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Everything posted by Arysyn

  1. That is a downside, for sure. Although the staff here is pretty good at handling issues like that. I figured it might help for a site addition bringing in more people could also help to bring in more funds. I'd really like to be able to donate more money myself, but since at least at the moment I can't, thought of an idea that might help with that, along with the expansion of the topics discussed so often about these merger and acquisition stuff having a bit more space and away from the non-related topics. Absolutely no troll additions though. That I agree would be bad. Then again, Banlandia could always be expanded with a new region called Trollandia.
  2. I have a suggestion. What about merging this thread with the T-Mobile thread, renaming it "General Discussions of Wireless Business, Carriers, and Technology", or perhaps having a separate section on the site titled that, for all related threads and posts, which would make this section more non-wireless related and making it easier to navigate for the lighter stuff, such as trivia and games.
  3. Here is a public service announcement I'm making to all of us here on S4GRU. I'm going to post a link to an article I've discovered online, which has some helpful advice for all of us, especially during this time where the wireless carriers are involved in such a fierce engagement with video content providers in the mergers and acquisitions tournament of sorts. We, customers and connoisseurs of wireless are more than mere spectators, we are their prize! Well, our money is, at least. We must not let such a competition stress us out though. We must preserve our good health, or for me and some others the bit which is left of it. With that said, may this link help us all! http://www.androidauthority.com/rumors-reality-check-617162/ To note : Sadly, the article, which gives advice about not stressing over rumors, does not mention anything regarding rumors of mergers and acquisitions, and how those kind of rumors differ than the ones they do make mention of, being rumors of devices, etc. All the same, I imagine.
  4. I wouldn't mind Sprint buying T-Mobile, especially as that would be much better than Comcast.
  5. I actually did not mean my mention of "false rumor" based on my opinion, but rather as a meaning to what are basically was claiming by this. I'm very use to seeing those words used together in both articles and commented regarding various merger stories, that I decided to use it here to describe ARS Technica's report, not thinking that could be construed as my opinion. Although, I definitely do not want to see Comcast purchase T-Mobile, and I'm refraining from writing any fact-based reports about it, other than to linking articles and giving my opinion based on that. I freely admit that I'd be an awful journalist, because I'm very opinionated about things.
  6. Apparently a false rumor, according to ARS Technica : Edit Note - For some reason, the paste function has stopped working for me at the moment. I have the link to the ARS Technica article on a post I wrote in the T-Mobile thread, if you are interested.
  7. It is sort of akin to someone saying "A source familiar with S4GRU's thinking, is that the website is not interested in buying HowardForums, nor is AJ of S4GRU interested in taking over the editorial content from Cam Bunton's recent departure at TmoNews."
  8. Alright, I posted that above link, but it hasn't shown fully on here with a description in it, so I'll describe it here. The article on ARS Technica states that Comcast is not interested in buying T-Mobile. So, hopefully they won't do so after all.
  9. Whew! Here is some good news from ARS Technica : http://arstechnica.com/business/2015/06/comcast-reportedly-trying-to-buy-t-mobile/
  10. Ah, you all beat me to it here this morning with the news story! ☺ Anyways, I really didn't expect Comcast to be interested in T-Mobile, because T-Mobile is limited in both coverage and spectrum. Sprint or Verizon seems far more suitable for Comcast to be able to deliver their video content. While the same argument was made about Dish, the only reason I had for disputing it, is because Dish isn't as large as Comcast and had enough spectrum of its own to add to T-Mobile for both companies' needs. Comcast doesn't really have anything to add to T-Mobile, and neither does T-Mobile have much to add to Comcast, other than a limited mobile network for its needs which of course once Comcast starts implementing its own policies to T-Mobile, there goes T-Mobile's customers, quite likely over to Sprint. Personally, I may be leaving T-Mobile soon to go to Verizon as I've been wanting to do for some time. My mother is more favorable to the idea now than she was a month ago. Plus, she hates Comcast and would go with any other carrier before ever dealing with Comcast.
  11. On another note, seems as Verizon has pretty much now officially declined any desire either to purchase Dish nor its spectrum : http://www.thestreet.com/story/13187365/1/dish-networks-falls-on-no-verizon-suitor-comcast-rises-on-jurassic-world-box-office--telecom-winners-losers.html So, now the options are either Dish buys T-Mobile, or Dish works with Sprint. An idea I have, if this were to mean Charles Ergen retiring and Dish changing for the better, also meaning no employee harassment nor discrimination, along with a better overall customer experience; Perhaps if Softbank were to purchase Dish, then all those above things I've mentioned were to happen, that would be interesting. Furthermore, that would leave T-Mobile without a suitor for a while, which after the 600mhz auction takes place and if T-Mobile's take in it manages to be small in contrast to Att's and Verizon's, as Jon Legere claims will happen without an extension to the spectrum reserve, then they could appear to be in a better position to be bought by Softbank. Of course, this all may or may not happen, or if any or all of it does, it may be in a different order. Although, I wouldn't mind seeing Dish bought out by Softbank somehow, if it meant a major change to Dish and brought in T-Mobile to the fold.
  12. Well, here is news which some people will find interesting. Definitely something AJ and I have discussed about here in the past : http://www.tmonews.com/2015/06/cam-leaving-post-draft/ Hopefully this means TmoNews will get someone in the U.S. who actually has T-Mobile here and will make the site more like it was when David ran it.
  13. Another article on it, here : http://www.androidheadlines.com/2015/06/sprint-one-best-include-disabilities.html It is nice to see a company get mentioned for this, but especially for a wireless carrier.
  14. Again, my mention of it is based purely on the health & employment issue, not legally and politically. By the way, I just posted a topic thread reporting how Sprint was awarded recognition for being a very good employer for people with disabilities, which while not as borderline of an issue as medical marijuana is, there are political issues regarding how much more "rights" people with disabilities have. Something which I'm very well aware of, as I have a severe disability, one which I'll never have a chance at employment, due to medical risks. Anyways, my main objective of posting the mention of Sprint was purely to show something good they are doing, nothing political, legal, etc.
  15. Well, this certainly is a great aspect of Sprint I'm happy about : http://www.marketwatch.com/story/sprint-named-one-of-the-best-places-to-work-for-disability-inclusion-policies-and-practices-2015-06-15?reflink=MW_news_stmp
  16. I'm hoping something will happen to get the FCC to allow Sprint and T-Mobile to merge too, but something sooner, rather than later.
  17. I'll never pretend that I know more about employment and workplace issues than I do, especially when it comes to knowing which companies do well with this or not. I don't really take much interest in it, because it can bring up a lot of personal regret to my limitations I'm stuck with, unfortunately. Although sometimes knowing some of this can be helpful when discussing business issues, such as whether or not Dish ought to merge with T-Mobile. I also don't want to say that a person's medical issues with a company, particularly speaking about the case I mentioned, alone should be a deciding factor in this. Business needs obviously will come first regardless of what Dish has done to this one employee. However, what it has done is to change my opinion of Dish and be a bit more open to hearing the drawbacks to the merger. It also teaches me not to get too focused on the one good aspect of this which I've been raving about recently with that AWS-3 spectrum. Customer and employee care are more important, which now looking at it more objectively does have me wondering if it would be better now for T-Mobile to wait a bit, get more desperate for spectrum, then somehow figure a way for a merger with Sprint to occur.
  18. It could be viewed politically, but it also could be viewed as a health and employment issue involving a company which may very well merge with T-Mobile. This could affect T-Mobile employees. Also, if Dish Network chooses to do this to its employees, who knows what they might do to its customers. Therefore, a worthwhile mention here on a T-Mobile based thread.
  19. Hmm...This isn't good, here : http://www.9news.com/story/money/business/2015/06/13/coats-vs-dish-network-medical-marijuana-workplace/71181254/ and http://www.bizjournals.com/denver/news/2015/06/12/coats-v-dish-to-be-decided-monday.html This does make me think twice about being so pro-Dish/T-Mobile merger, because I'd hate for employees to be discriminated because of needing medical marijuana. Quick background on me. I am, and have been for seven years, taking Fentanyl patches 2-3 times per week, liquid Morphine, MS Contin, Vicodin, Vicoprofen, and Norco, due to my near chronic pain situation because of my severe neuropathy. I've been waiting for several years to be able to get Medical Marijuana, and can imagine how bad it would be to be fired from a job because of it. I can't work, but if I did, I'd certainly be angry if I were fired because of needing this medication. It sucks, because T-Mobile really needs the spectrum, but to be run by a company that fires people over medication, is bad. Looks like now I won't be so interested in Dish trying to merge with T-Mobile.
  20. One of the things we both agree on, Robert. Band 41 in Schaumburg was excellent despite tons of congestion, did not get below 20mbps. Once Sprint gets this all over the place, it'll be great.
  21. Band 41 on Sprint worked very well on the few places it showed up for me when I had Sprint. Unfortunately though, I mostly experienced slow speeds on the other bands most of the time. However, I have no doubt once Sprint gets band 41 out everywhere powered up on most towers and away from Ericsson's poor management, things will get a lot better for Sprint. So these mentions in the media of Sprint selling b41 spectrum is really stupid.
  22. I completely agree with tybo. I don't understand why these writers and analysts keep saying Sprint could and/or should sell this spectrum, when once Sprint gets their network plans completed and has at least 15x15 or more of this deployed on all towers without Ericsson managing the network (a suspicion I discussed with someone here offline as to a possible reason for the issues I experienced), then things ought to start getting much much better for Sprint. If Sprint were to deploy half of that spectrum everywhere, it would take full advantage of LTE Advanced, with a lot more spectrum available for capacity if they were able to take significant business away from AT&T and Verizon. So, to sell that spectrum, any of it actually, would be to sell its future away.
  23. The color of the lighted Dish sign on the wall in that video looks very similar to Magenta!
  24. I don't have any kind of serious interest in Comcast one way or another. However, Comcast is worth noting in this, because it is one of the largest video content distributors. My focus is on all the reports lately of these video distribution companies wanting to have wireless service access for their content in more ways than just having a website and an app their customers can go to for accessing this content. Furthermore, it is important to at least care a little bit about, because customers who want this have something to gain, while customers who don't have something to lose. Such as how in my view, Comcast is a bad thing for any carrier, though some may view it to be a good thing. Also, as I've made quite clear here already, I view the Dish merger with T-Mobile as a good thing, but I do understand the possible drawbacks of it and why others are against it.
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