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Posts posted by greenbastard

  1. Well, there is a 1 year Samsung Warranty on it, but this would not be covered unless you claimed it was always like this and they believed you :) I would bet you that it for sure was caused by the Lollipop update screwing with the sleep while charging. Not sure if you complained high enough you might be a replacement for your screen?


    I think you're screwed. That really sucks and this is likely to happen to me as well if I'm not careful.

    Well, tested this myth...Busted. Samsung will cover this issue under their manufacturer 1 year warranty.


    Samsung went ahead and replaced my screen under their 1 year warranty for this burn in. I had to be very specific to the guy on the phone when calling in about the issue. This is what they wrote on the notes.

    Original Problem:



    Problem found:






    It probably helped that I included a note on the shipment and a video on the phone that showcased the status bar burn in.
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    I hope this was helpful. :)

    Extremely helpful. Thanks for the thorough detail of your experience. May I ask where all these speed tests where taken? Hopefully not at the airport since those tend to be heavily congested and may have tampered your speed tests. Also, did you receive a text as soon as you started roaming in D.F.?



    I may end up going down south to Mexico next month (I'm hoping I don't have to). I know for a fact that the area I may be (potentially, but hope not to) visiting has no Iusacell or Movistar. Hopefully Telcel does not incur any charges. A chat representative said it shouldn't, just as long I use GSM (yeah, it makes no sense, but I have a chat transcript just in case Telcel is charged regularly).



    Again, thanks for sharing your experience.

  3. I know, but what I meant was theoreticallly, what would such a network be like?


    The reason I ask, is I'm developing a theory on how these networks would operate better with a more streamlined spectrum holding, rather than the mish mash of spectrum nowadays belonging to these carriers. It sounds as Mexico may have this right, unlike the US.

    Mexico never gets it right. Trust me on this, their politicians are more crooked than an Englishman's teeth.


    The only winners from this wholesale move will be the foreign company (it WILL be foreign, thats for certain) that bribes the officials to handle the new network, the corrupt officials who receive the bribes, and the cartels (because those guys always find a way to win somehow). All they are doing is creating an unnecessary middle man, which in essence makes whoever buys capacity into a glorified MVNO. I expect this to be a failure of epic proportions.


    The real losers are the Mexican people. They'll probably see the prices of their data usage rise due to this unnecessary move. Service will probably also suffer as any issues subscribers have with the network will probably have to be relayed from their provider to the operator of the new network.




    Having said all that, it does bring the interesting possibility of companies such as Sprint, T-Mobile and Verizon renting space in Mexico's 700 MHz network. The article didn't mention if the new network would be leasing by spectrum/bandwidth or just wholeselling bulk access/per usage (I'm assuming the latter), but either way, this could bring up the possibility of international carriers creating affordable roaming options for travel to Mexico.

    • Like 1
  4. I'd like for Sprint to start demanding good rf performing phones. In this day and age, I'm still puzzled at how we seem to be getting some phones every now and then that have bad rf performance. From reading some of the boards, Samsung seems to be getting worse rf performance with every device it has designed for Sprint sine the S4 Triband version.


    S4 triband > S5 > S6. Definitely not a good trend.

  5. I went through all apps, deleted cookies, etc....... Found that is was the Dolphin browser causing the issue, along with being sent to some off the wall looking advertising game apps in Google Playstore everytime I close out the browser. Uninstalled Dolphin, and installed FireFox. No more issues since I've posted.

    I recommend CM Browser. Pretty light and fast and I have yet to see any ad pop up from them.
    • Like 1
  6. Then that doesn't sound promising, unless corporate is re-training these people to be more customer oriented.


    My experiences with the local corporate stores varies from rude, to arrogant douchebag for store employees. The managers were no better.


    It's so bad it makes me wonder how anyone uses sprint around here, but I think people just go to the authorized retailers which are at least courteous.

    My experience is actually the opposite. Sprint stores operated by a certain 3rd party in my area are extremely unprofessional. The last time I went there was to pick up a replacement phone through insurance. While waiting for the phone, the worker servicing my phone starts talking to his coworker about the sexual relationship that one of their coworkers was having with the manager as if I wasn't even there.


    I always got bad treatment there. Whether it was their workers talking on their personal phones while resolving my issue or the phone technicians wiping my phone without asking me for my permission, I always got bad service. The sexual relationship story was the last straw. I now drive to Sprint corporate stores or do everything online/phone if possible.

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  7. One thing I haven't seen here is a good definition of what "nationwide" actually means. Having studied cell tower deployments in West Virginia, I can tell you that both Verizon and AT&T definitely have large holes over significant geographic areas. Some of these areas have service from one or the other, but some areas have service from neither (how many people live in those areas, I can't say) and service from US Cellular or, perhaps, no service at all.


    - Trip

    For the purpose of this argument, "nationwide" means just that; NATION WIDE. Nobody has a "nation wide" network now nor will have in the near future. Even if every wireless company would create roaming agreements withim themselves and count it as native coverage, there is just no possible way anyone can claim to be "nationwide". The gaps in the American West are still too massive and are not economically feasible to build out.
    • Like 2
  8. The US does not need to follow any other country. The US needs to lead -- like it used to do. Blaze the trail. Show the rest of the world how it is done. Build the Interstate Highway System, go to the Moon, establish the Internet, etc. The long term payoff is immense.



    I'm pretty sure that Eisenhower got the idea of the interstate system from the Germans. We definitely didn't blaze the trail there. Maybe perfected it, but not blaze.
  9. I realize that this is an older post but I guess experience varies in TJ. I have been there many times and usually have Sprint native CDMA signal as far as the arch on Revolution and a bit farther. It can be an issue inside buildings down the hill, North of the arch. Constitution and Revolution are about the same. I once got a decent signal on a patio overlooking the ocean in Puerto Nuevo which is way south of Tijuana.


    These days, a newer phone like the Samsung Galaxy S5 or S6 gets a constant signal all of the way to Cabo via roaming. Ain't it sweet? This is true in coastal waters at sea too.

    I used an S3 while down there, so definitely user experience may vary by device. I know that I definitely had no Sprint signal anywhere near the actual border on the US side (I'm being literal; starting at about 1000 feet on the US side). Cricket worked right before crossing, after crossing and while I was in avenida revolucion. It was fast (for EVDO of course) while I was right near the San Ysidro crossing, but had a weaker data performance in avenida revolucion (it still worked, but about as slow as pre NV Sprint).


    I hope to be back eventually one day. Violence has spiked this month for whatever reason. As soon as a lot of that blows over, I hope to go see Playas de Rosarito. I really wanted to go down there, but time didn't allow. I guess another +2000 mile road trip may be in order within the next year.

  10. So my city has and still is deploying city wide WiFi. It isn't public. They use it most for law enforcement, fire department, and smart lights.


    So, in ideal conditions they mount a WiFi AP on a telephone pole every third pole. Usually they are a lot closer. Also, there are dead zones everywhere. The city has dumped a few ten million into this project and it is still ongoing.


    Back in 2013 they spent 5yrs on the project and the Mayor decided to throw another $20million dollars at the failing project. At the time they had almost 600 APs that were Wireless N.


    No 5GHz has horrible coverage, and 2.4GHz is overcrowded. You can go downtown, in a neighborhood, or an apartment complex and easily see 20~50 APs which hurts 2.4GHz performance, and dependability.


    With all the 2.5GHz that Sprint has, and it being cellular (higher power, greater coverage) and lots more bandwidth, if my city is willing to dump tens of millions into a WiFi project it seems like a good opportunity for Sprint to get paid to deploy dense B41.


    My city I am sure is not on any densification plans (Chattanooga), and if they were able to pull in deals from cities that would like to, have or are currently deploying WiFi, Sprint would do the normal macro B41 deployment but then have free money to go micro and pico.


    Then Sprint includes x number of B41 devices for equipment and use of some given amount of spectrum for a period of time. WiFi network costs money to maintain so Sprint would get money to maintain B41.


    Seems like a win-win to me. :-D

    Government fail at its finest.



    I'd assume that officials within your city have realized they're already too deep into the project to just dump it. Ending their WiFi project would be an admission of wasted money, and since they all want to get reelected, they sure as hell don't want to admit that.



    Partnering with a wireless provider for data access would never work. It makes too much sense and governments don't like that.

    • Like 2
  11. I wish Sprint would drop the e911 requirements. T-mobile does wifi calling and you don't have to constantly be entering your location to use it.


    Also any idea why wifi calling does not work in airplane mode with wifi enabled?

    The more I think about it, the more dumb this e911 becomes. Why not just force a phone to go back to CDMA when someone dials 911 when using WiFi calling? It cant be that hard to make it happen.
  12. The evo was a long time ago, htc has made some significant improvements since then. When it comes to RF the m8 and especially the m9 performs really well.

    I'm not sure if you have both phones, but between the M9 vs the S6...who wins the RF battle in your opinion?
  13. I think it was good. I don't think there is any harm in comedy and a few laughs at the expense of Sprint. People like companies with a sense of humor, it shows their human side. As a matter of fact, if I were Sprint, I'd keep the ball rolling and hire Leslie Jones to do a set of comedy style commercials for Sprint using the same character. They can't be any worse than those dumb "Framily" commercials.

    • Like 1
  14. For anyone familiar with VoLTE...will voice calls still work the same with an extremely weak LTE signal as it would with a strong LTE signal? Or will we see degraded voice quality?


    I ask this because I've read of people missing phone calls through eCSFB (I know both are nowhere near the same thing) when their phone holds on to a weak LTE signal. B41 is still able to send and receive texts/calls just fine even when it sits at -128 dBm on my phone (internet is just extremely slow). Will a VoLTE phone call work as well with this weak of a signal?

  15. Out of the box the device performs very well, better than any previous samsung device....as it should. Touchwiz is still annoying though and its not as fluid as sense.

    Its the only thing I actually miss about HTC. Sense just worked very well. Touch Wiz does not.


    If HTC ever gets their RF performance right, I will jump back in bed with them. Unfortunately I still suffer reception nightmares from my old Evo. Too traumatized to consider HTC in the near future.

  16. Start off by deleting your cookies.


    If no luck, try to remember what website you were visiting when these pop-ups came up. A website you frequent will probably be your most likely culprit.


    If still no answer, start checking Apps that you have installed. Start uninstalling sketchy apps that come from non-trusted sources. I doubt it is your Dolphin browser since they're pretty reputable, but I also wouldn't put it past them either.

  17. I honestly haven't noticed, my phone camps on band 26 almost all of the time at home and reception on that seems identical. Have you noticed any difference on band 41?

    Band 26 seems the same RF wise. I usually turn it off on the phone since load balancing in Houston has not been implemented and every triband phone is being pushed to B26 for any data session.


    But band 25 seems to fluctuate a lot on my phone now. It goes anywhere from -103 to -111 when its actively pulling data. Its not a sudden change in rf, but I could be at -103 one moment, then 30 seconds later I'm at -110 in the same spot. I don't know if this is a battery saving feature or a flaw from the latest radio. It still seems to work the same as far data rates, but I'm just worried that the phone will suffer when the phone reaches the edge of a cell (which could happen in Austin, where B26 has yet to be implemented).


    Band 41 in Houston is all Clearwire equipment, so its about as powerful as a WiFi router (OK, I exaggerate...but you get the point). I'll only move to a weak B41 indoors (~-117 dBm) if I'm not touching my phone. Once I touch the phone, I lose B41 (In case youre wondering, I'm situated less that 2000 ft from the closest Sprint/Clear co-located tower, flat terrain with heavy tree density) Overall, I haven't seen a difference in RF for B41.

  18. Home to Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim. A bit like Boston College of Chestnut Hill.





    Or the Washington R******* of Landover, MD. Or the Dallas Cowboys of Arlington, TX. Or the San Francisco 49rs of San Clara, CA.



    Sad how the taxpayers have been screwed while the NFL continues to demand more from our idiot elected officials. Any town willing to build an NFL stadium for free can get themselves a team. I wouldn't put it past the NFL to start a franchise in Pyongyang, North Korea if Kim Jong-un offered them a 5 Billion dollar stadium.

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  19. Does anybody know how to change the 4G icon (the spinning Spark icon) WITHOUT rooting the phone?

    There's just no way. It really is annoying that Sprint took valuable notification bar real estate with 2 icons for LTE, but your only bet will be a custom ROM. I wish they would just got back to the simple 4G with upload/download arrows that I had on my GS2. Or maybe a small LTE with arrows right below it. But probably not going to happen now that carriers are picking up gimmick names for carrier aggregation and deployment of new bands (XLTE, Spark)


    I've also wondered why Sprint has never put upload/download arrows on the WiFi notification.

  20. Ha, yeah was just about to post this same thing. Today I had 4 apps close on me, and things have slowed down again. My internal memory was used up in cache, like 2.31 gb! What the heck is up with that. Keeping that clean is helping some.


    I've just been having a frustrating Android experience in general for the past few months thanks to Samsung and/or Lollipop. Grrrrrr.


    sent from an underwater dust storm from my Sprint S5

    Just experienced my first app crashes as well today. Maybe the update is finally settling down. (At least it isn't as constant as before though)


    Overall, this sucks. The wait for Android 5.1 begins now. I hope Sprint gets on Samsung to get their updates right. Just fixing the signal bars for LTE would be a good start.

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