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Everything posted by snakester

  1. Yep. Menu button, settings, uncheck intercept calls to care. Mine intercepts *2 also. Sent from my SPH-L720 using Tapatalk
  2. Hmm didn't notice cropping crunched It that bad... I'll have to try to grab another pic at some point. The source looks OK but when I crop it it lost a ton of resolution. Area is a little inland of Seacoast New Hampshire, zip 03833. The reason I'm so curious is because there's a tower within view a little ways more than across the street with like four or five racks of panels on it and these guys were just like NOPE NEW TOWER. Probably didn't word the title the best either Sent from my SPH-L720 using Tapatalk
  3. I can get better pictures if necessary too Sent from my SPH-L720 using Tapatalk
  4. Any idea? I happened to be driving around today and noticed this thing, and didn't see It on the premier maps, so I'm assuming it's not Sprint. I never noticed it before today. It's double weird to me because there's a tower less than a tenth of a mile away on the other side of the road with all the carriers as far as I can tell. Sent from my SPH-L720 using Tapatalk
  5. Those were the old terms. Now it's if you're In the top data users and are connected to an overburdened site ALL your traffic is deprioritized, not just video. Still don't need to worry though because they're not grandfathering anyone. You'll be subject to the throttle even on your old plan. Sent from my SPH-L720 using Tapatalk
  6. I'm way too lazy to go dig it up right now but a while back they actually were advertising unlimited with no throttling or management. Sent from my 831C using Tapatalk
  7. And this comparison is more like what they reserved the right to do when I signed up, which was selective throttling of video. It's not like when they tell shrimp guy to not have more shrimp, they cut him off from getting anything else. From the way Conan Kudo described it earlier in the thread, you're essentially cut off from network resources as long as people who aren't in the 5% are utilizing them fully. Another thing I find amusing is that same user says the way this throttle works completely breaks streaming but yet they just made a deal with Spotify. Smart move. On a side note the buffets in my area seem to be smarter than the fictional analogy ones here. Signs about one plate at a time and only one serving of crabs legs at places that have them all over the place.
  8. The switch providers side of things is more big picture. I live in a semi rural area, sort of a buffer strip in the middle between a big city and the mountains. I was happy with the value proposition Sprint brought me, which was giving up some native coverage for completely unlimited data. Now they're changing up the value proposition, which makes me re-evaluate.
  9. Now see I find that one inaccurate. They never sold unlimited as "unlimited". Buffets tend to have rules in place that are posted and one of them is "one plate at a time and no sampling". Sprint never sold me unlimited as one plate and back to the table. There are provisions in the ToS (which for some reason no carrier seems to want to enforce) that are more than capable of dealing with the abusers. You get rid of them and I wouldn't be surprised to see a good chunk of this issue go away. Before you say"oh they're just using their unlimited" Sprint never said you could use unlimited tethering data.
  10. Not everyone's situation is the same. With the way Corp discounts are applied and amounts the AT&T plan would be very similar in cost to what I'm paying now. I also had no other animosity before this. Right after switching I was a huge Sprint fanboy. I actually got people to switch, and they're happy. And thankfully they don't use a ton of data or they'd probably be mad. The difference with it is now when a tower is overloaded, everyone's having the same experience. This is "oh this tower is overloaded, well let's give someone else who pays the same as you better service." Just because they're not using their plan to the same potential I am. I hate analogies because they're never truly accurate but it'd be kind of like telling someone with a large grocery cart that they have to let the people with smaller orders in front of them.
  11. I'm genuinely curious how people can defend this. I paid an ETF to Verizon because I actually needed unlimited data to my phone. I don't cheat, I pay for a tethering plan when I need to connect my laptop or tablet. I just use what I was sold, unlimited phone data. Not "unlimited phone data, except data communism." I've said it before, I'll say it again. There's plenty of stuff in the ToS they can boot the hardcore triple gig abusers off for. Not to mention I use most of my data offpeak, so why do I get to be punished when I want to use a small amount during the day? I use 10GB a month at the absolute most. AT&Ts 10GB plan looks mighty nice because of this. Sent from my 831C using Tapatalk
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