphone outage last week in northern New Mexico --an eager beaver.

    CenturyLink spokesman David Gonzales told The Associated Press on Friday that a hungry beaver chewed through the fiber line last week. He says the biting evidence was discovered by contractors who worked to repair the outage.


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  3. Now that's pretty funny... I knew what those things were when I was 12, they were all over the place connecting every city to the long distance phone network. Fiber has replaced many of them now.


    Ok since this has popped up take a look at this site. A lot of History of AT&T Microwave and Coax deployment. cool history, cutting edge stuff for the 50-60's. Cool Cool Cold War Hardened bunkers and such. Interesting reading



  4. I wish that I could find a video clip because, folks, you have not lived until you have seen this Saturday Night Live sketch. "Civil War Memories: Ordinary Americans who never completed high school look back at the war between the states."


    The sketch video is great, as it is done in the archival documentary and talking heads style of Ken Burns. Alas, I can find only the transcript:





    As a Civil War Skit, it rates right up there with Col. Angus.

  5. Actually coming from VZW EVDO, Sprint has been an Improvment for me.


    There will always be people that think that their wireless should work everywhere and anywhere. Most of the blame falls on the carriers setting unresonable expectation levels.



    AT&T, Sprint and VZW are sitting in a car, this is their discusssion..




    They just want your wad of big sweaty money lol...

  6. First thing i do with a new phone out of the box is it goes in a rugged case.


    Right now my note is in a Ballistic SG series. About $20 on Ebay This has saved my phone more than once.


    Plus if you sell your old phones you get top dollar becuase they look like brand new. its worth the added extra size for protection.


    The Note 2 would not survive a fall from any height and survive with all that glass surface area and plastic case

  7. http://blogs.seattle...t-then-verizon/


    Most of this isn't new to anyone. But did prove one thing to me coming from a Big Red EVDO only device. They got rated the worst on speed on non LTE connections. I actually saw a speed increase coming over to Sprint. Looks like VZW is totally ignoring its EVDO Network and putting all its energy into LTE.


    My Avg VZW download was 100-300k and worse on the upload.


    Sprint 1.3-1.5 meg down and up

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