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Posts posted by koiulpoi

  1. It doesn't matter that it didn't match the box, but it must match what's on your account. If your MEID doesn't match, it won't activate, period. I think we might have just figured out your problem. Go have somebody in Care or eChat switch your ESN/MEID to the one listed on the device, not the box, and see if it activates then. I'm guessing it will...

  2. I've seen dozens of devices that refuse to activate "out of box". Sometimes manual programming works, sometimes not. If not, there's nothing to be done but throw it back in the box and grab another.


    My experience has been that, for hotspots especially, manual programming is mostly useless without the entire data profile information, as otherwise it still doesn't work, and even after that further profile updates (and sometimes PRL and Device OTAs) will likely fail (as, well, the device is defective), necessitating a device swap to not cause a bad customer experience down the road.

  3. This is not true. A preferred retailer like the one I work for can still process this. It goes on the next bill instead of being paid for at the time. But it rarely takes longer than two hours and the customer is back getting their new phone.

    Really? How so? We've never been able to do it (work for a PR), and there was recently some Daily News and a section of the Playbook that said in big bold all caps "PREFERRED RETAILERS CANT DO THIS SEND THEM TO CORPORATE STORES", or something similar.


    PM me how you do it, if you'd rather not post it here.

  4. Doesn't really matter which processor it has where I live. With Sprint anyway

    Careful with that attitude, you might hurt somebody.


    Honestly, the processor in a device matters quite a bit for webpage rendering. A Galaxy S3/4 feels considerably faster (and is actually faster) compared to, say, an EVO 4G, while connected to the same EV-Do connection. Of course, there are diminishing returns as far as this is concerned, but it's definitely something that does matter.


    I actually had to go through account services to get the buy up offer. Initially the csr had told me that the option wasn't available in my area, so I had to go through account services to get it approved. All in all it worked out and my wife was happy...and that's always a good thing. Lol


    Its good to know that sprint will work with their customers in situations like this, and they've always been willing to work with me when it comes to upgrading & contract renewals. ;)

    It definitely is good that Sprint will work with people, but the program is through, as you said, Account Services and Corporate Owned Retail only. Regular Care, as well as Preferred Retailers and other 3rd-party stores are completely incapable of offering this program. And considering the majority of Sprint stores are Preferred Retailers, that's a vast majority of stores that can't do it, so it's really not a very well-known program.

  6. In May 2012 I was offered what was referred to as a "buy up" after learning that Sprint no longer had annual upgrades available. I wound up having to pay $165 to receive the early upgrade so that I could get my wife the Iphone that she'd been wanting.


    The things we do for those we love.  :angel:




    This program still exists, but only in Corporate-Owned Retail stores.

  7. Turns out 3 of my computers downloaded over 50 Windows updates ... damn Microsoft!


    I think I will be fine, though.  Now that I know what caused it I feel a bit better!

    Just for future reference, you can set Windows Update to only download when you tell it to.

    • Like 1
  8. It is not just speed tests. Root measures block down loads failed calls (sprint generally does pretty good in this catagory but in my area i get alot of failed calls, i am chalking it uo to NV work.) Sprint is reagularly last in text devilery times, failed downloads and usaully has more test that come in on the extreme low end, on roots tests. Root's methodolgy might be flawed (i dont know enough about to contruct such test to make a claim on that) but it is deffinately unbias.



    Sprint's EVDO speeds suck, well known. Since there isn't a whole lot of LTE to go around where these tests are going on, it makes Sprint's apparent speeds take a huge hit. Until more RootMetrics users switch to LTE, or Sprint gets the EVDO network upgraded, it will continue to suck. I have a hard time believing the text issues... I haven't heard that complaint before.

    Sure this is anecdotal, but of the customers I see who complain of text message issues, I can't think of a single instance over the last year that does not fall in to

    a) Device issues (not network-related)


    b ) Being connected to an oversaturated site (such as at a major concert where Sprint did not deploy COWs, etc)


    c) Someone being blocked/account issues (not network-related)


    The major "non-data" issues I see are almost always due to coverage gaps, which are slowly being filled in as 1X-A on ESMR 800 MHz is getting rolled out. The rest are due to cell sites going down, which you're going to get no matter what carrier you're on.


    Legacy EV-DO sucks in many places. But hey, I can show you at least one place where post-NV Sprint's EV-DO speeds blow VZW's out of the water on the same colocated site - and was better for at least 6 months before NV.

    • Like 1
  9. I just did. The actionable improvement is for them to stop announcing markets until they're 80% done.

    and there, I'm totally with you. With showing 100% or more on the coverage maps, but with less than 50% available, that's a huge mistake. This, however, has nothing to do with the speed of the rollout.


    It does lead to an interesting other problem, though. I've had people ask me about where 4g LTE coverage is, and without the Sprint maps, I've had to continually send people to Sensorly. Which, is actually kinda a good thing.


    Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk 4 Beta



    • Like 1
  10. Face it, Sprint is at least six months behind schedule! That means that they cannot offer fast data to people in each market. They have launched my market, but not 100%. That means that if I bought now, I will not get service at my condo or anywhere in my neighborhood. I am knowledgeable and can wait until they're fully launched, but if it is some joe scmo from the street and he experiences this patchwork of service, his opinion of Sprint will sour and he might not come back. So Sprint and contractors, get your shit together and finish markets. And Softbank, do not launch markets until they are finished. A mrketing campaign right now will result in a lot of disappointed customers.

    I mean, okay? Yes? I'm not saying "Sprint is omazing go with them now even if your data sucks". Yes, Sprint is in a bad position now. They are literally doing everything they can to make it right. Nobody is saying to go with a carrier that doesn't work for you. Again: nobody is saying that. If Sprint doesn't work for you, you shouldn't use them. You should leave, right now, and come back when NV is done if you want. But look in to the actual nationwide churn/growth numbers before using your hometown as an example for Sprint across the country.


    Telling me to "face it" and that Sprint and the contractors need to "get [their] shit together and finish markets", despite literally being just told why that is a foolish opinion to hold, and asked what they could actually do, well, that sounds more like a "sprint sux!!11" rant than an actual opinion. Unless you have some real advice, or a feasible, actionable improvement, I'm telling you right now there is no way for the contractors to go faster. There literally aren't enough people available. This is faster than any other carrier.

    • Like 3
  11. For me it's finish NV 1.0 with 800MHz 1x and LTE. As in now! Then you can play around with your pricing. But get your network finished Sprint!



    Exactly I don't think the Sprint pricing needs to be adjusted.  The reason Sprint is not attracting customers or customers leaving in droves is because the Network Vision project is way behind schedule.  This lack of backhaul on a ton of NV ready sites is driving me nuts.  Phoenix and Tucson are perfect examples as to why they have zero LTE sites at this point.


    Um, you know, Sprint is investing untold amounts of capital into its network, doing something no other carrier has done, and doing it faster. They're going at breakneck speeds. Are you following the acceptance reports at all? While you might not have LTE at your location, work is happening everywhere, as fast as possible. Sprint isn't waiting around on this. They're hiring as many contractors as they can. I really don't think, despite what you guys are saying Sprint "needs" to do, for them to go any faster. They're already in the situation they're in, and doing their best to get out of it. 


    Really, what could be done? It's not like they're going "nah, these sites don't need backhaul yet. Wait on it, screw the rules consumer, we have money!". They're accepting sites as soon as they're finished. 


    And, frankly, I don't think NV being behind is what's stopping your average customer from switching to Sprint. Your average consumer has no idea what "Four Gee Lite" is. They don't know about this and that network and megahertz and whatnots. They just know that Sprint's those yellow people who keep yelling about unlimited. Getting a real marketing campaign going is what's going to attract customers, not a network. The network attracts technically-minded power users, but the ads and the public perception are what bring people over.

    And - Sprint's latest churn numbers only look bad because of the iDEN shutdown and lack of Nextel recaptures. So, yeah. Those low-ARPU customers were pretty much write-offs anyways.

    • Like 6
  12. Yes.  I asked two telesales people and they would not budge.  I told them I have never paid the upgrade (activation) fee before and that it was always waived.  I guess it depends on who you ask.

    As a preferred retailer employee, I'll tell you that we have no option to apply or not apply the activation fee. It's a backend script that gets run automatically to apply it, with no interaction by the user. If an upgrade is done, it just happens, and I can't stop it.


    My point is, if you're trying to get your activation fee waived, Telesales isn't the right department to talk to.


    The only way (afaik) to waive Upgrade Fees is to have the NVP discount for Credit Union Members.

    • Like 2
  13. Um, not to be rude or anything, but why do you expect Sprint to do anything about this? Sprint is not responsible for your data usage.


    You should really check in to apps (there are plenty for PC) that can monitor your data usage, as well as throttle/manage it. If, for example, one of your 4 PCs got a virus, it could be chewing through your data, and your only recourse is to either eat the overages or turn the device off for a little while.

  14. Multi-user support. Should have been in Android since Gingerbread. You have no idea how many parents I hear talk about how their kids got their phone and now all these things are changed, apps installed, etc etc

  15. I was just on sales chat and they said new plans are required. Old plans gone.

    Hi there, new member.


    Online sales chat is similar to Tier 1 Tech Support, and generally follow scripts, and have no idea what they're talking about with policy. Of course, neither do most in-store reps...


    The plan codes still exist, and new accounts can still be set up with them. Collateral lists have not been updated, and so the old plan brochures with the old plans are still on the floor at many stores. Without breaking my NDA, I'll let you know those brochures aren't going away soon...

    • Like 2
  16. That was me saying I wanted to end the debate and that I don't accept your points as valid, because well logic and stuff. In any case you resorted to name calling and then say I need to grow up? Interesting interpretation.

    Are you ending the debate or not? Because this looks suspiciously like you don't actually want to end it. Much like your previous post.


    Protip: In the future, when you want to drop out of a debate, just say "Hey, I'm dropping out of this debate. Sorry." Or something similar. Typing out a giant response means you still have points to make which means "I am not done with this debate".


    Looking at the points so far provided, whether or not any of it is correct, logic and stuff would show that koiulpoi has valid points, and has backed them up, whereas your arguments look much more like opinions. In fact, your last couple posts are borderline rants. 

    Which is what I've been trying to say, but sometimes communication fails me...

    • Like 1
  17. This is my last post so feel free and respond if it makes you feel right. 

    I really, really dislike this attitude. You just said "I'm going to respond BUT I DONT CARE WHAT YOU SAY." It's immature, it's intellectual bankruptcy. It's a complete lack of respect for the person you're debating, and to your own ideas. You're claiming that your ideas are above reproach. It's the least graceful way of dropping out of a conversation. If you'd wanted to just stop the debate, all you had to do was say so. Instead, it makes you look like a fool whose ideas own are worth much to him, but cannot listen to others. Grow up.

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