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Posts posted by smooth25

  1. Well its a deal breaker for me and many others. Note series was great because it was different than apple. It gave us a device to meet many different needs. Now they copied apple and eliminated the options that made it unique except for the spen of course.

    My note 2 broke beyond repair a month ago after 3 years. I would have lost over a thousand pics. ( I do have many saved on drive and dropbox btw). All i did was remove the sd card and place it in my new G4 and everything good to go. Same with the battery. I dont have to look for an outlet ever. I just switch batteries, in 30 seconds im at 100%.

    Samsung basically copied apple by offering less but paying more. Even the battery is smaller. They even removed the ir blaster. Sorry about the rant. Just disappointed that Speed and looks seem to be their priorty. These are not desktops and laptops. These are smartphones which have many functions so removing many options is just dumb.


    Sent from my LGLS991 using Tapatalk

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  2. Having a note 2, which I still love, I was waiting for the note 5 but it seams it will just be a bigger s6 w stylus. I know it will perform great but I hate that Samsung followed apple and restricted our options as far as removable sd card and battery which made Samsung different than apple which I dont like. I guess im going LG now.



    Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk

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  3. I believe on your plan, it can be throttled to 1mbps for videos, but I don't think it's enforced unless it's under specific circumstances.

    I found the info on back of promo letter over a month ago. Its states "other plans may recieve prioritized bandwidth availability. Streaming video speeds may be limited to 1 mbps."

    Is this what sprint eliminated when they said they would follow net neutrality and end throttling?


    Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk

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