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Everything posted by shepmcallister

  1. I just noticed this. The opening credits of Game of Thrones include house sigils for all the actors' characters. http://t.co/hjs0JaGS08

  2. We're living in the future, folks. http://t.co/SqmRY2OfP5

  3. I never experience anger quite as intense as that half second after my headphone wire catches on something and rips an earbud out of my ear.

  4. Not even my hometown gets this kind of treatment on Wikipedia. http://t.co/sHy7FZtbr5

  5. Creepiest attachment I’ve ever seen on a PR email. http://t.co/Nm3h0ICNy8

  6. Great advice from @TomFrankly, even though I never technically followed it myself. http://t.co/2QlBuH7YFt

  7. I think this was the most rewarding thing I've ever been involved with at the Spurs. http://t.co/mCQMoM9BVH

  8. How I feel about my bracket pools, both before and after the first day of the tournament. http://t.co/jMmflwJNmd

  9. Didn’t realize until now that Simple Bracket had a web component. Here’s my bracket: http://t.co/yFsbLbReKk

  10. Weird @downcastapp bug. Audio wouldn't play, my screen glitched, phone rebooted, and app crashed on launch repeatedly. Had to reinstall.

  11. Very excited RT @spurs This Saturday, @manuginobili will become the first @nba player to host an AMA Q&A on @reddit! http://t.co/qgzfIwzb19

  12. Will the iWatch be waterproof? Could I use it in the shower? This is a slippery slope.

  13. I’ll need to get a bottle for 3.31. http://t.co/UVL9IzR33d

  14. Setting up a Hackintosh has been an incredibly humbling experience.

  15. I have to admit, this was pretty impressive. http://t.co/8ZJI1FbF72

  16. Friends with iPhones: Get this app: https://t.co/vrSq2AUJYLSearch for “Shep’s Pool.” Pin is 2010.

  17. Anybody else out there on Simple Bracket? Looking for pools to join.

  18. You’d think Samsung could have at least been bothered to change the color of the buttons, right? http://t.co/mkwFQBDmus

  19. This is the first wireless charging use-case that actually makes sense to me. http://t.co/02gQkFQLr9

  20. Putting a headphone jack in the Roku 3 remote was pure genius.

  21. Good update from @Dropbox, but what I *really* want is a Sparrow-style menubar icon. http://t.co/177mpFvdv9

  22. I will definitely be getting one of these. http://t.co/3NLdJEZb4F

  23. It would be neat if there were software subscription bundles like all of those Mac software bundles. http://t.co/oxufS6E3YA

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