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Posts posted by Vince

  1. I thought it was a fluke setting, and wouldn't work until I left my house. Band 26 all day long. And, it makes every sent/received call use 1x800. It completely abandons PCS. I actually drop to 3g less this way than with 25 enabled. Strange. This is like an s4gru 800/26 testing/spotting gift from the HTC folks. Let's be responsible with it. Somewhere, AJ and Tim just suddenly shuddered.

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  2. I really don't know where to put this, but I've been hearing about this Sprint deal on the radio all day. It appears it's a special pricing deal for Chicago and Minneapolis/St. Paul customers. $50 for unlimited everything. No framily stuff, just $50. Check it out




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  3. You can't do that on any call. The call is already using your microphone and your camera needs the microphone too. You have to shut one down to use the other. It's not a bug at all.

    But I wasn't on a call.
  4. Yeah I find Siri really useful. Love the WolframAlpha integration that's already there. I do quick conversion with it, like how many ounces are in 12 tablespoons, and what are the prime factors of a number. It's also handy for setting a quick countdown timer or alarm for the morning.

    That's the one thing I've found during my android adventures. No voice recognition on an android comes close to how well Siri works. And I miss her. :)
    • Like 1
  5. Yeah, wifi calling won't work in airplane mode. I'd guess it either needs gps or the cell radio briefly to grab your location.



    Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

    But what about areas with zero Sprint service? Isn't that primarily what Wi-Fi calling was designed for? It should work with cellular radios turned off as long as you've confirmed a 911 address
  6. Hmm let's find out. Try turning on airplane mode, then enable WiFi and try to send a text.


    Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk

    I'm actually unable to do that. It won't turn on Wi-Fi calling in airplane mode with Wi-Fi on. Hmm.
    • Like 1
  7. I got my Wi-Fi calling/texting problem worked out. Several profile/prl/reboots/power cycles later. Has anyone noticed when sending a Wi-Fi text that the Wi-Fi calling icon briefly flashes? I wonder if sms actually goes out through Wi-Fi, or if it quickly connects to cellular to send?

  8. So my Wi-Fi calling just doesn't work anymore. I get failed texts, and when I make a call, it says, "you are roaming. To make a call with your mobile carrier, press 1, or purchase a calling pin pack." Wtf?


    Edit: it wants me to buy an "American roaming" pin. Who or what is that company? How could I possibly be roaming on Wi-Fi, and connected to a Sprint tower?

  9. Going to hold off on trying wifi calling at home after reading the 911 disclaimers. Next time I am on a wifi system that is not mine own I will give it a try.

    If you read the faq on Sprint's website, you'll see that when dialing 911, it will always try a cellular signal first. If no cellular signal is available, it will then pull the address from the Wi-Fi calling setup for 911 location purposes.
    • Like 1
  10. Not sure if I fully trust Wi-Fi calling for casual use. I had my fiance call me while I was on Wi-Fi calling, and she was on cellular. My phone rang, and I answered, but it just kept ringing on her end. I'll probably only use it for emergencies.

  11. So it's not the HD Voice icon that now goes into the status bar. But if you enable Wi-Fi calling, you get a new icon there. And in typical HTC fashion, the icon is there whether you're on Wi-Fi or not.

    You get an hd icon in the status bar, and the phone screen (see my screenshot). And the Wi-Fi calling icon goes away once you turn it off.
  12. What does it look like?

    Probably similar to the screen shot I saw in the g3 thread. It's an unobtrusive "hd" on the phone screen. I'd like something on the status bar myself.
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