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Everything posted by legendary

  1. Davis LTE is in the most useless areas right now. There are like 2 quarter mile big spots. Any idea when it's dense everywhere?
  2. Just so y'all know, this summer I would be lucky to have gotten 10 kilobytes down in my house. Good stuff!
  3. Okay, but since I'm rooted I'm not sure what PRL scans for LTE or not. I live pretty close to target
  4. Yep my mom got LTE in davis. My only concern is whether or not my note 2 should be on the 2011 PRL
  5. Hmm, mt contract ends in November. You think sac LTE will drop by then? Especially in the Davis area?
  6. Cool, a friend of mine said 3G got better here. Today I updated my PRL from a verizon back to sprint, buy went from 200kbps to 20, so I'm not sure if it was just my location or things haven't changed. I have a note 2 and it went on the 2011 PRL, is that the most recent one or did I just get a bad update? My phone has a custom ROM if that affects it.
  7. Cool thanks. A while back I had LTE in sacramento but since I'm on a verizon PRL (and too lazy to constantly change them) I have no idea when it's up and running. I'll be checking these following weeks though, it seems as if Sprint is rebuilding big. Gonna be an exciting year.
  8. Anyone know when LTE will come here in Davis? The kid at sprint promised LTE Spring of last year. I'm rocking a verizon PRL which is more tolerable than sprint's 3g. Anyone got any dates?
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