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Status Updates posted by Paynefanbro

  1. RT @NOTKhairy: White person: racism...is bad Y’all: OMG YASSSSSS. YOU INVITED TO THE COOKOUT. YOU SO WOKE https://t.co/XNd34X2F0G

  2. That's it, I'm kinkshaming https://t.co/BHxQb5hK3x

  3. RT @SouthernHomo: Me after studying for 5 minutes https://t.co/m7FxNwaN1B

  4. @ProudCaribbean What show is she watching?

  5. RT @ReeAmilcarScott: Just this week some alt-right types called me nigger and when I reported the tweets I was told the tweets didn't viola…

  6. RT @DaRealNiecey: MR.WEST is in the building https://t.co/y546FLbU1v

  7. RT @memeprovider: the hill i wanna die on https://t.co/WCvMQNYTEG

  8. RT @SoAnxious_mp3: We dont know why your ass is famous either https://t.co/w93gZWftaR

  9. RT @brendonSkolat: Beyoncé: *uses iPhone X facial recognition* iPhone X: https://t.co/8ao9moveCd

  10. RT @Pash_away: I thought I had $4 to my name. Checked again one of the singles actually a 5 bill. I got $8 to my name https://t.co/hlGYw6ld…

  11. RT @sheikhimaan: POC: *jokes about white people not seasoning their food and not having rhythm*White people: https://t.co/qTlfo95CIr

  12. RT @Dany_Janae: Well actually he's just controlling, manipulative, and abusive, but sure let's call that love https://t.co/io2rKQgRdr

  13. RT @TheAffinityMag: White people doing the mannequin challenge while Adam gets kicked off the plane for speaking Arabic https://t.co/Hly4fB…

  14. RT @_debfree: when u get home and see ur dog and they see u and you're just both happy to be with each other https://t.co/vpylR3EjOd

  15. RT @misandryislit: Domestic Violence is one of the leading causes of death for black women. And instead of checking your homeboys you conti…

  16. RT @Jaypatr3k: How do you start the sale of snacks on public transportation?#NewYorkVerificationQuestions

  17. RT @Malaika103FM: #NewYorkVerificationQuestionsTrue or False: Staten Island is a borough.

  18. RT @kurtisrai: The fragility of patriarchal entitlement leaks profoundly at the sight of a sexually liberated woman.

  19. RT @BallsofGlory: My mother is out here lying on Facebook. My nephew speaks in Power Ranger quotes, he ain't say none of this. https://t.co…

  20. RT @tieoptional: . Hey, @cthagod, wouldn't it be great if there was a woke black woman that... https://t.co/adcGXGQTTE

  21. RT @ILLCapitano94: Beyonce took country back ANDChildish Gambino took rock back in the SAME YEAR!

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