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Status Updates posted by Paynefanbro

  1. RT @ABC7: Suspected car thief dances during police chase in downtown Los Angeles http://t.co/uXZUMDx7IBhttps://t.co/SdsHd8L6PH

  2. RT @HilariousRoasts: ???????????????????????????????????????? http://t.co/XRjREsAJqB

  3. Here's where I think Crown Heights's borders are. Now draw your neighborhood. https://t.co/miZIhKVudk via @DNAinfo

  4. RT @FemaleTexts: me: *gets really sad and has an emotional breakdown*me, ten minutes later: lmao that was so fuckin lame

  5. RT @_joonyoungpark: Trying to find love in this world is like trying to find twin XL bedsheets in late August

  6. RT @justjamiie: where can I go? Please tell me and I will go there http://t.co/6mITgluzG3

  7. RT @FuckJerry: It ain't even worth it anymore.. i just pay up http://t.co/AZSZTceRca

  8. RT @WORLDSTARC0MEDY: 7 types of snapchats you see on a daily basis http://t.co/8PmV6kjD1S

  9. RT @SarcasmTxts: Seeing people the same age as u doing amazing things with their life while ur like http://t.co/4NXteknPF7

  10. RT @bathflyer: There's no attractive way I can describe my bile green eyes, or the way I came up with the comparison.

  11. RT @ojedge: He died doing what he loved; shouting 'boo!' behind horses.

  12. RT @connorbd_: F*ck Netflix and chill that shits too expensive, I'm about that Putlocker and chill life.

  13. RT @FineAssBlackWmn: @fightme @_indigomoon ya'll can keep Starbucks tbh. It's just overpriced coffee http://t.co/J0F4IUcPtB

  14. RT @ConnorFranta: "you're not into metal are you..??" my uber driver, as he vapes ????????????

  15. RT @justjamiie: I would rather Corey from Corey in the House be president over Donald Trump ANY DAY 110%

  16. RT @Caspar_Lee: He is definitely not 2 mins away http://t.co/1btazlo7XH

  17. RT @thedailybeast: Nicki Minaj reportedly dumps Meek Mill following Drake beef: http://t.co/8g8uN4t8S8 #WannaKnow http://t.co/NoGLpBLoaz

  18. We want the FCC to level the playing field and allow competition and the consumer to win! #DefeatDuopoly http://t.co/hLtSUwRCUh

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