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Everything posted by utiz4321

  1. Umm you still misunderstand. The 15 dollars a line doesn't expire unless you sign a two year contract after 8/22. Frankly I don't care what you do, but you should understand the plan you are desmissing.
  2. If your two year is signed before 8/22 you will get the 15 dollar a line so long as you do one phone on easy pay.
  3. I don't get it. Is the plan cheaper for you as it is offered to you or not? Who cares if someone else pays less than you? If you work for ATT you pay half of what ever plan you are on for personal lines, is that unfair? It's a temp. Promotion anyway. That said these plans aren't aggressive and what will happen to current framilies?
  4. For the manufacturer not the carriers. The carriers buy the phone from the manufacturer and the manufacturer captures the profits.
  5. There is no Mark up on Apple products (for att at least) and an average of 20-50 dollars on android phones. The manufacturers capture nearly all the profits off handsets.
  6. That is all I did to get to that page. I click the link I post and it does have the more everything data plans on there. But I did call customer care and they did confirm that plan. Still Sprint can't do a 50 unlimited plan with a subsidy and personally I hope they don't. Sudsidies need to die.
  7. Well that was only one point I made. But in any case not according to their website, the store i was in yesterday or the last time I talked to my vzw friend. http://www.verizonwireless.com/vzw/landingpages/more-everything/
  8. First this a retention offer for existing customer in good standing, not an offer for new subs. Second, 2gig of data not unlimited. Third, vzw's margins are much better than sprint's so having a value offer for retention purpose makes sense for them, I don't think a 50 plan with a subsidy makes any kind of sense with Sprint.
  9. You are forgetting that it cost Sprint to service a user on their network. The 30 a month is not pure profit. I think the last in formation I saw on the matter is that the cost per user was around 12. Which means Sprint would just be able to break even, not a good proposition for any body. I just don't get people. Nothing has changed in the wireless industry to make providing serive cheaper, in fact the opposite has happened. You are not going to get a 30 plan and a subsidy unless Sprint has given up on ever getting into the black.
  10. The new phone is set at this point. He wasn't begging for anything. If I had some one to bet with I would be all new Apple prpoducts have band 41.
  11. I really like the part where he said NV took to long. The failure to exicute is something that will be dogging Sprint's turn around effort for a while.
  12. Why would they sell the network to Sprint and the customer to AT&T? Seems like they would be much more valuable to Sprint.
  13. I am not sure about the new CEO. It is way to early to judge but I don't like the noises he is making. Costs cutting is always important but if he takes Sprint down the rabbit whole of starving the network of capital Sprint is done. I hope to hear him speak of a world class network soon.
  14. 40 dollar a share had the merger possibility built in. Remember there was regulatory uncertainty and the merger was only a rumor so the price of the stock has to reflect that. Now that the Sprint possibility is gone the price reflects that and the illiad offer and the uncertainty surrounding it.
  15. I really liked Hesse and what he did to save Sprint. He had an incredibly difficult job when he took over Sprint Nextel, definitely the hardest job in wireless. He saved the company but not much else (I don't know if anyone could have done better but Sprint hasn't made any forward progress under Hesse). With that said I think NV 1.0 has been something of a minor debacle and far from the company rejuvenating move is was billed as. Hesse is where the responsibility lies , if not the fault.
  16. So apparently the fcc was instituted to protect att and vzw?
  17. Why would Iliad offer a premium? The only other serious interested parties are US telecoms that would or have been blocked by US regulators. Iliad is looking to get a deal because the companies that value T-Mobile are prohibited from purchasing them.
  18. Yeah that has me worried too, although I don't remember them saying that they where slashing cpex, did here the coed efficiency comment and that did get me a little panache. It would be a mistake, for all the progress sprints data network is still not competitive and won't be unless they spend the money to make 2.6 ubiquitous, especially because of the moves other players are making. Vzw and tmobile both have 20x20 in a lot of markets and vzw will have it deployed everywhere they can in short order. AT&T is startint carrier aggregation and Sprint is looking to possiblely slow down 2.5 expansion? It would be a disaster and would basically force them to compete on price which will destroy profits. I see the competitive landscape shifting away from Sprint.
  19. The Sprint T-Mobile merger is a deadletter, no matter how much Softbank is willing to bid. It was a long shot proposition that it would get through regulators when Sprint was the only bidder but now that regulators can have T-Mobile sold and keep four wireless carriers a Softbank merger is DOA. For better or worst (and I was just coming around to the idea Sprint T-Mobile) regulators have decided on 4 national players and nearly all of the industries profits in the hands of the big two and that's what we are going to get.
  20. Sprint events always seem to disappoint.
  21. Does any body what the issue is in SF? My understanding is that SF was started rather early on yet little progress has been made. Maybe Robert has some insight or anyone?
  22. I don't see how they can have a dense enough network with out the tmoble merger.
  23. No. It was fixed yesterday. I was going to post on it but didn't have time. I finally was able to put in a trouble ticket myself and got called back by their trouble ticket team. They said that there had been no tickets put in and the rep. Put one in for me. Two days later Lte came back online.
  24. Chandler and 101 tower still not broadcasting Lte. I put in a trouble ticket through care two weeks ago now, no change. I talked to a tech three days ago out at the tower who was fixing the ac unit at the base station he was completely unaware that the tower was not broadcasting Lte and said the tech that handles that was just there (so apparently the other tech wasn't aware either), he said he would put in a trouble ticket. Called the Sprint store near the tower and they told me they have put in trouble tickets, from what I gather from the tech. Fixing the ac they where installing 800 when Lte ent out so he thought they just unplugged something. Lame that shoddy work would cause an tower to go do for a month and a half now. Lamer still that Sprint's network team seems to still have no idea what's going on.
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