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Posts posted by 4ginnc

  1. No, I disagree.  Most of the US population lives in urban areas with adequate breadth of native coverage.  They rarely leave those urban areas, and even if they do, they are likely still within roaming coverage.  So, they do not perceive T-Mobile as having poor coverage overall; they perceive T-Mobile as having poor coverage even within their own markets.


    I've been thinking about this the last couple of days between this chat and a couple others.  If Verizon is moving somewhat quickly to VOLTE and refarming EVDO carriers to LTE, once they get to a point where they have less CDMA and possibly no EVDO coverage wouldn't a large part of Sprint's roaming area all but disappear?


    With no roaming on LTE, what would Sprint's roaming coverage look like then?  I know this is a long way off, just wondering.

    • Like 2
  2. Interesting. Does this mean that some devices have the capability for LTE over 800 and we don't even know about it? I love that he used the word seeding.  I imagine a guy up in a plane dropping phones over the cities. ha


    I would say the LTE portion of that is a mistake and it's really referring to CDMA on 800 only.  Since no devices have passed the FCC supporting LTE on that band class, there aren't any out that currently support LTE on 800.


    EDIT:  Unless they are referring to the hotspots and broadband card that are coming out this summer that support LTE on 800MHz.  

    • Like 2
  3. I think they said previously they are using MSA's.  Because this is what the competition was doing.




    In this case they must bean a combination of both the Micropolitan Statistical Areas and Metropolitan Statistical Areas.







    Raleigh is considered a Metropolitan Statistical Area and contains Dunn and Henderson which are Micropolitan areas.  Durham-Chapel Hill are a separate Metro area so they'd get announced together most likely.


    Counting those together that's a total of 967 areas that could be announced.  Although Sprint won't cover all of those.  Makes a bit more sense now.  I need to look at those maps a little closer, interesting to see where/how areas have been split up.

    • Like 1
  4. I agree that 40% POPs is too low. However, I'm glad to know their methodology now.


    Robert from Note 2 using Tapatalk 4 Beta


    I'd also like to know their methodology for determining what cities/towns to announce.  They can't possibly announce every city in the U.S.  What size town would they even bother announcing?  Their last announcement include Dunn, NC which has a population just under 10,000 and previously they announced Lincolnton, NC which is just over 10,000.

  5. I know it's been talked about some around here, when does Sprint decide to launch a market and this confirms it:



    She added that Sprint sets a threshold of 40 percent POPs per city before it will officially announce that city as an LTE market.



    And also the mention of availability of tri-band phones which I missed in the hotspot press release:


     Oh, and Sprint will be selling Samsung and LG smartphones that run on tri-band LTE by the end of the year.

    “I probably shouldn’t have put that at the very bottom of the release,” said Mermelstein, admitting she may have buried the lead a little bit.

    • Like 2
  6. About 10 years ago I was going on vacation and didn't have my own phone and wasn't giving them my wife's number so they bought me an el-cheapo pre-paid phone.  I had it for like 6 months after that and just bought some minutes as I needed them.  Well, one day I went to the bathroom in McDonald's and had the phone in my shirt pocket, bent over to flush and there went the phone....as I was flushing.  And it as small enough to fit down the drain.  That was the end of that.


    I finally got my own phone shortly after that...so it worked out.   :D

    • Like 1
  7. And this is kind of why I'm not mapping as much as I used to unless it's a new site and it hasn't been mapped.  So when new sites and eventually LTE on 800 show up, then they won't get drowned out by a lot of weak signal mapping before things were complete. Used to leave it running a lot, but if I'm in an area that's already been mapped I typically won't run sensorly anymore.

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