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Everything posted by wtsguy

  1. I work right next to a Sprint tower and I check everyday to see if people are working on it. I wonder how long it takes for them to upgrade a tower to NV. The minute they turn on the LTE network I will be dropping USCC and getting in on some sweet Sprint LTE action. Can't wait!
  2. My home line usually maxes out at 5Mbps and there is nothing I can't do with that kind of speed. Therefore, if Sprint (or any carriers) LTE can provide 5mbps, then I will probably never have anything to complain about.
  3. T1 lines... Do you guys mean the old 1.5mbps T-1 infrastructure? All it takes is one person streaming netflix and the entire T-1 is exhausted, how does this work in application? Or are we talking multiple T1's being bundled?
  4. Thanks. I understand you can view the interactive maps there, but I was under the impression there is a list somewhere of future towers/deployments? I don't really understand the interactive maps with the whole "3g", "3g/4g", "3g only", "3g and 4g"... "3g means that 3g may be complete, but 4g may also." "4g means that 4g may be complete, but 3g may also." Sorry, I just don't understand what this means, lol.
  5. Where is this "deploy list" that you guys see? How do you know when an LTE tower is going up?
  6. No LTE is probably better than extremely limited / spotty LTE in the eyes of the masses. It's a good move on Sprints part until they have a more built out network ready to go, in my opinion. I just don't know how fast they're working, to me, it appears at this rate they might not have a decent enough network by even the end of the year to flip this thing on. Hopefully they're pulling double shifts to get this thing ready, otherwise they launched these phones way too early.
  7. I am actually more partial to the Nexus, but I haven't made my mind up yet. I hate SenseUI with a passion, but if there are custom rom options for the Evo, I might go that route as well!
  8. Hi everyone, I'm currently a disgruntled US Cellular customer from Chicago because there are no plans for a 4G rollout here. As a pretty big phone and tech nerd, US Cellular just can't keep up anymore and it's time to go. The tiny data caps of Verizon and AT&T are instant dealbreakers, so what draws me to Sprint is the promise of unlimited data. This site has more information than anywhere else, and I find it interesting keeping up with the rollout of a new technology on a daily basis. Thanks for everything you guys do here! The minute I can get my hands on a Sprint 4G phone in Chicago, I'll be paying my ETF and leaving US Cellular.
  9. Very funny guys! For a site that dangles all the benefits of a sponsor, they sure don't make it easy to figure out what you have to do to become one. Not even a FAQ? I'm happy to support the site, I just want to make sure I can get access to those NV maps.
  10. How much do you have to donate to view the maps?
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