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Conan Kudo

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Everything posted by Conan Kudo

  1. Not entirely. Some places are like that, but others are a modernization effort like Sprint's.
  2. I hope India is included in the 100 countries that @TMobile offers free roaming to. I think my parents would be very pleased about that!

  3. I wonder if the mutual usage of Han characters by Korea, Japan, and China makes written language somewhat mutually intelligible?

  4. RT @siromega: Brief 2c on the Government Shutdown http://t.co/FMSryMu3ko

  5. America: a land of liberals, governed by conservatives? | Oliver Burkeman http://t.co/fjllS0UuD6 via @guardian

  6. RT @TMobile: Welcome International superstar @Shakira to team @TMobile. Get ready, the #UnCarrier Revolution continues 2013.10.09 http://t.…

  7. Ugh. Barely lasted an hour at work before I knew I was too sick to work today. :(

  8. Six of One - Obamacare vs. The Affordable Care Act: http://t.co/AoUYBBBVAL via @youtube

  9. RT @FCC: We're sorry, but FCC will not be tweeting or responding to @ replies during the government shutdown

  10. CNN Poll: GOP would bear the brunt of shutdown blame http://t.co/S7CO3hCkTp

  11. I'm well aware of that. I did it myself to get Starkville, MS upgraded by T-Mobile last year. I'm grateful to the T-Mobile executive and engineering teams for listening to me and doing that. We often forget that businesses are run by people, and telecom is a people-oriented business (despite how many feel about it right now).
  12. If I thought that I had a snowball's chance of getting support from the public, I'd run for office. This stuff needs to be fixed.

  13. Galician sounds like the bastard child of Spanish and Portuguese. Catalan sounds like the bastard child of Spanish and French.

  14. That guy wrote a letter to Dan Hesse convincing him to do it. It's fairly unusual, but heartfelt stuff like that can work.
  15. There are no words to express how outraged I am by http://t.co/XR2gd3NaqzEven if the EU is cutting roaming rates, this isn't the answer!

  16. The "Americas" model (yes, it's intended for North, Central, and South America) supports Band 25. It only lacks Band 26.
  17. RT @GSDPartnership: Just got confirmation! Starkville has officially emailed intent to respond to @cspire Fiber to the Home RFI. Step one. …

  18. I say BS to that. The iPhone 5 does support the CSIM program, since that's how Verizon authenticates CDMA on its LTE devices (including the iPhone 5). Whether or not Sprint's CSIM program is authorized to work on an iPhone 5 is another matter, though.
  19. RT @TMobile: 5 years ago today, we partnered with Google to launch @Android! RT if you proudly rep #TeamAndroid @TMobile http://t.co/k7q8bk…

  20. 真実はいつも一つ!ఎల్లప్పుడూ ఒకే నిజం లేదు!Es gibt immer nur eine Wahrheit!Siempre, hay una sola verdad!Always, there's only one truth!(ಠ‿ಠ)

  21. What's annoying is that @FUNimation won't release it in the US dubbed. I wonder if the streams are doing well on http://t.co/p8AdLwziRo?

  22. I'm scared by how weak the understanding of modern network technologies that operators have...

  23. The twentieth anniversary of Detective Conan is in 2016. I wonder what will be done for that? Hopefully, it'll be huge!

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