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Posts posted by DaQue

  1. Don't forget how Google rolls out updates. Mashing the update button won't get you the update any faster. You phone only has one chance per day to grab the update. If it didn't take the first time, is not going to the rest of the time.



    Sent from my Nexus 5


    There goes my plans for the evening.

  2. My N5 acted weird today. After breakfast I sat it on the counter. 4 hours later I picked it up and the display was black and the buttons didn't seem to do anything. I plugged in the USB cable and it showed up as a media device as normal but I still couldn't get it to reboot etc. I got it working using ADB to recovery then a normal boot. Had me worried for a awhile.


    Sent from Nexus 5

  3. Because Sprint doesn't allow phones on its network unless they have been white listed, they are the only carrier that Google would ever have to "make happy"

    Didn't I read somewhere about some change in rules that was passed or at least agreed to that carriers would have to accept hardware compatible phones on their network?


    Sent from Nexus 5

  4. The release on the 23rd was a mysterious source rumor, and the retraction is a rumor. There's still no concrete evidence about the update. All we have are the hopes and dreams of s4gru members. Well that, and the countless "click bait" articles that show up every few hours.


    Sent from my Nexus 5

    Releasing on the Friday of a 3 day weekend did seem odd.


    Sent from Nexus 5

    • Like 1
  5. Not just the note 2 having battery issues that of late. I have seen thus pop up with in Nexus 5 and Note 3 groups that I remember specifically and a few more that I forgot whichever phone it was. Some do nothing and in a few days its back to normal.


    Sent from Nexus 5

  6. Be sure to update your Band Priorities to favor B41 after flashing. They usually revert back to B25 as the favorite. Hopefully, this will help you find B41 again, but no promises.

    25 & 26 are at 0 and 41 is 1. I think that puts 41 as preferred.


    Sprint probably is pushing it back to B25.


    Sent from Nexus 5

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