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Everything posted by jakeuten

  1. my mother was my father too

  2. RT @nora_bartel: Sees a commercial for Finding Dory waiting for said movie to come on, some guy goes "we should see that" @JadenKeuten ????????????????…

  3. excuse me lil mama but you could say I'm on duty

  4. thank u very much ???????????? https://t.co/6f2WfS1eS9

  5. RT @nora_bartel: @JadenKeuten thank you for being low key and throwing shade w me

  6. RT @nora_bartel: @JadenKeuten pulls my hair bc fergie 'sorry'

  7. Jaden Keuten's live broadcast: https://t.co/cN6W4YlYIg via @YouTube

  8. RT @ladygaga: We can always count on one another's pain to remind us what strength is all about. #UnitedAsHumans #UnitedAsFriends https://t…

  9. RT @igorvolsky: .@NRA spent $30,650,008 in independent expenditures during 2014 election $30,650,008 to make sure guns like AR-15 are rea…

  10. RT @ShaunKing: Less than 4% of all mass shootings in America are from Muslims. Pointing at the 4% while ignoring the 96% isn't just dumb, i…

  11. RT @DPJHodges: In retrospect Sandy Hook marked the end of the US gun control debate. Once America decided killing children was bearable, it…

  12. holy FUCK I usually lose weight in the summer but now that I have money all I do is drink my calories and eat cold stone son of a binch

  13. sooooo sick of feeling lonely and misunderstood

  14. do you ever just look at a group pic and think "I don't like even one of these fuckers" because ya same

  15. and boy you've got me walking side to side

  16. RT @ka5sh: I see why Eustace kept Muriel out in the middle of nowhere ???????????????? she thicc af https://t.co/okdz3uSS7q

  17. I'd just like to thank the super good people I have in my life right now thank you for being so genuine I love you all ❤

  18. RT @fkahucci: they're not "receipts" if they're like a decade old yall jus wanna witch hunt

  19. this is the most heated vegetable debate ever

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