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Posts posted by bigsnake49

  1. Verizon will likely try for Comcast instead IMO. They would be better off with Comcast's entertainment and fiber assets for 5G and they can divest their remaining NE footprint of traditional Telcom and Fios to Frontier. It would greatly increase their fiber and home footprint.


    Which, ironically enough, Frontier would be a takeover target by someone or something when taking over the old Bell Atlantic.


    Sent from my SM-N920V using Tapatalk


    Just in case you did not notice Verizon has a massive net debt load, $105B. They can't afford to buy anybody. Merge yes and the talk is about them merging with Charter. They probably would have to ditch FIOS in places they currently compete with Charter or any other cable entity.

  2. All of the CDMA carriers are trying like hell to move on from CDMA not because of the technology but because of Qualcomm. They have to double pay Qualcomm twice. First all the equipment has a build in license fee plus the carrier has to be pay a license fee for using the technology.

    I hope like hell that Intel & Mediatek become alternatives to Qualcomm because Qualcomm are just...bastards.

    • Like 1
  3. I am assuming that Apple and Intel would really be pushing it to get this out. I am rooting for Intel, especially after the chicanery of patents Qualcomm is pulling has come to light. Someone needs to knock Qualcomm down a notch.


    Also, Qualcomm SOC's suck compared to both Exynos and especially compared to A Series. Even MediaTek is starting to get close to Snapdragon SoC performance.



    Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk Pro


    I guess Intel is not ready to move to 10nm process yet. I don't blame them. Not that much of a jump between the 14nm process and the 10nm process. 

  4. Interesting how the Intel Modem has support for CDMA.


    Fact Sheet: https://newsroom.intel.com/newsroom/wp-content/uploads/sites/11/2017/02/XMM7560-Fact-Sheet.pdf


    Qualcomm could very well find itself on the outside for this year's iPhone....


    I am sure they will. Is the Intel modem available this year? I just read the pdf. It is sampling in the first half and will be going into production soon afterward. I am not sure it will make it into the new iPhone. But if anybody can do it it will be Intel.

  5. Looks like sprint is losing the advantage of having so much MHz.


    Looks like att has been moving quietly.

    Lots of shenanigans in that computation. Firstnet should not be counted. Maybe you can use it when PS entities are not using it but you can't count on it. Also they have been deploying WCS. The only spectrum they have not deployed is AWS-3.

    • Like 3
  6. OK.. maybe I'm in a plan that is better than most or I just don't get these complaints. A year ago I got an email encouraging me too switch my plan to the family share pack - 40 gb shared for $120. Better yet, the access fees for lines 1-4 were waived as long as we stayed on that plan. After the discount we pay $96 plus taxes and device fees (one of the phones is free (iphone promotion sprint ran last year with phone trade in), the other one pays $20 and I have the third one through the apple upgrade program). So our bill is about $133 (not including the apple payment) and we dont' get tethered if we go over the twenty whatever gb.

    If I were to switch to VZN, I'd have to get two new VZN phones and my montly bill would be at least $60 more per month than I currently pay. We travel a lot internationally and that would add hundreds of dollars each week we spend abroad compared to what we pay now...


    So unless I'm missing something, I don't see why these VZN plans are so enticing to some people - at least for me it would cost a ton more and while 40 gb is not unlimited, I have yet to come close to that.


    You were lucky to have the access fees waived.

    • Like 2
  7. I know we're having a level-headed discussion and I appreciate it. If Marcelo had delivered even half of his promises on network they wouldn't have to do extreme discounts just to avoid massive defections to Verizon. He's been the CEO for 2.5 years and to rest laurels on the Pyrrhic victory of "network has improved a lot from its nightmarish state" is just unacceptable.


    Let me remind you that they still haven't deployed 8T8R on at least a quarter of their macro sites and they have only deployed less than 1000 small cells. That's a far cry from his explicit and implicit promise.



    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


    Amazing what happens when you have to pay back a huge chuck of debt in 2016 and 2017.

    • Like 2
  8. this is pretty cool. Massive MIMO on 1.9 MHz... brought to you by non other than ShenTel




    Massive MIMO will not necessarily improve aggregate bandwidth at the device (you're still running 4x2 or 4x4 MIMO). But it helps with more precise beam forming and is great help at the cell's edge.

    • Like 2
  9. T-Mobile is looking to disrupt the pay TV industry. Which might mean that instead of Sprint they might might merge with Dish. Dish has spectrum and they have the content agreements. Sprint has spectrum but also a lot of debt. Hmmm...decisions, decisions:




    Just like cable cos wanting to move into wireless, T-Mobile wants to move into the pay TV industry. Which came first, the chicken or the egg ;)?

    • Like 3
  10. Hello,


    Probably a stupid question but I'll ask anyway:  The HPUE technology that Sprint will be adding to band 41 appears to be a great way to increase signal penetration and distance.


    My question:  Can these same techniques/methods also be applied to the other Sprint bands, 25 and 26, to help increase the signal penetration and distance of those bands?


    Thanks for the explanation!


    Not unless the 3GPP changes the specs for those bands which it just did for band 41.

  11. LOL... so I dug into these things (verizons new unlimited wasnt on their site yet) 


    1st thing... Everyone of these sites suck.. they take for ever to go no where, and are very confusing to me..


    2nd, its back to a battle of unlimited, they really dont want you on tiered plans, because thats where everyone except Tmo, has "access" fees  And Tmo, I couldnt find an option for tiered data.. soooooo


    3rd  I first was going to compare 2 lines on tiered, but read #2.... So i went 4 lines, unlimited, with an s7.. att has 2 different pricing upgrade every 2 cheaper, or every $5 more... everyone has ins. Sprint was the most at $13, but Tmo @ $12 included jump upgrades (i am guessing every year) 


    Att $339.80.. before taxes.. BUT you had to have directv for their unlimited  $100 due today for activation

    Sprint  $277.84   Before taxes  $219 due today for sales taxes and Activation I am guessing

    Tmo   $312, taxes included    $280 due today  taxes and shipping sim card



    So roughly $75 a line give or take $5-10 depending on carrier


    Att the most PLUS having to have TV.... and theirs still said access charge.. 60 for plan, but $180 total...they give a $40 credit for the 4th line...


    its all a racket... i pay just over these for 12 lines (3 have a higher GB, the others only 2) but I dont get hit with an "access fee" and it includes phones in that price to.... SMH   I guess ill deal with the issues


    Try it again today. $80 unlimited for a single line. $45/line for multiline plans for 4 lines. No line access fee. Plus taxes of course.

  12. Oh, so putting out a plan that is cheaper than everyone else is desperate. And if they put out a plan that's "not desperate", im sure you wont have anything positive to say either.


    Cant win with you haters! im glad Sprint is running this aggressive promotion.


    So am I but I am seeing it as a series of moves trending towards what I think is an end game.

    • Like 1
  13. I agree with both comments. The way they have their capex set it looks like they will just do enough until a deal is reached. They have the spectrum, the network can easily adopt and deploy new tech most of the time but the money part holds them back. I'm just not too convinced with the spend less and have noticeable network results. At the same time throwing a crap load of money at the network won't fix things either all the time. This year will be a telling sign.



    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


    No, this year is another year of skinny cows because they have a pretty significant debt payment(s) coming up. I think we will see a noticeable uptick in 2018.

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