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Everything posted by IamMrFamous07

  1. Have sprint started deployment spark cells (Band 41 small cells)? I know they stated back in December that small cells will play a huge role for 2015 but I don't think we heard anything yet...
  2. RT @HillaryClinton: I'm running for president. Everyday Americans need a champion, and I want to be that champion. –H https://t.co/w8Hoe1pb…

  3. Kinda sad I'll have to teach my nephews and kids to fear the police. Smh

  4. Wifi calling is working well on my iPhone 6!! Next thing is VoLTE lol
  5. Personally I don't care if Sprint becomes #4. That doesn't affect me, my service, or my perception of sprint. If anything it will just make Marcelo and Masa Son more hungry to take back the #3 position but right now they have more important things to worry about.
  6. RT @FreddyAmazin: when u got like 15 essays 4 assignments and 6 exams to study for and u just chill in bed contemplating ur whole life http…

  7. I know its in the plan but I hope devices next year support FDD TDD carrier aggregation.
  8. Don't forget the G flex 2 is capable of this as well! All handsets on Sprints network will benefit the additional B41 carrier. Gives more B41 access for Spark handsets which will alleviate congestion issues with band 25 so single band LTE devices will have a better experience too.
  9. RT @NonnyUzo: This guys comment on Rihanna's video for tidal has me crying ???????? http://t.co/c1gsTyLQfN

  10. Yeah I'm thinking that too. But with the statement "A new era of commitment" I immediately thought of network commitments since that's were sprint lacked in past eras and plus the event is in Chicago and Chicago has been sprints main priority market since NV1.0
  11. “@iamjosemena: I'm convinced that people intentionally irritate me...” Or you're easily irritated

  12. I don't even know how I'm awake right now. Smh

  13. “@iamjosemena: Once again... hiding from the world in my bathroom stall...” @misselenibee http://t.co/I9M20Okz7n

  14. RT @Pinky_Balboa: LMAO RT @SoloChills: RT @csokcity: When you got invited to the wrong party but you still turnt http://t.co/pVtlGgnMxm

  15. RT @DrayaFace: I need like 400 million dollars.

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