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Everything posted by jakeuten

  1. Agreed. Any idea what my speeds would look like? Right now I have B4+B12 for 20 MHz of DL capacity on AT&T, with results on the low end around 50 and high end around 100. I have much better SNRs and an unlimited data plan. Would you say it's worth my time to switch?
  2. RT @evanillie: Stop telling boys that emotions are a sign of weakness please

  3. Well, I guess Sprint won't be an option for a little while. Those are coming from the same site. If the signal is that bad then I can't see myself switching from what I get now. Do you think it will improve any time soon?
  4. Actually it's an AT&T S7 but I'm locking onto the B41 freq. Does that dBm difference make that much of a difference?
  5. Just a bit of insight. I live near UMD in Duluth, MN. Sprint's signal is clearly much 'dirtier' with a 1.0 SNR compared to T-Mobile's 20.4 SNR. I don't have a screenshot from the same time, but I get about a 22 to 29 SNR with T. I know that AT&T uses RRU's but I'm not too sure about Sprint or T-Mobile. Also, I didn't even know they had L2500 where I live, but I force checked it on my Samsung S7 (AT&T).
  6. RT @evanillie: Man I would hate to be the person that messed up & not able to realize it because they're so wrapped up in their own ego...

  7. RT @realDonaldTrump: Very good speech by @MichelleObama--and under great pressure--Dems should be proud!

  8. irritating that I work more than both my parents yet I still somehow have to slave around for them

  9. but again, that's none of my business

  10. RT @JENCOOLIDGE: Yes, I am dead, and it's great! https://t.co/GRypzHjxKT

  11. RT @Dory: If you have no idea what's going on, here's what happened https://t.co/PFd1TBm8Bn

  12. I love Taylor Swift

  13. do not ever call me a misogynist based completely on my gender and then call girls sluts and whores. that's not how it works.

  14. RT @fkahucci: when a man is bashing a woman nobody ever says "that's not a woman, that's a GIRL"

  15. RT @NkemIgwe: Prime example of things people do to perpetuate racism. This is NOT okay and extremely OFFENSIVE. https://t.co/2fS98e3ur8

  16. baby, we're the new romantics

  17. I don't have time for this

  18. RT @fkahucci: my man creampied me & instead of popping plan b im on Pinterest making a baby board

  19. hucci mama gives me life

  20. RT @fkahucci: every dudes nut smell like stale Cheerios lowkey

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