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Everything posted by kct1975

  1. Although it probably doesn't matter...but I do notice that I am getting Strong LTE all along the Silver Line...both Tysons and Reston.
  2. Sounds like Prison! [emoji20] Although, I briefly worked on a contract once where I was in a similar situation.
  3. Correct...if they happen to hired for positions that are deemed to require mobile phone and/or mobile email access.
  4. The Ex Mgt. does get a stipend that covers about about 1/4 of the typical smartphone bill. Directors and Project Managers get a stipend that covers about 1/5 of the typical smartphone bill. Personally I am 'grandfathered' into the stipend I have, that covers about 1/6 of my bill, and certainly does not cover my work related data and phone usage. If I was on a Tiered Data plan, of similar cost to my current ED 1500 plan, then I would most likely have to avoid using my smartphone for any personal use, to avoid paying for data overages, caused by my work related activities. Additionally, newer, non managerial employees, hired a few year ago, and new employees hired recently, don't get any stipend at all. There have been a few employees, in important positions, who refused to connect to their phone to Corporate Email and refused to be available by their cell phone. They were eventually let-go. Typically the termination was for reasons, other than specifically refusal to use their mobile phone for work, but in each case, it was a major contributing factor. As I have mentioned before, my whole point to all of what I have said, is that WiFi is not always available to workers in an office, and there are situations where a person is forced to use Mobile Data to do their job.
  5. While of course they make a lot more money than I do, the VPs, Directors, and Project Managers are under the same set of rules.
  6. Yes...you are correct! Additionally, I am also required to check my Corporate Email and receive business phone calls when I am outside of the office too. As I have mentioned, all of those are reasons why I am glad that I still have an unlimited data plan. In the case of the place where I work, the company recently forced the installation and use of AirWatch Agent and AirWatch Inbox. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.airwatch.androidagent '> https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.airwatch.androidagent https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.airwatch.email '> https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.airwatch.email While the app does not give the company the ability to wipe my phone, it does give them quite a bit of control and is very obtrusive. I am, however, stuck with it. My only other option is trying to to use Outlook Web Mail, which is a Complete PITA to use on a phone.
  7. At the risk of being reprimanded or banned for arguing with your statements, I would like to take the time to defend myself, and my situation. With all due respect, AJ, you do not know everyone's situation and conditions of employment. My job requires me to receive Corporate E-mail to my personally owned Android smartphone. I am required to monitor and respond to Corporate E-mail, using my personally owned smartphone, when I am away from my computer. Furthermore, I am required to receive business calls to my personally owned Android smartphone, including being required to forward my office desk phone to my personally owned Android smartphone, when I am away from my desk. Additionally, frequently, when I am away from my computer, I am asked to research something (using Google or another app). Rarely do I stream any music or video during work hours. I will admit, that as short 'mental breaks' I do occasionally check my personal email and forums, such as this one. I am not complaining, I am simply trying to to point out that there are individuals, like me, who are required by the companies they work for, to use their personally owned smartphones, for work functions. I also wanted to point out that not everyone has access to WiFi, while indoors. It is my sincere hope that my comments will not cause me to be reprimanded, however, I felt that I needed to explain my situation, and that of others like me.
  8. Exactly! I work in an office with Corporate Only WiFi, that only works with Company Owned and Issued laptops. So the whole time I am at the office, I am on the Sprint network.
  9. I'll just leave this here... Nexus 6 Devices Aren't Working T-mobile http://www.androidauthority.com/nexus-6-devices-arent-working-t-mobile-707959/
  10. AWESOME! [emoji106] [emoji106] [emoji106] [emoji106] [emoji106] [emoji106] Great! [emoji106] [emoji106] [emoji106] [emoji106] [emoji106] [emoji106] [emoji106] [emoji106]
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