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Everything posted by gfurr24

  1. Craigslist robbery victim chases down suspect. Exactly why I dont f with Craigs anymre. The galaxy 4 isnt even out yet! http://t.co/6sVKCYSd

  2. Matt Ryan just called a play “Chevy, Oil, Chevy, Olive”. That was a running play up the middle. Lol

  3. Don't feel too bad for us. They have already started rolling out NV 3G here and it has made a huge difference capacity wise. I live near Coastal Grand Mall and get serviced from that tower that also services all of the mall traffic. The tower has been upgraded and can handle much more traffic, the big test so far was the holidays with all of the shoppers. I was still getting consistently over 1.5mbps down and around 1mbps up, even inside the mall where before it was 200/100 if lucky. At night when no one is on I get well over 2mbps. They have already done NV upgrades on about 5 towers around here and it's holding up pretty well. Fingers crossed that they get LTE on at least those towers and more 3G done by summer time. That's the true test for me.
  4. I envision the Senior Sprint NV Project Manager sitting at his desk with a blind-fold on, throwing darts at a big USA map and saying to himself, "Yep, lets do this RANDOM city next!"
  5. Its funny how the Myrtle Beach market was one of the first markets in SC to get any type of NV upgrades (3G only for now) but they have yet to have any official Sprint announcements here or anywhere close to here. Im wondering if we have towers that have already been upgraded to LTE and the equipment isn't ready yet or LTE stuff has yet to be installed. Kinda funny how Sprint announces random cities and it just seems to me that they are bouncing around too much. Work here, work there, and nothing really complete here nor there. Maybe its just me, but this rollout is kind of a Cluster F! At least we are seeing good progress though!
  6. I love iTunes WiFi sync! iPad is in the bedroom and I’m syncing an ebook over to it from the iMac in the living room!

  7. $128 for a stupid access code and you don’t even get a hard copy of the book! College textbooks is a monopoly! http://t.co/Dlf64T9V

  8. Just got my elago outfit case from amazon! It’s awesome! Love the look on the iPhone 5 http://t.co/99IN4hg8

  9. “@NHLCanes: Just posted a photo http://t.co/cGl5zojj” not sure how if I’m feeling the long hair Jeff

  10. How can something so small have such terrible breath! http://t.co/IxDOOqRH

  11. CES seemed kinda blah this year, maybe it was just me. Anyone else feeling that. I mean 4K is so far from affordable to consumers it sad

  12. Just passed my ICND1!! I’m officially a Cisco Certified Entry Networking Technician! So pumped!

  13. Is this a real shot of AJ Mccarron? His gut makes me feel 100x better bout myself! And what’s up with the redic tattoo? http://t.co/M4VrSNG2

  14. Why must college football fans wait almost 2 months to watch this game? Oh yeah, the cfb and the bcs want to deprive us from a playoff!!

  15. Last day to bid! Apple MacBook Air 13.3" Laptop - MD231LL/A (June, 2012) (Latest Model): http://t.co/qOMsgSsn #ebaymobile

  16. Got bored this morning and rode by the tower near my house, near the 501 and 17 Bypass interchange. I took some pictures with my iPhone 5 that turned out decent from the distance I could get to the tower. My main purpose was to see if someone on here could help me determine which equipment might possibly be the Sprint NV 3G equipment. I know that the pictures might not be clear enough from the zooming I had to do, but hopefully something will be noticeable. This is the tower that is closest to my house. I live about .5 miles from it and generally get 2-4 bars of 3G inside my home. Cant wait to test it once they let the LTE loose on this bad boy!
  17. Here's the photo I was referring to. Hope it's okay to repost this here for questionary purposes
  18. Would it be safe to assume that the equipment installation may already be complete on the sites for LTE and maybe we are just waiting on an LTE switch to be flipped? Or would you think maybe more equipment and panels may need to go up for LTE? I was looking at this picture that digiblur posted on identifying nv equipment and it looks as if sprint panels operate evdo/800/LTE all from one panel if I'm not mistaken.
  19. Anyone want my Apple MacBook Air 13.3" Laptop - MD231LL/A (June, 2012) (Latest Model): http://t.co/qOMsgSsn #ebaymobile

  20. Robert, Is it safe to assume that the sites that have already had the 3G NV upgraded will more than likely be the first sites in the area to also go LTE since they have possibly been provisioned, or could it be totally random in the selection of which tower goes live with LTE first? Thanks again for all your insight and everything you do here on the site!
  21. It would have made sense to do all of the upgrades at once but I'm thinking the same things your thinking. Why would they make two installs and have teams go up and do the work on towers twice, unless (a. They didn't have the LTE equipment with them when they did the NV 3G upgrades, or b. they didn't have the work order to do the LTE upgrade at that time, or c. The towers do have LTE installed but its not accepting connections and is blocked). Either way, it's good news for our market. I know that when I first started following this forum around the time the NV press conference was a ways back. When the initial information came out and Robert got his hands on all of the plans and timelines, Myrtle Beach was never listed anywhere. Now we magically show up as a third round market! I was so excited when I saw that! I couldn't believe we would be getting LTE and NV before Columbia, Charleston, and Greenville! That's kinda how Sprint rolls though, very spontaneously! And from what I saw, I did fairly frequent testing on the NV upgraded tower near my house that also services the mall. This tower held up very well during the busy holidays. And we all know what kind of traffic that mall gets during the holidays!
  22. Love waking up to 20 degree weather http://t.co/3UoVxsqB

  23. Tonight was a blue-cheese olive kind of night!

  24. I live in MB near the Coastal Grand Mall and I have noticed a significant difference in the data speeds (both peak and off-peak hours). Normally get consistently over 1mbps down and 700kbps up. Those are usually the slowest I get now. Highest would be 2.5mbps/1.5mbps. When I check the Sprint tower upgrade map on sprint.com it shows the towers in this area have been getting significant upgrades. Cant wait till they get the ultimate LTE upgrade! This market has needed this for a while!
  25. “That’s a pain in the BUNS” -AT&T lame commercial!

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