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Everything posted by shepmcallister

  1. RT @max_read: the U.S. postal service is an incredible feat of universal public networking https://t.co/2iQTSi5zkY

  2. RT @mattdpearce: Time to dunk on liberals by giving them something they would absolutely love: https://t.co/D8ZofI0wLi

  3. Big if true. https://t.co/aEybzDCgme

  4. Oxymoron irl https://t.co/r43eSPiIZ2

  5. Trump’s spending the morning figuring out if he has the power to fire the national team coach. https://t.co/0eodfXFrFh

  6. Enemy territory. @ Kenan Memorial Stadium https://t.co/E2XDf3Sadt

  7. Earth is way too high. https://t.co/vx8zYeTf4e

  8. RT @ashleyfeinberg: the point at which we all should've realized what was coming was when conservatives laid down in dumpsters for the conf…

  9. RT @kevinmdraper: There is literally nothing you can do to appease a horde of disingenuous and bad faith critics. https://t.co/UaFDoKGf1e

  10. RT @zackwhittaker: PSA: If you check Equifax's site to see if your data was stolen, you *waive your rights* to sue Equifax or be part of a…

  11. RT @Gawker: Weir Watch: Is Johnny Weir's outfit today a tribute to Bob Costas' pinkeye? http://t.co/1Wo8l85gSE http://t.co/WPR41Aj3hF

  12. RT @asymco: The wisdom of markets ($BBRY vs. $AAPL): http://t.co/dr9htYQDDA

  13. So will the Xbox One TV stuff only work with partnered cable providers? I haven’t seen anything concrete.

  14. People do realize this is just a display, and not an actual laptop, right? In fact, it could easily end up in Macs. http://t.co/JN3YAn9JKe

  15. I didn't know Downcast could do this. Really cool. http://t.co/2vLB6vFNIN

  16. Best thing you’ll read today, or most days: http://t.co/kauL9eDK8I

  17. Last time I'll see a game like this. @ AT&T Center http://t.co/AZZouxK5ks

  18. All the future designers that would have learned their craft on pirated Adobe products might now use things like Pixelmator instead.

  19. Logoman laptop bag. Great going away present! @ AT&T Center http://t.co/Ee13BKvVWZ

  20. The sequel to my favorite wallet. http://t.co/B7LReCeTdV

  21. In hindsight, it’s kinda weird that Kawhi Leonard agreed to do Sport Science. http://t.co/uAfx7FpHQF

  22. Spock vs. Spock. This is so great. http://t.co/KWDiVArWZ6

  23. Yes, yes Klout is evil and dumb. But…one day free pass to the Admirals Club. https://t.co/Pawcs9fCWf

  24. This guy's video is turning out great. http://t.co/MrJcUJvly8

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