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Posts posted by bakedc4

  1. It's had a decent amount of faygo on it but it gets wiped off quickly. But I only drink heavily every couple months. Nothing bad happens to the phone when I'm drunk.


    Sent from my HTCONE using Tapatalk 4



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  2. Oh, so now you are throwing your phone? Yeah, you are getting reported. Your phones will be taken from you and placed in protective custody.





    I didn't do half bad for being drunk but yes it has been thrown a few times. I had an old Samsung flip phone threw halfway across Walmart once and it was still kicking. I dropped that thing within 5 minutes of turning it on the first time. It took a week to drop my one for the first time so I'm getting better.


    Sent from my HTCONE using Tapatalk 4



  3. Started getting the "No SIM card" error tonight. Put the phone in my pocket to drive to work and when I took it out at my desk, the icon was in the tray. Not thrilled about it, regardless of the cause.

    I got that after one of the many drops this thing has been threw. Restarted and dropped many more times and it never came back.


    Sent from my HTCONE using Tapatalk 4



  4. My one has been through a lot. It spends it's days usually with a knife, screw driver, and/or other sharp metal tools scrapping both sides of it. It's gone down the wooden stairs into the concrete floor multiple times, has found many parking lots and concrete floors. It's bounced down the 10 foot ladder a few times, sat on my dash in the sun for a few hours streaming music getting it up to around 150 degrees and spent a few hours in the freezer while I was working in there. Pretty much the phone manufacturers should send me things to torture test. It would be better than what they do now.


    Sent from my HTCONE using Tapatalk 4



  5. Call me paranoid, but I've seen people around with the HTC ONE without a case, and it makes me cringe at the thought of the phone falling.


    Plus less damage means higher resell value :P




    I like my battle scares, makes it unique. Plus it makes it easy to identify.


    Sent from my HTCONE using Tapatalk 4



  6. YIKES! A case might help ya. :D


    Sent from my One using Tapatalk 4


    I'm not a big fan of cases. They make it hard to get out of my pocket and people usually only call me when I'm driving or on top of a ladder. And it takes away from the beauty of the phone. If it was a Samsung I'd have a case on it in a heartbeat.


    Sent from my HTCONE using Tapatalk 4



  7. I've had all of the evos and the One has held up the best. With the other phones I would have been on device number 3 by now. I managed to go threw 3 evo3ds in two weeks once.


    Sent from my HTCONE using Tapatalk 4



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