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S4GRU Member
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Everything posted by elkaku

  1. My menu doesnt have the "buttons"part..... Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2
  2. Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2 Thnxs a lot!!!!! I gotta be careful cuz now apple can sue me.....lol
  3. What app can I download to take screenshots on the htcEVO4gLTE...since it doesn't have the search button for the "long press" option... Sent from my htcEVO4gLTE
  4. Bad Teacher Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2
  5. Bad Medicine Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2
  6. Divorce Lawyer sent from my super smart phone.....htcEVO4g
  7. Track whore sent from my super smart phone.....htcEVO4g
  8. Sue Bird sent from my super smart phone.....htcEVO4g
  9. Wasp Sting sent from my super smart phone.....htcEVO4g
  10. You said "had" does that mean that we will have more towers for the sprint NV/LTE??? sent from my super smart phone.....htcEVO4g
  11. Spin Doctors sent from my super smart phone.....htcEVO4g
  12. Staff meeting sent from my super smart phone.....htcEVO4g
  13. Sex rehab sent from my super smart phone.....htcEVO4g
  14. Amazing Spiderman sent from my super smart phone.....htcEVO4g
  15. Jam box sent from my super smart phone.....htcEVO4g
  16. Back Order sent from my super smart phone.....htcEVO4g
  17. Pre Staged sent from my super smart phone.....htcEVO4g
  18. Split second sent from my super smart phone.....htcEVO4g
  19. Corrupt government sent from my super smart phone.....htcEVO4g
  20. Gohst Buster!!!!! sent from my super smart phone.....htcEVO4g
  21. Chicken Tenders sent from my super smart phone.....htcEVO4g
  22. Lamb Chop sent from my super smart phone.....htcEVO4g
  23. Chop Shop sent from my super smart phone.....htcEVO4g
  24. Diet Coke sent from my super smart phone.....htcEVO4g
  25. Just wait till I get my htcEVO and lets go on a solo X better!!!! sent from my super smart phone.....htcEVO4g
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