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Posts posted by greenbastard

  1. OK, I've about had it. It just happened twice in the last hour. First time, toggling WiFi calling didn't work, 30 seconds passed by and my phone automatically dropped to 1x and back by itseld and messages came in again. I called Sprint and they opened a ticket for a technician to check the network out since everything seemed OK from their side.


    15 minutes later, I check it and phone calls aren't ringing again! I toggle WiFi again and 3 seconds later 3 messages pour in and its working again.


    I'm about done fighting this. I'm absolutely out of options. I'll try ##786#, hopefully this fixes the issue. One thing that does make me believe it is a network issue is that I just saw 2 guys working on a site 2.5 miles away from me earlier today adding B41 panels. Maybe that's jacking up the network. I'm really thinking of just living with this issue. At least voicemail seems unaffected.


    Also, 3mbps is a minimum for HD video, so if Sprint wanted to have a good minimum workable download speed number that would both provide its subscribers enough spped for streaming, yet still help manage their network traffic appropriately, as they seem to be wanting to do with its current speed cap.


    If Sprint set a maximum of 3 Mbps for video, then it would defeat the entire purpose of having bandwidth limits to begin with.

    I'm not, nor am I trying to make a case here for Flac. It is what Tidal offers its customers, and if anyone has a problem with its usage streaming on mobile devices, take that out on Tidal, not on me, and not on other Tidal customers.

    That's like saying "Don't blame me for shooting you...blame the gun manufacturer. They created the gun"


    It's all about responsible network usage.

    • Like 1
  3. So that says it's a network problem and not your phone. WiFi calling takes you off Sprint's network, so everything should work. Very handy when towers go down in my area. Anyways, this has to be isolated to your area or tower and a combination of potentially your device.


    sent from an underwater dust storm from my Sprint S5

    WiFi and WiFi calling were off. They didn't even get a chance to connect before my messages came in.


    I'll have to wait and see if I can replicate the issue, but so far my phone hasn't had issues...but with time, it'll sadly will.


    If it does end up happening again, I'll end up doing what Jeremy said; removing and adding WiFi calling to my account. If that doesn't work, I'll just remove WiFi Calling off entirely.

  4. Call customer care and ask to put in a network trouble ticket. You are most likely experiencing eCSFB issues.


    I have experienced this problem since going to a tri-band phone. In my case, people are trying to call as my phone is looking for LTE every 3 min.

    I think I just found the problem. Just now, I was signing in into Google and was prompted for my 2 step verification sign in. So I grab my phone to see the text message with the code, but alas, no message. I grabbed another phone and called my phone, and no ring...


    So first thing I do is access the drop down menu and I toggle WiFi Calling on (even though my WiFi is off), and just like that, 2 messages came through as soon as my finger left the screen. Called my phone, and it fell back to 1x to receive the phone call.


    Next time this happens, I'll try it again and see if I see the same results. If I do, then this phone is definitely not playing nice with WiFi Calling.

  5. You're right. I also though Sprint said recently it wasn't going to throttle at all.

    Technically speaking, they're not throttling. They're just selling unlimited data at 600kbps speeds for video. They've set a data speed limit upfront.


    This is no different than buying Uverse or Time Warner Cable internet service based on speeds.

  6. Just an update on the missed calls;


    Sprint Store won't touch my phone since I didnt buy the insurance from them and Samsung wants me to go on Safe Mode for a week to see if its an app (they're crazy if they think I'm doing that). The Samsung rep immediately blamed Sprint for not doing a Sim Card check and sounded pretty aggressive through most of the call. Highly unlikely its the Sim card since a quick outgoing phone call will fix the issue.


    I'm at a crossroads. If this issue happens again, I may remove WiFi calling from my account since that has given some people issues. At this point, it looks like I'm going to have to deal with the issue or pay $99 to have SquareTrade do a refurbished trade.

  7. http://www.dxinfocentre.com/tropo.html


    Compare your future results with upcoming tropo conditions. I know FM and TV will act in very weird, yet interesting ways when the conditions are right. Mexican FM Radio stations are common in the hot summer nights throughout Central Texas and beyond. I once picked up an FM station from Tampico, TAMPS, MX in Houston, TX (that's over 600 miles). I've also been able to catch TV signals from Baton Rouge, LA (pre DTV of course). I highly doubt this would affect cellphone services and cause cell signals to travel long distances, but you'd never know.

  8. There are Nokia 8T8R equipment all over the place in most ERC / Nokia markets.

    It's been a while since I've been to Austin, but it was all Clearwire LTE in the parts of Austin I visited last time.


    If Nokia got Austin covered with 8T8R equipment as of recrntly, then I guess that makes Houston the black sheep. Mostly Clearwire LTE for me in this area.

  9. In an effort to promote discussion:


    Why is carrier aggregation important for Sprint? Doesn't Sprint have tons of spectrum to work with? Don't get me wrong, I am for sure excited for higher speeds as most of my usage tends to be burst downloads when i tether my laptop to my phone when I am in the field (12 GB this month! :frantic: ) so anything that saves me a few moments is just extra icing on the cake.


    Will it help edge case issues such as dropping to 3g in a low LTE signal area/or help speeds in low LTE signal areas? When I am on the outskirts of a cell here in Austin (which has GREAT LTE coverage) I can see some very slow speeds still.


    Or is this mainly to help the above case I described by throwing more available bandwidth at people? How does this help when for Sprint I feel that it would still be limited by backhaul in many cases?


    Thanks ahead of time for any clarification.

    Austin? If I'm not mistaking, most, if not all, B41 LTE is from Clearwire equipment. There's no way you'll see 8t8r radios and CA until after Wimax is shut down.
    • Like 1
  10. One additional comment Arysyn -


    Please drop the entire health crap. Please drop the nearly constant mentions of your mother.


    I'm not trying to be rude but its old, and quite frankly, we don't care. Its not that we don't care in a personal sense. Its that we don't care to continue to read it over, and Over, and OVER. We all have barriers to get over and challenges to face - you are not unique. Example - I have type 1 diabetes and am tied to an insulin pump 24 hours a day. Have I EVER mentioned that before on this message board? No. Nobody cares. This is not the place.


    I can not speak for the rest of the members here, nor staff, but simply reading and abiding the above would earn you much more respect from the side of the computer in which I am sitting.

    Just drop it, no need to continue an argument.
    • Like 1
  11. Yes, same issue on 2 S5 Sports. Has mostly been over the past month. I believe the launching of B41 second carrier and CA on some sites is causing eCSFB issues not necessarily device specific.

    Damn it. It did it again this morning. My phone is just not ringing. Now, if I dial out any number or do a profile update, my phone will work again and calls will ring and messages will come through.


    It's definitely not a B41 CA issue since Houston is a bona fide Clear market. We will probably be one of the last to see any 8t8r radios deployed in mass. I know there are some scattered around town, but not around me.


    As I'm writing this post, I got a bunch of messages that just came in that were probably waiting to find my phone and phone calls come through now. This is all very odd. Any last suggestions before I take it to that zoo called the Sprint Store?

  12. I may end up doing that when I switch to Verizon.

    But why not start doing that now on T-Mobile? That's our point. Unlimited doesn't mean you have the right to bring a network to its knees. When you run a speed test and get 30 Mbps, that means that ALL the users on that sector are sharing those 30 Mbps! Thats 30 Mbps to share with hundreds of users in some urban areas.


    All T-Mobile and Sprint ask is to be considerate about your unlimited usage. For the most part, it's fine if you use 5, 10, or 15 GB just as long it's not done like your doing it; ALL AT ONCE. Nobody likes that fat dude that hogs all the Orange Chicken at a Chinese buffet...samething here.

    • Like 5
  13. . Depends on how attached you are to your device. I know I've got a couple dings in mine, if they offered me the refurb, I'd take it.

    I used to have dings as well. Most of the fake chrome had peeled off on the sides. But after getting my screen replaced under the original 1 year warranty, Samsung was nice enough to replace the entire shell plus my charging port. So I basically got it refurbished for free. Very nice of Samsung to do that.


    My only fear of getting a refurbished phone would be getting what Sprint would consider a "similar" phone in the event they don't have a Galaxy S5. Waterproof, ant+, and fast charging have become very important to me. It's one of those features you don't appreciate until they are gone.

  14. Go to a bestbuy that has a samsung experience shop and have them reload the device. Worth a try.

    You mean "reprovision"? I did it this morning when I knew the issue was present. Hopefully that may fix it. It's just odd that this happens at random, with today being the second time this week. I don't have another triband device to test if its a network issue or phone issue (since iPhone 6 does not use eCSFB).


    I'm going to go ahead and see if this happens again. If it does, I'll go ahead and remove WiFi calling from my account since there has been some reported issues with that. If that doesn't help, I may go get a refurb from Sprint. I'll just have to see if my SquareTrade warranty will transfer to the refurbished phone. Anyone know SquareTrade's policy on that?

  15. When I switch to Verizon when the Sony Xperia Z4v is released, my plan is to pre-download most of what I listen to on it at home using WiFi.

    Ummm...why not do that to begin with on T-Mobile or when you were on Sprint?



    See, this line of thinking is exactly why unlimited will never work. It has to die. People are using it as their personal WiFi in that they download anything they want, even if they have access to WiFi, just because it's unlimited. As soon as you begin to see that tiered data will cost you more if used uncontrollably, you begin to act responsibly as a mobile user is supposed to. I like unlimited for peace of mind, but it has to die. It's been a good ride, but this is why we can't have nice things in this world. I just hope that once every carrier is on tiered data, their prices per GB go down as competition rises.



    (And before any of you say that you're paying for 'unlimited', you should go read your terms and conditions about fair usage on both Sprint and T-Mobile's contracts)

    • Like 9
  16. So anyone else getting this annoying issue with their phone not having their incoming phone calls come through? I called Sprint and they say it's not tower related, but with eCSFB I highly doubt that. About once every 4 days, my phone will stop receiving phone calls (messages are fine for some reason). The one way to fix this is to either make an outgoing phone call or do a prl/profile update. Once I do this, any incoming phone call will come through without issues for at least the next 4 days. I know, easy fix...but that's not how any of this is supposed to work, especially when it happens very often.


    Sprint said to take my S5 for a "complimentary" exchange for a refurbished S5 (or equivalent), but honestly I don't even think its the phone. What do you guys think? Is this a Sprint issue or phone issue?

  17. Tidal recommends 5.0 Mbps as a minimum for their Hifi service. SMH, DSL isn't even that fast. Tidal won't work on any mobile network in major cities, PERIOD.


    To expect a network to stream lossless music is ludacris (no pun intended). YouTube 720p video can be flawlessly streamed with less bandwidth requirements. Hifi is definitely meant for WiFi downloading.


    This Tidal Hifi fad won't last long. Mobile networks can't handle the load and phones don't have the memory space to build a large library users can save on their phones for offline use.

    • Like 6
  18. Looking back at when I had Sprint the last time, when the majority of that time my phone was stuck on PCS most of the "working" time, it was less than 2mbps, often less than 1mbps, which is not enough to properly stream music or low quality video, etc

    Not to pile on, but this is utter BS. I get 1-2 Mbps speeds during the day and have no problem streaming a 360p video or using high quality Spotify. Most Radio streams go no higher than 64 kbps AAC+, so even 1x should be enough to stream a live radio stream.


    Are you a millennial by any chance?

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