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Posts posted by Arysyn

  1. Well, that is one thing he has in common with John Legere. Perhaps they could go running together. Just so they don't bet on whoever wins gets control of the combined Sprint/T-Mobile. As much I hate to say it, I think John Legere would win in a race against Marcelo.

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  2. What Sprint/T-Mobile merger?

    The one that has been rumored for over a year the Obama FCC administration didn't seem interested in approving. Ever since then, Masayoshi Son has been waiting for an FCC administration more likely to approve of one, which he may have with Trump. Ever since last week, there have been many reports of discussions between Softbank and DT. Figuratively, it makes sense Marcelo might bring it up, along with the 5G discussions.

  3. Well i dont want it to sound like its all fake enthusiasm. I hate it when its ober the top. So it should be fine.


    Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk

    I know this is a bit off-topic, but I've got to say it.


    II read the article posted about the Magic Box, showing the photo of Gunther explaining the usage of the Sprint Magic Box. In every video I've seen of him speaking, he sounds like one of the most genuine, honest people I've seen in any wireless carrier video, etc. One idea I thought of, is if Softbank buys T-Mobile for Sprint and Legere leaves and if Marcelo decides not to take the job, Gunther would make a great CEO, at least by appearance. I'm not sure if he's qualified in other ways or even if he's interested, but its a thought to have someone I think could help turn Sprint's pr image around as the nice CEO who really cares about the company and its customers.

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  4. According to Android Police, the U11 has really bad backlight bleed on its LCD screen. I remember reading the complaints regarding the 10 with its pinkish display. My opinion is this will just be as bad, if not worse. HTC just isn't the same as it once was.


    Then again, I wasn't really impressed by the LG V20's LCD screen either, with the issue I noticed on many units I tried having what I recently learned is Grey Uniformity. Hopefully the Sony Xperia XZ Premium doesn't have issues with its LCD.

  5. Btw you might want to change nTelos to Shentel since Shentel purchase of nTelos went through last year.

    One thing I like about some of these local/regional carriers, is they have cooler sounding names than the national carriers. Shentel and nTelos sound neat. Especially nTelos, which reminds me of Delos from Westworld for some reason. Although, hopefully the customers don't get shot by Android salespeople at nTelos retail stores.

  6. AJ, if you read this, I think you may be right when you mentioned the possibility of Sony's A1E OLED being a 2016 display panel. While the reports I've read online say otherwise, the individual reviews of the television's panel from LG, nothing to do with Sony's processing, show the panel performance being worse than what LG has in their 2017 OLED tv models. Unless LG is giving Sony inferior panels, though I'm not sure how Sony would be comfortable accepting this and having that on the record.


    There is a higher rate of Image Retention in the Sony A1E, vs the LG C7, and some other issues I've read on AVS forum that show differences in the panel. There also are processing differences, but that isn't the only thing, and to some, not the aspect that matters to them when comparison shopping.


    I'm kinda glad my table shopping changed plans and I'm getting the one now that won't fit the A1E, but will the Z9D. OLED may take a year or two, in order to resolce its issues from what I've been reading it seems.

  7. Going to have to disagree with you, Arysyn. If we're actually going to make Internet access a utility, then fine. If not, and I don't believe it will happen any time soon, then I believe what you're suggesting would be worse, and not better, in many cases. For example, I much prefer the Shentel and former nTelos region to Sprint national. Look at the level of investment and activity. Look at how much better the service is. Money that's made in the region goes back into the region, and isn't used to subsidize other areas.


    Essentially, it creates incentive on a local basis for the network to perform well, because the results will feed into themselves. If the local network performs well, it will gain more users, which will in turn provide money to feed back into the network to perform better and attract more users. I'm not sure that model works as well on a national level because the national carriers can then choose to sacrifice investment in some areas to improve others. The smaller carriers don't have that option--they must serve the local area they're in or they're done.


    Obviously, this isn't a rule. It's entirely possible for a small carrier to do a poor job and go out of business entirely. But I definitely think it helps to create the right incentives, at least.


    - Trip

    That is a fair assessment, Trip. I realize my opinions on the vast number of issues with wireless operations have people either agreeing or not, which is fine. I almost kept quiet upon seeing all those local/regional carriers listed, figuring I've already given my view of this enough here. However, I wanted to show people that I'm not as against the idea of competition and so pro-monopoly as some of my past posts may have made it seem to some here.


    What I really want to see isn't stifled competition in wireless, favoring powerful networks to such a degree carriers can raise the rates to obscene levels, ala Verizon post 2015 in claims of "best network", etc. Yet, I don't want low prices to stifle network development either. With that said, I can't see how small carriers can keep up offering competitive low prices and still manage to develop their network with the continuously increasing data demand.


    I agree that while up until the recent price decreases, with the money carriers were making prior to that, local and regional carriers were in a great position to use what they made to provide, and obviously why we often hear that people are more satisfied with smaller carriers than those larger carriers. I'm skeptical of that now with the increased competition being brought forth by the national carriers whose finances are taking a loss with the decreased rates on the Unlimited Plan competitions, such as Verizon reporting losses and their decreased speeds due to Unlimited Data.


    I suppose time will tell how things go now with wireless likely shaking up this year with merger talks, etc. I'm of course very interested in this, so I'll be paying attention.

  8. Ok so here's the updated list. Anyone know what's happening with the one or two still marked with a question mark?

    SouthernLINC Wireless: No

    nTelos Wireless: Yes

    C Spire Wireless: Yes

    Nex-Tech Wireless: Yes

    Flat Wireless (ClearTalk Wireless): No?

    SI Wireless (MobileNation): Yes

    Inland Cellular: Yes

    Illinois Valley Cellular: ?

    Carolina West Wireless: Yes

    James Valley Telecommunications: Yes

    VTel Wireless: No

    Phoenix Wireless: ?

    Bluegrass Cellular: Yes

    Blue Wireless: No?

    Pine Belt Wireless: No

    Pioneer Cellular: ?

    Public Service Wireless: No

    United Wireless: Yes


    On a side note, I'm really hoping that Sprint signs a roaming agreement with CellularOne in northeast Arizona/northwestern New Mexico (the provider that AT&T roams on) now that they've launched LTE. It would close a big coverage hole. Here's their map if anyone is curious:



    Wow! I wasn't aware there still are that many local/regional wireless service carriers/providers still around. I only knew of a few on that list.


    While I know what I'm about to say isn't a popular opinion around here, I still think most of these listed ought to sell to one of the four national carriers. Now before people get upset by that opinion, I'll explain. I know competition is a well valued thing by many consumers believing it keeps costs low. While I agree with that opinion, to me it isn't as important as having a stronger wireless network system here in the U.S.


    However, I'd be very much in support of the country making wireless a utility, and have one or two nationwide companies manage the nation's wireless network infrastructure, but not sell services nor products to individual consumers. Rather, I'd be perfectly fine with there being a bunch of carriers using the same network systems and selling services, like MVNOs, but without them competing against big carriers who manage both their own service, along with their own network.

  9. Att.


    Sent from my 2PQ93 using Tapatalk

    Yep, there it is. Hopefully AT&T will get this widespread. Still, and I'm not saying I believe this is going to happen, but I think it would be great for the carriers all to have a meeting and overview the spectrum they have, and come up with a plan on a nationwide basis to form the best spectrum grouping among their markets. I realize the unlikelihood, due to their competitive standards, but its my view they ought to do this nonetheless. At least their spectrum swapping arrangements seem to be working well enough for now.

  10. Att has been wideing B2 PC's to 20x20 where they can since last summer. Only problem for Sprint is they don't have enough spectrum to do 20x20. My area att is 20x20 B2. 10x10 o on everything else accept B4 which is 5x5. Their are some areas Verzion will be able to do 2carriers on B5 as they hold 50 mhz of 850 MHz. NYC is att issue speed issue they don't have contiguous spectrum to do wideband. Not sure if swapping with Sprint is possible or not.


    Sent from my 2PQ93 using Tapatalk

    Thank you for the information, Tengen31. I wasn't aware of AT&T doing that, but its good they are. I know that wireless carriers are actively trying to swap spectrum with each other, in order to provide themselves with the best, widest allocations of spectrum possible, considering what they have able to work with. I think this is a great thing for them to do, and hopefully it leads them with more 15x15 and 20x20 spectrum capacity.


    I definitely do not want the FCC/government to regulate speeds or networks. I only want them to be more fair to the carriers regarding spectrum, so carriers would have more money to invest in their networks. Of course like many things in life, things aren't always pre-planned well enough for the future, hence what greenbastard mentioned is correct about the situation with wireless.Still, I'm of the mindset hoping people would think ahead more often about these things.


    I'm a major supporter of a technological society though, and therefore think this way of all things, not just wireless.

  11. This site is about Sprint Cell phones and LTE. The costs of the site are quite high. It is funded by contributions of its members.

    If you want to talk about things other than Sprint 4G rollout, maybe you should be the biggest contributor to the site. I bet you ain't.

    The site was founded to be a safe haven for Sprint fans to post about Sprint and its network developments, such as Network Vision, etc., without having to be concerned about anti-Sprint "Sprint Hate Trolls" interferring into positive and positive/helpful critque posts pertaining to Sprint.


    However, this site is not only about Sprint, and has allowed its members to discuss other wireless carriers, with the focus being on network technology and technological advances in wireless, etc. That is why this thread is acceptable, so long as its based on technology, which I made sure to mention it not being a science fiction based speculation thread about space aliens and that sort of thing. I specifically mentioned this as a futuristic technology discussion formed from what I had seen on Unsolved Mysteries on a documented case involving the Belgium Air Force, not some random people out in the country claiming to be "abducted".


    By the way, if I were wealthy I would be glad to fund this site alot of money. However, I have a terminal neuropathic illness and am on Medicare, still not having all of my healthcare issues covered, and have to pay out of pocket costs for monthly pain medication, since without it I'd be in complete misery.

  12. Sprints pcs is only really bad in places where it's only 5x5.10x10 and, 15x15 it's pretty fast.


    Sent from my 2PQ93 using Tapatalk

    I expect it would be better at 15x15. However, I've heard the 10x10 isn't helping Sprint much over the 5x5.


    This is a fault all wireless carriers have to some point. AT&T definitely is one of them too. I've read many reports of dwindling service speeds on AT&T, despite AT&T being in a great spectrum position. The problem though is that AT&T is a bunch of 10x10 chunks of spectrum, which is barely adequate for wireless usage in the high-speed technical society.


    Of course I don't only blame carriers for this, as a bigger part to blame is the FCC with its awful auctioning system I've complained about many times whenever a discussion regarding spectrum limitations on speed is mentioned. This is why I vastly prefer a system where carriers have cheaper access to spectrum which all can afford to provide a seamless, high-quality wireless network system among all markets.


    There ought to be a standard set of 20x20 in each band region for all carriers. The rest ought to be up to carriers' decisions how to build their networks, but at least they wouldn't have their spending for that limited because of having to pay billions of dollars over measly slivers of spectrum that limits customers data speeds, while increasing congestion due to slow access caused by this.

  13. That's the point, I have no deprioritization (at least I shouldn't) as I am on a grandfathered unlimited plan.


    I am currently sitting at 14.7 GB in the last stretch of my billing cycle. I will admit 14.7 GB is an anomaly as I average 5 GB a month (thanks a lot Comcast for going out during the NBA playoffs).


    I will keep an eye on this as a small part of me still believes this can be an intermittent widespread network issue (backhaul). But it's happened too many times since the early fall of last year, so we shall see.

    Perhaps Sprint has your account wrong in their system triggering this to happen when it shouldn't.


    Hopefully whatever the case turns out to be can be resolved quickly for you. Those speeds are really bad.

  14. Yup. More drivel from OP.


    Perhaps he should make a blog for all his thoughts...



    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    So to discuss future technology is drivel?


    As I noted here, this thread isn't meant to be about aliens, etc., but rather about futuristic technology taken from the reports of those who've described these events. There is alot of interest in this stuff throughout the internet, though unfortunately it gets caught up in the superstition aspects of the discussion, rather than technology.

  15. Ask Robert.





    I'm a huge fan of Unsolved Mysteries, which is why I mentioned it inspired me to start this thread. I admit some of the show was far fetched in its ghost/alien stories, but there were alot of really important stuff the show provided, and solved alot of criminal cases also.


    The Belgium episode is the main one I referred to, which was a real case back in the late 80s and early 90s, where many people in the Belgium Air Force reported these UFOs, and noticed several interesting technological factors both in the float and speed of the aircraft they noted. The movement they reported was very smooth and so fast humans onboard, if there were, wouldn't survive without some really advanced technology protecting them from G forces. Also, there were no sonic booms heard during the rapid movement of the craft witnessed.


    Rather than this stuff causing people to panic and naysayers and the like focusing on the typical things discussed about these issues, it would be better for society to study the reports technically, to learn what possible design could produce such descriptions, even if technically not available at the moment, but rather focusing on how to get there in the future, what needs to be developed, etc.

  16. Throttling seems to be real folks, even for grandfathered plans. I have seen this random throttling at random times of the day, no matter the tower or cell I am on. I doubt it is a backhauk issue as it has happened often in the past year. I'm on ED 1500 and I have not purchased a phone through Sprint since 2014 in case anyone is wondering.


    Anyone holding on to an old plan because of true "unlimited" needs to take notice.



    Is this prior to or after deprioritization?


    Back when I had Sprint, this was the range of speed I saw when connected to PCS, which occurred way before any deprioritization had kicked in. This is why I don't like Sprint's PCS band connection at all. Band 41 is much better.

  17. YES, Inappropriate waste of bandwidth on S4GRU.

    Not really.


    S4GRU gets alot of bandwidth from Invision Power Board's cloud hosting service, much more than this site probably will ever really need, unless of course Sprint continued to do major network deployment and densification immediately after Network Vision, meaning Softbank hadn't purchased Sprint, Dan Hesse stayed on as the CEO of Sprint, etc., which would have helped keep a very strong interest in Sprint's constant expansion, and so on. However, when money became tight/Masa deciding to wait on spending for the Sprint merger, there was less interest in people posting as often here on S4GRU for the purposes the site has served for many years.


    Nothing wrong going on here because of it, just the nature of how things happened with Sprint, which I've read the staff and other members admit to. Same with donations being down, etc. Its unfortunate, but it also gives a chance for people here who've stayed on, among new members to discuss the other thing that has made this site great, which is network technology and technical development. That is usually kept to threads in the Network section, and here in General Topics with updates being in the Marcelo and T-Mobile threads, while miscellaneous topics stay here also.


    As I said, this thread is not meant to be a science fiction thread for debate over space aliens, etc., but rather the technological matters mentioned in such reports that may have real meaning. Of course, its a matter of viewpoint, but that isn't a waste of "bandwidth". If you're going to think technically about what space there is wasted at all here, its in the extreme limits Invision Power Board puts on Robert for current online viewers, which if there are a certain amount of viewers over the limit, there is an upcharge to the next level of cost, which is expensive. I empathize with that being limiting as it is.

  18. Just because Sprint wouldn't go by two names doesn't mean that it wouldn't be called its old name by people after a "rebrand".

    One thing I do like about the Sprint name, is that the name is just Sprint, not Sprint Cellular, Sprint Mobile, Sprint Wireless, etc. Regardless of my views about Sprint rebranding, I'd much rather them keep the Sprint name than to change it with Cellular, Mobile, or Wireless as part of a new name.

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