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Everything posted by thatrandomguy

  1. Why is it fishy if I'm a current AT&T subscriber? I don't work for AT&T if that's what your implying. Or the NSA. (HI! People who scan the internet!!) And I'm not a narc either... Wow that's quite scary but at least no one got hurt. Luckily the fire didn't spread to the trees or the building it was behiend.
  2. I really don't care that much about the speeds because I only recently decided to start speed testing again because constantly speed testing goes through A LOT of data. I only care that it's comparable to AT&T but with Sprint it's less of a problem because their network is not as crowed like AT&T where you need to be ahead of the load like being on LTE vs crowded HSPA+ or UMTS. The only problem with me having AT&T is paying 2 separate phone bills and if I do switch back I will definitely grab a tri band phone hopefully when most of NV is done in this area. A part of me wants to switch back when everything is done so I can have unlimited data again!!
  3. I think if I do switch it will be either the end of this year of the beginning of next year like others have suggested so the change isn't that dramatic from blazing fast AT&T LTE. Also my current ETF is $265 and there aren't or not that many tri band phones which would give me similar speeds and coverage.
  4. I don't NEED the speed but it is nice to have! I doubt the other lines are 800 capable because one's a Samsung Galaxy S Epic 4G and the others a Motorola XPRT or something but it's basically the Driod Pro but for Sprint.
  5. I live and go to school in Alameda so that's where I am most of the time. Coverage at school is CRUCIAL to me I don't care if it's only voice because we have wifi around campus. Personally I don't want to switch but paying 2 phone bills(AT&T 1 line and Sprint 2 lines) is a bit much for a family. The only reason their considering switching me is just price because paying 2 phone bills isn't ideal. Only 'motive' is price essentially. To be fair about the speed test I was sitting about 200ft from the tower when I did that test but I was still shocked at the speed because I have never attempted to speed test mainly to stay under 3GB which isn't that hard. I only posted asked because Sprint has a deal that if you buy an S4 or S3 you get another one free and my parents want me to switch because of price but as you can see AT&T and my S3 have spoiled me from day 1. Also I had no idea AT&T LTE could reach those speeds in this area. Now I want to stay up until 3am and try to reach it! Oh wait one question: Do/all Sprint LTE phones minus the iPhone 5 do voLTE? Because my S3 only does "4G" (HSPA+ or UMTS) and voice.
  6. I was a Sprint customer earlier this year but in March I was forced to switch to AT&T because of Sprint's network being unusable and me roaming like a crazy data freak. My parents keep saying I should switch back to Sprint but I've been spoiled with the sheer speed of AT&T's BLAZING FAST LTE. I just want to know if Sprint in the East Bay has improved to near AT&T coverage and speed because their network is crazy fast and has coverage everywhere I have been this whole year. I have recently started to look at Sprint's LTE coverage and was amazed that Alameda and the entire East Bay was fully orange. I know that their coverage maps aren't 100% but it's still an improvement over the Sprint I left. I just have some questions like: Do you get relatively decent in building penetration with LTE? Are the speeds comparable to AT&T's LTE and even HSPA+? Has 3G improved from 0.21 mps? Do voice calls drop as often? Has Sprint started to deploy anything on the 800 band in this area? I'm not trying to bash Sprint in anyway I just want to know if the overall experience has improved greatly or should I just wait until they finish NV in the Bay and the greater LA area? EDIT: Changed AT&T screenshot and added around the time I left Sprint screenshot for comparison.
  7. Yeah it's okay and actually a little better in some areas but I think 800 SMR will really help once that's deployed because some buildings are from the early 20th century, so their too thick for Sprint, well until Network Vision is done. I thought it was Sprint only because once I saw the crew I was only on 1X the whole day but I've grown used to it.
  8. Today at Alameda High School there was a crew working on a site. I'm not sure if they were for Verizon or Sprint but I saw a truck filled with huge Ericson boxes and I believe the SF Bay is a Samsung market if I'm not mistaken. The whole day my Blackberry (iPhone shattered recently) has gone from 1XEV to 1X to 1x the whole day which I'd assume they were working a Sprint site and not a Verizon one because I wouldn't have been effected. Anyway they were adding what I imagine was the backhall (large black cables) when I left the area so hopefully LTE soon!!
  9. No I haven't been able to call Sprint yet but, this weekend I have to go a Sprint store for device related issues regarding another line. I could tell them if it continues tomorrow. Hopefully it gets resolved soon, probably some permit hold up or something because in Alameda their pretty tight about this stuff.
  10. So Network Vision is slowly but immensely improving the overall experience on Sprint. Luckily living in the Bay Area a large amount of this work has already begun and is continuing each day. For a while I was seeing improvement and loved Sprint for every moment. At the begging of this week all of this suddenly disappeared, being an avid reader of this site I assumed it was an upgrade and just continued on with my day. Now it's near the end of the week and no improvement whatsoever. Basically I would like to know if this is a device related problem (iPhone 4, iOS 6.1, PRL 51094) or if it's an network upgrade which I'll just ignore. Before: https://www.dropbox....0/photo%201.PNG After: https://www.dropbox....n/photo%202.PNG
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