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Posts posted by kct1975

  1. I think the entire review process is now a bunch of cr*p.   "Bonkers" as she put it?!  How dumb!    Not sure who is telling the truth or if anyone in DC even knows what that is anymore?  This whole process has been a circus!   Was / is there a "process" to review and approve?   If so, why wasn't it followed?   Why is it being revisited 5 times?!  No company has ever had to go through this... in this manner.   If you keep re-reviewing something, then no doubt, you WILL find something.   You've (certain FCC commissioners and certain DOJ officials) have been looking for something over and over to pick on with this merger and won't stop until it is found.    The official vote/doctrine should have been voted on way before and signed off and this whole thing should have been put to bed by now. 
    They have had 1 1/2 years to review this!  Now she says they didn't see the documents and or are having a different order circulated through??   What the heck was going on there for 1 1/2 years?    
    I know that I read this somewhere... One theory about the approvals taking so long is that but Verizon and AT&T would like to see Sprint, and eventually T-Mobile, go bankrupt and sold off to Verizon and AT&T. According to the theory, a lot of the government politicians have recieved campaign money from one of the Big Two [emoji3577], either Verizon or AT&T, and are trying to cater to their constitutants.

    While I agree that the theory seems to be a bit far fetched, if the merger is blocked, I could see Sprint going bankrupt and the Sprint assets being sold off to Verizon and AT&T. And I can then see Verizon and AT&T aiming at getting rid of T-Mobile.

    Also I wouldn't be surprised if Verizon and AT&T have given campaign money to politicians to ensure some favorable results.

    Sent from my SM-G975U1 using Tapatalk

  2. What I don't get about the states suing is that they don't seem to understand that no matter what, at some point Sprint is going away.

    IMHO...if the Sprint/T-Mobile Merger does not go through, then eventually Sprint will be broken up into pieces and auctioned off to Verizon and AT&T and T-Mobile and now possibly Dish.

    In my mind, no matter what, Sprint will be going away at some point.

    So essentially Sprint is going way one way or another.

    Sent from my SM-G975U1 using Tapatalk

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